Questões de Vestibular CÁSPER LÍBERO 2015 para Vestibular

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Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386151 Inglês
Read the film review below and answer the questions that follow.


How did the financial crash of 2008 happen? This documentary, narrated by Matt Damon, does a good job of explaining a complex story of credit and discredit.

This film is as gripping as any thriller. Aided by some fascinating interviews, Ferguson lays out an awful story. In the 1980s, the markets and financial services were deregulated, and the driving force for this liberalisation was Alan Greenspan, formidable chairman of the US federal reserve board from 1987 to 2006. Banks and loan companies were freer to gamble with their depositors' money; they were themselves freer to borrow more; they were free to offer investors dizzyingly complex financial instruments, with income streams from different debts bundled up, including high-interest home loans offered to high-risk borrowers – the so-called "sub-prime" market that offered mouthwateringly high returns.

Perhaps the most sensational aspect of this film is Ferguson's contention that the crash corrupted the discipline of economics itself. Distinguished economists from America's Ivy League universities were drafted in by banks to compose reports sycophantically supporting reckless deregulation. They were massively paid for these consultancies. The banks bought the prestige of the academics, and their universities' prestige, too. Ferguson speaks to many of these economists, who clearly thought they were going to be interviewed as wry, dispassionate observers. It is really something to see the expression of shock, outrage and fear on their faces as they realise they're in the dock. One splutters with vexation; another gives vent to a ripe Freudian slip. Asked by Ferguson if he has any regrets about his behaviour, he says: "I have no comments … uh, no regrets."

This is what Ferguson means by "inside job". There is a revolving door between the banks and the higher reaches of government, and to some extent the groves of academe. Bank CEOs become government officials, creating laws convenient for their once and future employers.

Perhaps only the pen of Tom Wolfe could do justice to these harassed, bald, middle-aged masters of the universe, as they appear in Ferguson's film. The director shows how their body-language is always the same: somehow more guilty-looking when they are in the White House rose garden in their career pomp, being introduced to the press, than when they are facing openly hostile Senate hearings. They look uneasy, shifty, in weirdly ill-fitting suits, as if they are oppressed by the scrutiny, and worn out, possibly, by the strain of suppressing their own scruples. Their financial capacity far outstrips their capacity for enjoying themselves. They look very unhappy. Occasionally, British figures including Mervyn King and Alistair Darling are to be glimpsed in these photos, reminding us that we Brits have been ardent deregulators, as well.

I was reminded of Michael Lewis's Liar's Poker, his very funny book about the financial mentality of the 80s boom. He noted that if a regular person won the lottery, he might roll around on the floor, kicking his legs up with glee, but when bankers won their arbitrary lottery, they instead became solemn, pompous, overwhelmed with their own importance and stateliness. Their recklessness and excess coexisted with an almost priestly sense of worth. Even more than rich lawyers, rich bankers felt that their money proved their superior cleverness and also moral worthiness as the generators of prosperity. Yet that prosperity didn't trickle down very far.
Source: Access October 10, 2015.
The review of the documentary Inside Job states that:
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386152 Inglês
Read the film review below and answer the questions that follow.


How did the financial crash of 2008 happen? This documentary, narrated by Matt Damon, does a good job of explaining a complex story of credit and discredit.

This film is as gripping as any thriller. Aided by some fascinating interviews, Ferguson lays out an awful story. In the 1980s, the markets and financial services were deregulated, and the driving force for this liberalisation was Alan Greenspan, formidable chairman of the US federal reserve board from 1987 to 2006. Banks and loan companies were freer to gamble with their depositors' money; they were themselves freer to borrow more; they were free to offer investors dizzyingly complex financial instruments, with income streams from different debts bundled up, including high-interest home loans offered to high-risk borrowers – the so-called "sub-prime" market that offered mouthwateringly high returns.

Perhaps the most sensational aspect of this film is Ferguson's contention that the crash corrupted the discipline of economics itself. Distinguished economists from America's Ivy League universities were drafted in by banks to compose reports sycophantically supporting reckless deregulation. They were massively paid for these consultancies. The banks bought the prestige of the academics, and their universities' prestige, too. Ferguson speaks to many of these economists, who clearly thought they were going to be interviewed as wry, dispassionate observers. It is really something to see the expression of shock, outrage and fear on their faces as they realise they're in the dock. One splutters with vexation; another gives vent to a ripe Freudian slip. Asked by Ferguson if he has any regrets about his behaviour, he says: "I have no comments … uh, no regrets."

This is what Ferguson means by "inside job". There is a revolving door between the banks and the higher reaches of government, and to some extent the groves of academe. Bank CEOs become government officials, creating laws convenient for their once and future employers.

Perhaps only the pen of Tom Wolfe could do justice to these harassed, bald, middle-aged masters of the universe, as they appear in Ferguson's film. The director shows how their body-language is always the same: somehow more guilty-looking when they are in the White House rose garden in their career pomp, being introduced to the press, than when they are facing openly hostile Senate hearings. They look uneasy, shifty, in weirdly ill-fitting suits, as if they are oppressed by the scrutiny, and worn out, possibly, by the strain of suppressing their own scruples. Their financial capacity far outstrips their capacity for enjoying themselves. They look very unhappy. Occasionally, British figures including Mervyn King and Alistair Darling are to be glimpsed in these photos, reminding us that we Brits have been ardent deregulators, as well.

I was reminded of Michael Lewis's Liar's Poker, his very funny book about the financial mentality of the 80s boom. He noted that if a regular person won the lottery, he might roll around on the floor, kicking his legs up with glee, but when bankers won their arbitrary lottery, they instead became solemn, pompous, overwhelmed with their own importance and stateliness. Their recklessness and excess coexisted with an almost priestly sense of worth. Even more than rich lawyers, rich bankers felt that their money proved their superior cleverness and also moral worthiness as the generators of prosperity. Yet that prosperity didn't trickle down very far.
Source: Access October 10, 2015.
On the sentence ‘There is a revolving door between the banks and the higher reaches of government.’, the expression underlined and in italic means:
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386153 Inglês
Read the film review below and answer the questions that follow.


How did the financial crash of 2008 happen? This documentary, narrated by Matt Damon, does a good job of explaining a complex story of credit and discredit.

This film is as gripping as any thriller. Aided by some fascinating interviews, Ferguson lays out an awful story. In the 1980s, the markets and financial services were deregulated, and the driving force for this liberalisation was Alan Greenspan, formidable chairman of the US federal reserve board from 1987 to 2006. Banks and loan companies were freer to gamble with their depositors' money; they were themselves freer to borrow more; they were free to offer investors dizzyingly complex financial instruments, with income streams from different debts bundled up, including high-interest home loans offered to high-risk borrowers – the so-called "sub-prime" market that offered mouthwateringly high returns.

Perhaps the most sensational aspect of this film is Ferguson's contention that the crash corrupted the discipline of economics itself. Distinguished economists from America's Ivy League universities were drafted in by banks to compose reports sycophantically supporting reckless deregulation. They were massively paid for these consultancies. The banks bought the prestige of the academics, and their universities' prestige, too. Ferguson speaks to many of these economists, who clearly thought they were going to be interviewed as wry, dispassionate observers. It is really something to see the expression of shock, outrage and fear on their faces as they realise they're in the dock. One splutters with vexation; another gives vent to a ripe Freudian slip. Asked by Ferguson if he has any regrets about his behaviour, he says: "I have no comments … uh, no regrets."

This is what Ferguson means by "inside job". There is a revolving door between the banks and the higher reaches of government, and to some extent the groves of academe. Bank CEOs become government officials, creating laws convenient for their once and future employers.

Perhaps only the pen of Tom Wolfe could do justice to these harassed, bald, middle-aged masters of the universe, as they appear in Ferguson's film. The director shows how their body-language is always the same: somehow more guilty-looking when they are in the White House rose garden in their career pomp, being introduced to the press, than when they are facing openly hostile Senate hearings. They look uneasy, shifty, in weirdly ill-fitting suits, as if they are oppressed by the scrutiny, and worn out, possibly, by the strain of suppressing their own scruples. Their financial capacity far outstrips their capacity for enjoying themselves. They look very unhappy. Occasionally, British figures including Mervyn King and Alistair Darling are to be glimpsed in these photos, reminding us that we Brits have been ardent deregulators, as well.

I was reminded of Michael Lewis's Liar's Poker, his very funny book about the financial mentality of the 80s boom. He noted that if a regular person won the lottery, he might roll around on the floor, kicking his legs up with glee, but when bankers won their arbitrary lottery, they instead became solemn, pompous, overwhelmed with their own importance and stateliness. Their recklessness and excess coexisted with an almost priestly sense of worth. Even more than rich lawyers, rich bankers felt that their money proved their superior cleverness and also moral worthiness as the generators of prosperity. Yet that prosperity didn't trickle down very far.
Source: Access October 10, 2015.
‘The groves of academe’, on the review:
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386154 Inglês
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This film recounts the history and attitudes of the opposing sides of the Vietnam War using archival news footage as well as its own film and interviews. A key theme is how attitudes of American racism and self-righteous militarism helped create and prolong this bloody conflict. The film also endeavors to give voice to the Vietnamese people themselves as to how the war has affected them and their reasons why they fight the United States and other western powers while showing the basic humanity of the people that US propaganda tried to dismiss. Written by Kenneth Chisholm
Source: on October 10, 2015

According to the storyline above, the film Hearts & Minds:
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386155 Inglês
The words self-righteous, bloody and endeavors, would not suffer any difference in meaning if replaced by:
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386156 Matemática
Em agosto deste ano foi aprovada na Câmara dos Deputados a Proposta de Emenda à Constituição nº 115/2015 que prevê a redução de maioridade penal para crimes hediondos, homicídio doloso e lesão corporal seguida de morte. De maneira sintética, no Brasil, a legislação considera crime hediondo homicídio qualificado ou quando praticado por grupo de extermínio, latrocínio, extorsão qualificada pela morte ou mediante sequestro, estupro, atentado violento ao pudor, lesão corporal qualificada, exploração sexual de menores ou vulneráveis, adulteração de medicamentos e a causação de epidemia que resulte em morte.

Uma estatística recente sobre as infrações atribuídas a adolescentes pode ser observada no gráfico abaixo.

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De acordo com o texto e o gráfico anteriores, assinale a alternativa que apresenta o diagnóstico correto sobre os atos infracionais atribuídos a adolescentes.
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386157 Matemática
Apenas em 2012, mais de 1,2 milhão de pessoas em todo o mundo perderam a vida em acidentes de trânsito. Segundo a OMS, o Brasil está em quarto lugar em número de mortes no trânsito. Caso não sejam adotadas medidas que modifiquem essa tendência, até 2030 os acidentes de trânsito se tornarão a quinta principal causa mortis no mundo.

In “Impactos da redução dos limites de velocidade em áreas urbanas – EMBARQ – Brasil“
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Leia o texto e observe o quadro na página 32 e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a conclusão correta.
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386158 Matemática
Gráfico compara os custos relativos do sistema de metrô em várias partes do mundo e revela disparidades.

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A complexidade dos projetos de transporte, no caso de metrôs mostra-se ainda maior, pelo porte das intervenções e sua permanência no tempo. Segundo o engenheiro Peter Alouche, consultor de transporte sobre trilhos, “as estações são projetadas para durar 100 anos, o material rodante 50 anos e a parte eletrônica para ao menos dez anos”.

É o que explica a enorme disparidade de custos de construção de várias linhas de metrô em cidades do mundo.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a afirmação correta sobre as informações apresentadas no gráfico e no texto anteriores.
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386159 Matemática
A tabela abaixo mostra as médias mensais da chuva registrada no sistema Cantareira de outubro de 2013 a setembro de 2014, período que marcou o início da crise hídrica em São Paulo.

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Fonte: Relatório da situação atual e previsão hidrológica para o sistema Cantareira – Cemaden

Para o período registrado, a média e a mediana dos dados observados é de respectivamente:
Ano: 2015 Banca: CÁSPER LÍBERO Órgão: CÁSPER LÍBERO Prova: CÁSPER LÍBERO - 2015 - CÁSPER LÍBERO - Vestibular |
Q1386160 Matemática
Nos últimos anos, o mundo tem buscado, por meio de pesquisas em diversos setores, uma maior efetividade em todos os processos do nosso cotidiano.

O gráfico abaixo mostra a porcentagem de consumo de energia dos equipamentos mais utilizados no dia a dia de uma residência.

De acordo com o gráfico, uma residência que consome 400kWh de energia por mês está consumindo:
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21: C
22: D
23: E
24: A
25: B
26: A
27: E
28: C
29: A
30: D