Questões de Vestibular UFT 2018 para Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre - Língua Portuguesa, Inglês e Matemática

Foram encontradas 32 questões

Q1399823 Inglês
    Judge says entry of immigrants suspended until conditions for ‘humanitarian reception’ are created – activists called it ‘absurd’
      A judge in Brazil has blocked Venezuelans from entering the border state of Roraima as local authorities harden their stance against the flood of migrants fleeing hunger and hardship in their home country.
    Judge Helder Barreto said he had suspended the entry of Venezuelan immigrants until the conditions for a “humanitarian reception” are created but activists working with migrants attacked it as “absurd”.
   Sister Telma Lage from the non-profit Migration and Human Rights Institute, which helps vulnerable migrants in Roraima’s capital Boa Vista, said the judge had overstepped his authority.            “[Venezuelans] are entering Brazil and seeking refuge because of the vulnerable situation they find themselves in,” she said. “What we fear is the lack of options for those near to the border.”
    Since 2015, more than 56,000 Venezuelans have sought refuge or residency in Brazil amid continuing political turmoil and economic collapse in their home country. […]
    But the flood of migrants has severely stretched health and education services in the poor state of Roraima.
Available at:
According to the text it is CORRECT to affirm:
Q1399824 Inglês
    Judge says entry of immigrants suspended until conditions for ‘humanitarian reception’ are created – activists called it ‘absurd’
      A judge in Brazil has blocked Venezuelans from entering the border state of Roraima as local authorities harden their stance against the flood of migrants fleeing hunger and hardship in their home country.
    Judge Helder Barreto said he had suspended the entry of Venezuelan immigrants until the conditions for a “humanitarian reception” are created but activists working with migrants attacked it as “absurd”.
   Sister Telma Lage from the non-profit Migration and Human Rights Institute, which helps vulnerable migrants in Roraima’s capital Boa Vista, said the judge had overstepped his authority.            “[Venezuelans] are entering Brazil and seeking refuge because of the vulnerable situation they find themselves in,” she said. “What we fear is the lack of options for those near to the border.”
    Since 2015, more than 56,000 Venezuelans have sought refuge or residency in Brazil amid continuing political turmoil and economic collapse in their home country. […]
    But the flood of migrants has severely stretched health and education services in the poor state of Roraima.
Available at:
According to Sister Lage:
Q1399825 Inglês
    Judge says entry of immigrants suspended until conditions for ‘humanitarian reception’ are created – activists called it ‘absurd’
      A judge in Brazil has blocked Venezuelans from entering the border state of Roraima as local authorities harden their stance against the flood of migrants fleeing hunger and hardship in their home country.
    Judge Helder Barreto said he had suspended the entry of Venezuelan immigrants until the conditions for a “humanitarian reception” are created but activists working with migrants attacked it as “absurd”.
   Sister Telma Lage from the non-profit Migration and Human Rights Institute, which helps vulnerable migrants in Roraima’s capital Boa Vista, said the judge had overstepped his authority.            “[Venezuelans] are entering Brazil and seeking refuge because of the vulnerable situation they find themselves in,” she said. “What we fear is the lack of options for those near to the border.”
    Since 2015, more than 56,000 Venezuelans have sought refuge or residency in Brazil amid continuing political turmoil and economic collapse in their home country. […]
    But the flood of migrants has severely stretched health and education services in the poor state of Roraima.
Available at:
The reason why Venezuelans are seeking refuge in Brazil is visible in all the following alternatives, EXCEPT:
Q1399826 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

According to the advertisement it is CORRECT to affirm:

Q1399827 Matemática
As oito questões que compõem a avaliação de Matemática e suas Tecnologias deste vestibular, possuem quatro alternativas, das quais apenas uma é correta. Se você assinalar, aleatoriamente, uma alternativa de cada uma destas oito questões, a probabilidade de errar todas as questões, corresponde a:
Q1399828 Matemática
Em um curso de graduação da UFT, um quinto dos acadêmicos tem altura menor que 1,60 metros, metade tem altura de 1,60 a 1,70 metros e 75 acadêmicos têm mais de 1,70 metros. Quantos acadêmicos, no total, tem o referido curso?
Q1399829 Matemática
Ao realizar o estudo de sua produção diária, uma cozinheira que faz e vende pamonhas, descobriu que o lucro em reais é calculado pela função L(x) = – x2 + 30x – 200, onde x é o número de pamonhas feitas e vendidas. Com base nestas informações, é CORRETO afirmar que o lucro máximo diário da cozinheira é:
Q1399830 Matemática
Um produtor de ovos de galinha e de codorna vende seus produtos na feira da cidade. O cliente A comprou meia dúzia de ovos de galinha e duas dúzias de ovos de codorna, pagando R$ 10,00. O cliente B comprou uma dúzia de ovos de galinha e uma dúzia de ovos de codorna, pagando R$ 11,00. Sabendo-se que não houve alteração nos preços dos ovos, é CORRETO afirmar que o valor de meia dúzia de ovos de codorna é:
Q1399831 Matemática
Quantos anagramas podem ser formados a partir das letras da palavra BURITI?
Q1399832 Raciocínio Lógico
Um atleta fez um plano pessoal de treino de corrida para treze dias consecutivos. O planejamento consiste em, a cada dia, correr meio quilômetro a mais do que a distância percorrida no dia anterior. Sabendo-se que no primeiro dia ele correu quatro quilômetros, é CORRETO afirmar que, ao final do plano de treinamento, o atleta correu, em quilômetros, um total de:
Q1399833 Matemática
Um estudante gastou R$ 390,00 na compra de uma calculadora, de um tênis e de uma mochila. O preço da mochila corresponde a 60% do preço do tênis e a calculadora custou R$ 50,00 a menos que a mochila. Quanto custou o tênis?
Q1399834 Matemática

No plano cartesiano a seguir, estão esboçados os gráficos das funções f(x) = x2 – 2x e g(x) = x.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Sabendo-se que A e C referem-se aos pontos de interseção entre os gráficos das funções f e g, a área do triângulo ABC, em unidades de área, é: 

13: D
14: A
15: B
16: C
17: A
18: D
19: D
20: A
21: C
22: C
23: D
24: B