Questões de Vestibular FAG 2018 para Vestibular, Segundo Semestre

Foram encontradas 25 questões

Q1373194 Literatura

Texto 1

“Eu, Marília, não sou algum vaqueiro,

Que vive de guardar alheio gado;

De tosco trato, de expressões grosseiro,

Dos frios gelado e dos sóis queimado.

Tenho próprio casal e nele assisto

Dá-me vinho, legume, fruta, azeite;

Das brancas ovelhinhas tiro o leite,

E mais as finas lãs, de que me visto.

Graças, Marília bela,

Graças à minha Estrela!”

(Tomás Antonio Gonzaga)

O texto 1 possui traços que caracterizam o período literário ao qual pertence. Uma característica evidente nesta estrofe é:
Q1373197 Literatura
Texto 2

“Na minha ânsia de ler, eu nem notava as humilhações a que me submetia: continuava a implorar-lhe emprestados os livros que não lia. Até que veio para ela o magno dia de começar a exercer sobre mim uma tortura chinesa. Como casualmente, informou-me que possuía. As reinações de Narizinho, de Monteiro Lobato. Era um livro grosso, meu Deus, era um livro para se ficar vivendo com ele, comendo-o, dormindo-o, E, completamente acima de minhas posses. Disse-me que eu passasse pela sua casa no dia seguinte e que ela o emprestaria. Até o dia seguinte eu me transformei na própria esperança de alegria: eu não vivia, nadava devagar num mar suave, as ondas me levavam e me traziam. No dia seguinte fui à sua casa, literalmente correndo. Ela não morava num sobrado como eu, e sim numa casa. Não me mandou entrar. Olhando bem pra meus olhos, disse-me que havia emprestado o livro a outra menina, e que eu voltasse no dia seguinte para buscá-lo”.
(Clarice Lispector, Felicidade Clandestina.)
Sobre o romance “Lavoura Arcaica”, de Raduan Nassar, é CORRETO afirmar:
Q1373200 Inglês
Text 2

    When I got to the airport, I learnt that the plane from Cairo, on which my brother was travelling, had been delayed at Paris with engine trouble and was expected to be about an hour late. As a rule I can pass the time quite happily; watching the planes land and take off, but that evening I had a headache; which I thought that the noise of the engines might make worse. I decided, therefore to walk around to make the time pass quickly.
    First of all I went back to the place where I had left my car to make sure that all the doors were locked. The walk in the fresh air did me good, for I felt slightly better as I entered the main airport building again. I made my way to the restaurant, where I ordered a cup of black coffee. As I stood drinking this at the counter, I studied the faces of the people around me. Some passengers were obviously anxious about the time, and kept looking at their watches; others checked to see that they had tickets, passports and money. Where there was a group of people, it was easy to tell which one was about to leave. He was the object of everyone’s attention and looked either very happy or very sad at the thought of departure.
    There was one woman who burst into tears as she said goodbye to the relatives or friends who had come to see her off. When I had finished my coffee, I went along to the bookstall, where I bought a couple of magazines, both of them about travel, which would help to make the time pass pleasantly. Then I went into one of the waiting-rooms and made myself comfortable in a big armchair. I had hardly had time to open one of my magazines, when someone came up and put his hand on my shoulder. It was an old friend; who was just about to leave on a business trip to South America. Since we had not seen each other for a long time, we found plenty to talk about until the arrival of my brother’s plane from Paris was announced.
As he had a headache, he...
Q1373208 Matemática
Se A é uma matriz quadrada de ordem 3 com det(A)=3 e se k é um número real tal que det(kA)=192, então o valor de k é:
Q1373211 Física
Um automóvel corre em estrada reta com velocidade de 20 m/s. O motorista vê um caminhão parado 50 m à sua frente. A mínima aceleração de retardamento que deve ser dada ao carro, para evitar a colisão é, em módulo:
1: A
2: A
3: D
4: A
5: C