Questões de Vestibular FAG 2017 para Vestibular, Primeiro Semestre - Medicina
Foram encontradas 50 questões
I. Na linha 2, o autor afirma que “o jornalismo é também um pouco de sociologia”. O uso da palavra também faz pressupor outro significado além do que está explícito no texto, a saber: O jornalismo é tudo e mais um pouco. II. Na linha 2, ocorre o conectivo ‘‘mas’’, que manifesta uma relação de contradição entre dois enunciados: O jornalismo pode conter sociologia, não como um todo e sim, como parte. III. Na linha 6, a expressão ‘‘quanto mais’’ manifesta uma relação proporcional entre dois termos, quais sejam: jornalismo racional e jornalismo emocional. IV. Na linha 9, está dito: “e rachou o seu corpo”; nas linhas 9 e 10 afirma-se: “não era o seu filho”. O pronome possessivo em cada caso refere-se na 1.ª colocação ao corpo do menino P... e na 2.ª colocação está se referindo a do Personagem F... Tais recursos são indispensáveis no texto, caso contrário a coesão e coerência ficariam comprometidas. V. Na linha 10, afirma-se: “F. descobrira isso poucos minutos antes...”. O caso de coesão por catáfora faz referência à descoberta que o menino P... não era o seu filho. VI. O texto “O pulo do gato” caracteriza-se como uma resenha crítica.
Está correto o que se afirma em:
I. Utiliza como recurso textual, um argumento de autoridade de modo a gerar o nível de credibilidade pretendido. II. Através de fatos históricos e testemunhos comprováveis produz um nível de expectativa pertinente ao tipo textual proposto. III. Estabelece um comparativo entre tipos diferentes de lembranças, de modo a considerar a superioridade de um em relação ao outro.
Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s)
O acendedor de lampiões
Lá vem o acendedor de lampiões da rua!
Este mesmo que vem infatigavelmente,
Parodiar o sol e associar-se à lua
Quando a sombra da noite enegrece o poente!
Um, dois, três lampiões, acende e continua
Outros mais a acender imperturbavelmente,
À medida que a noite aos poucos se acentua
E a palidez da lua apenas se pressente.
Triste ironia atroz que o senso humano irrita:
Ele que doira à noite e ilumina a cidade,
Talvez não tenha luz na choupana em que habita.
Tanta gente também nos outros insinua
Crenças, religiões, amor, felicidade,
Como este acendedor de lampiões da rua
(Jorge de Lima)
I. O poema se desenvolve a partir da oposição entre dois temas: a injustiça social, representada pela pobreza do acendedor de lampiões, e a falsidade de crenças e ideais propostos à sociedade. II. O poema apresenta um único tema, o da injustiça social, ao qual todas as imagens apresentadas ao longo do texto se subordinam. III. O poema se desenvolve a partir da comparação entre dois temas distintos, mas complementares: o da contraditória situação vivida pelo acendedor de lampiões, e o da falsidade de crenças e ideais propostos à sociedade.
É CORRETO o que se afirma em:
O acendedor de lampiões
Lá vem o acendedor de lampiões da rua!
Este mesmo que vem infatigavelmente,
Parodiar o sol e associar-se à lua
Quando a sombra da noite enegrece o poente!
Um, dois, três lampiões, acende e continua
Outros mais a acender imperturbavelmente,
À medida que a noite aos poucos se acentua
E a palidez da lua apenas se pressente.
Triste ironia atroz que o senso humano irrita:
Ele que doira à noite e ilumina a cidade,
Talvez não tenha luz na choupana em que habita.
Tanta gente também nos outros insinua
Crenças, religiões, amor, felicidade,
Como este acendedor de lampiões da rua
(Jorge de Lima)
O acendedor de lampiões
Lá vem o acendedor de lampiões da rua!
Este mesmo que vem infatigavelmente,
Parodiar o sol e associar-se à lua
Quando a sombra da noite enegrece o poente!
Um, dois, três lampiões, acende e continua
Outros mais a acender imperturbavelmente,
À medida que a noite aos poucos se acentua
E a palidez da lua apenas se pressente.
Triste ironia atroz que o senso humano irrita:
Ele que doira à noite e ilumina a cidade,
Talvez não tenha luz na choupana em que habita.
Tanta gente também nos outros insinua
Crenças, religiões, amor, felicidade,
Como este acendedor de lampiões da rua
(Jorge de Lima)
Text 1: Brazil judge lifts WhatsApp suspension
A judge in Brazil has ordered that a suspension of the popular messaging application WhatsApp be lifted. Judge Xavier de Souza said the service should be re-instated immediately. A court had ordered the service be suspended for 48 hours on Thursday for failing to comply with a court order to provide investigators with information relating to a criminal court case.
Judge Souza said it was “not reasonable that millions of users be affected by the inertia of the company”. “Extreme ruling” Brazilians had complained bitterly on social media about the suspension of Whatsapp, which is a hugely popular app used by many to communicate with family, friends and colleagues both inside of Brazil and abroad. Ninety-three per cent of the country's internet population use Whatsapp, according to the TechCrunch website, with many young and poor Brazilians taking advantage of its free text message and internet telephone service.
Within hours of the suspension being coming into force, the hashtag #Nessas48HorasEuVou (#Inthese48hoursIwill) began trending on Twitter, with Brazilians joking about all the things they would do during the suspension. Impact of the WhatsApp ban - Paula K, a Brazilian living in London In a country where mobile providers charge a fortune for a monthly plan – not to mention the high cost of making international calls – the use of WhatsApp for both texts and internet calls allows expats like me to keep a direct line with family, friends or even colleagues back home.
It’s worth remembering that Brazil already has a high cost of living – services and products often cost the same price as they do in the UK – but people often only earn about a third of the wage they would here. One of my friends who works for one of the major mobile providers in Brazil said it was advising people to download alternative apps such as Viber and/or create a group on Messenger to keep the communication flowing. “I am stunned that our efforts to protect people’s data would result in such an extreme decision by a single judge to punish every person in Brazil who uses WhatsApp,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in a post on Facebook.
The suspension was ordered after WhatsApp failed to comply with a court order. The court which ordered the suspension gave little detail, apart from saying that the order related to a criminal case. But Brazilian media said WhatsApp had been asked to provide details of communication by a suspected gang member who is alleged to have used WhatsApp to organise illegal activity. Separately from the court case, Brazilian phone companies have urged the government to restrict the use of free voice-over-internet services offered through WhatsApp.
The phone companies argue that the rise of WhatsApp has damaged their businesses. Meanwhile other messaging services said they had benefited from the temporary absence of WhatsApp. One such company, Telegram, said on Twitter that more than 1.5 million Brazilian users had joined up since the court order was handed down.
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Text 1: Brazil judge lifts WhatsApp suspension
A judge in Brazil has ordered that a suspension of the popular messaging application WhatsApp be lifted. Judge Xavier de Souza said the service should be re-instated immediately. A court had ordered the service be suspended for 48 hours on Thursday for failing to comply with a court order to provide investigators with information relating to a criminal court case.
Judge Souza said it was “not reasonable that millions of users be affected by the inertia of the company”. “Extreme ruling” Brazilians had complained bitterly on social media about the suspension of Whatsapp, which is a hugely popular app used by many to communicate with family, friends and colleagues both inside of Brazil and abroad. Ninety-three per cent of the country's internet population use Whatsapp, according to the TechCrunch website, with many young and poor Brazilians taking advantage of its free text message and internet telephone service.
Within hours of the suspension being coming into force, the hashtag #Nessas48HorasEuVou (#Inthese48hoursIwill) began trending on Twitter, with Brazilians joking about all the things they would do during the suspension. Impact of the WhatsApp ban - Paula K, a Brazilian living in London In a country where mobile providers charge a fortune for a monthly plan – not to mention the high cost of making international calls – the use of WhatsApp for both texts and internet calls allows expats like me to keep a direct line with family, friends or even colleagues back home.
It’s worth remembering that Brazil already has a high cost of living – services and products often cost the same price as they do in the UK – but people often only earn about a third of the wage they would here. One of my friends who works for one of the major mobile providers in Brazil said it was advising people to download alternative apps such as Viber and/or create a group on Messenger to keep the communication flowing. “I am stunned that our efforts to protect people’s data would result in such an extreme decision by a single judge to punish every person in Brazil who uses WhatsApp,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote in a post on Facebook.
The suspension was ordered after WhatsApp failed to comply with a court order. The court which ordered the suspension gave little detail, apart from saying that the order related to a criminal case. But Brazilian media said WhatsApp had been asked to provide details of communication by a suspected gang member who is alleged to have used WhatsApp to organise illegal activity. Separately from the court case, Brazilian phone companies have urged the government to restrict the use of free voice-over-internet services offered through WhatsApp.
The phone companies argue that the rise of WhatsApp has damaged their businesses. Meanwhile other messaging services said they had benefited from the temporary absence of WhatsApp. One such company, Telegram, said on Twitter that more than 1.5 million Brazilian users had joined up since the court order was handed down.
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( ) Society are obsessed with machines which save us time and this is why we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. ( ) In the USA, a book called One-Minute Bedtime Stories were made for 'busy parents', because they want to save time. ( ) Nowadays most people don't have enough time to read the articles. This is why the headlines are growing larger and the articles are ever smaller.
The CORRECT alternative respectively is:
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Se a aresta AF é 5% maior que a aresta AD, então o volume da pirâmide ADGFE, em cm3, é:
Considere a matriz
A soma das raízes da equação det(M2) = 25 é igual a: