Questões de Vestibular FAG 2016 para Vestibular, Segundo Semestre

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Ano: 2016 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2016 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1355669 Inglês
Leia os anúncios.

Anúncio 1: Walden University is a highly respected and accredited university, offering career-track Ph.D., master's, and bachelor's degrees. Benefit from Walden's extensive library services as well as their full service Financial Aid office. Programs in Management, Education, Public Administration and Health and Human Services are taught by a stellar faculty. The online curriculum allows you to study when and where it's most convenient. Anúncio 2: Capella University is committed to delivering academic excellence online to our more than 15,700 learners. We offer undergraduate degrees in business, education, human services, information technology, and psychology. Anúncio 3: Kaplan University – Advance your career. And do it without missing a day of work. sub=psychology. 

O elemento comum nas três universidades é a oferta de Cursos:
Ano: 2016 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2016 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1355670 Inglês
Text 1

Civil societies can only thrive when damaging stereotypes are broken down. The difficulty is that stereotypes are sometimes hard to recognize because they are fixed beliefs. Learning to identify stereotypes is one of the first steps we must take to build a civil society. All of us face peer pressure when confronted with a joke which puts down a certain minority. It takes courage to raise objections to these jokes and pejorative names and to actively fight the prejudice and bigotry which they foster. It is important to stand up against injustice, and fight the discrimination, stereotypes, and scapegoating which have served as the precursors to persecution, violence, and genocide. After identifying stereotypes, we can work toward eliminating them from society. When stereotypes are eliminated, it will be easier to acknowledge and appreciate individual differences. When we live in a society that is open to cultural diversity and that values the contributions of all society members – regardless of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, race, life styles, and belief – we will be one step closer to living in a civil society.
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Segundo o texto 1, as sociedades civis só podem prosperar se os estereótipos nocivos forem eliminados. O que impede que isso aconteça deve-se ao fato de que os estereótipos:
Q1355671 Inglês
Text 1

Civil societies can only thrive when damaging stereotypes are broken down. The difficulty is that stereotypes are sometimes hard to recognize because they are fixed beliefs. Learning to identify stereotypes is one of the first steps we must take to build a civil society. All of us face peer pressure when confronted with a joke which puts down a certain minority. It takes courage to raise objections to these jokes and pejorative names and to actively fight the prejudice and bigotry which they foster. It is important to stand up against injustice, and fight the discrimination, stereotypes, and scapegoating which have served as the precursors to persecution, violence, and genocide. After identifying stereotypes, we can work toward eliminating them from society. When stereotypes are eliminated, it will be easier to acknowledge and appreciate individual differences. When we live in a society that is open to cultural diversity and that values the contributions of all society members – regardless of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, race, life styles, and belief – we will be one step closer to living in a civil society.
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No texto 1, afirma-se que “é preciso coragem para se opor a essas piadas [...]”. Você estaria se opondo a uma piada se dissesse:
1: E
2: A
3: D