Questões de Vestibular UNB 2024 para Prova de Conhecimentos I - Inglês - 1° dia
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Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
In the second sentence of the first paragraph, the excerpt “an ambition to penetrate the secrets of nature, heaven, and Earth” can be understood as an explanation for the “unrelenting ‘thirst of knowledge’” that drove Victor Frankenstein.
According to the text, at the end of Mary Shelley’s novel, Doctor Frankenstein kills the monster he created.
In the last sentence of the first paragraph, “awry” is used to indicate that Victor Frankenstein’s plan went well, as his creature was similar to a human being.
According to the author of the text, Shelley’s novel should be mentioned in debates over AI because it proves things can go very wrong with new technologies.
In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the excerpt “Our wonderchildren, our miraculous machines” refers to the creatures that may be created by AI.
The last paragraph of the text states that Elon Musk was thinking of Mary Shelley when he declared scientists didn’t realize the ramifications of what they were doing.
According to the text, Elon Musk is someone who is afraid of robots, even though he is one of the leaders of technological innovation.
The word “It”, in the beginning of the second sentence of the text, refers to “some artifact which has a mind in the same sense that we have minds”.
The first sentence of the first paragraph would still keep both its original meaning and its grammar correctness if the word “might” were replaced with can.
The text states that the idea of developing human-like minds in non-human artefacts has been part of fictional production for many decades.
The author suggests that the philosophical question behind the development of AI plays a more central role in the AI related debate than the advanced technology it demands.
From the information given in the second paragraph of the text, it is correct to assume that the origins of the word “robots” had to do with the slavery system.
With the sentence “AI can do amazing things, but they’re a mundane sort of amazing”, the author indicates that he does not believe in everything AI proponents are saying AI can do.
Wealthy people with no technology knowledge are told by proponents to invest in the development of AI because the latter truly believe it is a good investment.
It can be inferred from the text that deep learning depends on a variety of factors, the most important of which being the investment from big businesses.
Because it does not depend on human programming, machine learning does not make mistakes.
According to the second paragraph of the text, learning from data means not depending on human programming but on examples of behavior.
In the last paragraph, the author suggests that a new AI winter is likely to happen if AI proponents maintain their rhetoric.
AI winter cycles have been detrimental to AI progress because, when they happen, people with money reduce their investment in AI development.
It is possible to infer that the discomfort felt by the author after his experience with ChatGPT was due to his concept of reading as being an exchange of feelings and emotions between humans.