Questões de Vestibular de Inglês - Pronomes | Pronouns

Foram encontradas 140 questões

Q538062 Inglês
In terms of pronominal reference,
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: PUC - RJ Prova: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - PUC - RJ - Vestibular - 1° Dia - Prova Tarde grupo 5 |
Q537988 Inglês
In the fragment, “The ordinary-looking models (…) likely to be encountered on roads” (. l 74-78), the demonstrative “These” refers to
Ano: 2013 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: PUC - RJ Prova: CESGRANRIO - 2013 - PUC - RJ - Vestibular - 1° Dia - Prova Tarde grupos 1, 3 e 4 |
Q537958 Inglês
In the fragment, “The ordinary-looking models (…) likely to be encountered on roads” (. 74-78), the demonstrative “These” refers to
Ano: 2014 Banca: UniCEUB Órgão: UniCEUB Prova: UniCEUB - 2014 - UniCEUB - Vestibular - 1º Vestibular |
Q515704 Inglês
A clever ad for ................... new breakfast options, an aim to hit at McDonald’s domination of the market, includes a bunch of people who share the same name as Ronald McDonald but proclaim ................... love for Taco Bell’s new morning offerings.

Ano: 2014 Banca: UniCEUB Órgão: UniCEUB Prova: UniCEUB - 2014 - UniCEUB - Vestibular - 1º Vestibular |
Q515703 Inglês
A new report shows the brains of autistic children, ................... suffer from the disorder tied to a combination of contributing factors ................... genes to the environment, have differences in regions that develop during the mother’s second trimester of pregnancy.

96: D
97: E
98: E
99: B
100: A