Questões de Vestibular FAG 2017 para Vestibular, Segundo Semestre - Medicina

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Ano: 2017 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2017 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1355152 Literatura

Irene no céu

“Irene preta

Irene boa

Irene sempre de bom humor.

Imagino Irene entrando no céu:

– Licença, meu branco!

E São Pedro, bonachão:

– Entra, Irene. Você não precisa pedir licença.”

A respeito do romance “Terras do sem fim” de Jorge Amado, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Ano: 2017 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2017 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1355153 Inglês
Text 1

    (…) Today, the term information has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term has become very recognizable. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems.
    When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or “infotech”. Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. Presumably, when speaking of Information Technology (IT) as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.

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In the language studies classroom in State schools, information technology can be used for many purposes, one of which is simply
Ano: 2017 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2017 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1355154 Inglês
Text 1

    (…) Today, the term information has ballooned to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term has become very recognizable. IT professionals perform a variety of duties that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as the management and administration of entire systems.
    When computer and communications technologies are combined, the result is information technology, or “infotech”. Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. Presumably, when speaking of Information Technology (IT) as a whole, it is noted that the use of computers and information are associated.

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Podemos dizer que esse texto 1 é:
Ano: 2017 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2017 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1355155 Inglês
Text 2

Going on holiday?

Don’t advertise the fact that your house is empty. Do remember to cancel the milk and newspapers and also to draw curtains back. Don’t leave notes for tradesmen and try not to talk about your holidays and future plans loudly in public. Operate a “Good Neighbour” scheme to ensure that mail is taken in, the house checked regularly and that lights are put on. If you plan to be away for a long time, make sure that your lawn is cut. Call at your local police station and tell them you are going away. Make sure that they know who has your spare key and how you can be contacted in case of trouble. Especially at holiday time, don’t leave cash or valuables in the house ─ take them with you or lodge them with the bank.
(Quoted in Penny Ur. A course in language teaching)
Of the suggestions given by the London Metropolitan Police to the people of the city, which one shows a view of the world radically contrasted to that of Brazilian society?
Ano: 2017 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2017 - FAG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre - Medicina |
Q1355156 Inglês
Text 3


Acupuncture is an important component of Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM) that involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points (acupoints), which are primarily located along meridians. The TOM theory of acupuncture is based in part on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow composed of Qi (pronounced Chee) throughout the body. This energy flow is required for good health; blockages in Qi lead to pain and ill health. (All traditional oriental medicine practices are focused on improving the flow and balance of Qi.) Thus, according to TOM practitioners, the use of acupuncture stimulates certain points in the energy channels, restoring (or maintaining) a healthy flow and balance. TOM practitioners use acupuncture to treat and prevent a range of conditions and illnesses, even colds and flu. In the U.S., one of its most common uses is to relieve pain, but it is also used for a host of other conditions ranging from ear, nose and throat disease to neurological and respiratory problems and even depression. Acupuncture may be the only intervention used, or it may be used in conjunction with other Oriental therapies such as herbs, or with more conventional therapies. Widely practiced around the world, especially in Asia (the practice originated in China) and Europe, acupuncture didn’t gain a notable following in the U.S. until the 1970s, after President Richard Nixon’s visit to the People’s Republic of China. James Reston, a member of the press corps accompanying Nixon, also piqued public interest when he wrote about how physicians in Beijing eased his postsurgery abdominal pain with needles. Acupuncture has been gaining popularity in the U.S. ever since. The World Health Organization (WHO), using different criteria, has recognized acupuncture as an appropriate treatment for more than 40 conditions, including certain digestive, respiratory, neurological, muscular, urinary, menstrual and reproductive disorders.
According to the text 3:
11: A
12: B
13: D
14: A
15: C