Questões de Vestibular FATEC 2010 para Vestibular, Prova 1
Foram encontradas 54 questões
Considere a imagem a seguir.
A imagem apresentada, relativa ao mês de outubro,
nos remete ao sistema político-econômico existente
na Idade Média. Esse sistema era o
Considere o texto a seguir.
Se você observar a Inglaterra no século XVII, verá que é uma potência de segunda classe, levando um embaixador inglês, em 1640, a dizer que seu país não gozava de qualquer consideração no mundo. O que era verdade. Mas já no começo do século XVIII, a Inglaterra é a maior potência mundial. Logo, alguma coisa aconteceu no meio disso. E eu creio que o que houve no meio foram a Guerra Civil e a Revolução que tiveram efeitos fundamentais. [...] O resultado foi que, se a Inglaterra no século XVII era importadora de cereais e padecia de fome e escassez, no fim desse século já era exportadora e não havia mais fome. Tudo isso, como é óbvio, convergiu para a irrupção da Revolução Industrial no final do século seguinte.
(Trecho da entrevista feita com o historiador Christopher Hill à Folha de S. Paulo, em 10.08.1988.)
Sobre as revoluções inglesas, ocorridas no século
XVIII, é correto afirmar que
“A produção açucareira, limitada até o século XV, pôde deslanchar com a conquista do novo mundo.”
(CAMPOS, Flávio de & MIRANDA, Renan Garcia. A escrita da história. São Paulo: Editora Escala Educacional, 2005.p.206.)
A explicação para a afirmação acima está
Considere o texto a seguir:
Art. 5º
XLII – a prática do racismo constitui crime inafiançável, sujeito à pena de reclusão, nos termos da lei;
XLIII – a lei considera crimes inafiançáveis e insuscetíveis de graça ou anistia a prática de tortura, o tráfico ilícito de entorpecentes e drogas afins, o terrorismo e os definidos como crimes hediondos [...];
Art. 215. [...] § 1º - O Estado protegerá as manifestações das culturas populares, indígenas e afrobrasileiras, e das de outros grupos participantes do processo civilizatório nacional.
( Acesso em 05.03.2010.)
Os artigos citados fazem parte da Constituição Brasileira de
Leia com atenção os versos de cordel a seguir.
“Ele matava de brincadeira,
Por pura perversidade,
E alimentava os famintos
Com amor e caridade.”
“Por onde Lampião anda,
Minhoca fica valente,
Macaco briga com onça
E o carneiro não amansa.”
(HOSBAWN, Eric. Bandidos. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Forense-Universitária, 1976. p. 55.)
Nesses versos, a figura de Virgulino Ferreira da Silva, o Lampião, apresenta algumas características
conflitantes e muito valorizadas dos grupos de cangaceiros que circulavam pelo sertão, na primeira metade
do século XX. Essas características, que despertavam respeito e identificação da população pobre do sertão
com esses grupos, era(m)
Os elementos cloro (Z = 17) e iodo (Z = 53) pertencem ao mesmo grupo da tabela periódica. Assim, átomos neutros desses elementos apresentam igual
I. número de prótons;
II. número de elétrons na camada de valência;
III. eletronegatividade.
É correto o que se afirma em
Um veículo de passeio, movido a gasolina, deixou a capital paulista com o tanque cheio, dirigindo-se a uma cidade do interior situada a 480 km, na região noroeste do estado. Ao final da viagem, verificou-se que o consumo médio do veículo foi de 16 km por litro de combustível.
Admitindo-se que a composição média da gasolina seja dada pela fórmula C8 H18 e que a combustão seja completa, conclui-se que o volume de CO2 , em litros, medido nas CATP e lançado ao ar durante a viagem foi de, aproximadamente,
Volume molar de gás nas CATP = 25 L / mol
Densidade da gasolina = 8 x 102 g / L
Massas molares em g / mol:
C = 12; H = 1 e O = 16
A cor das flores de diversas plantas ocorre devido à presença de substâncias, como as antocianinas, que atuam como indicadores ácido-base. Assim, conforme o pH do solo, a cor das flores pode variar. É o caso das hortênsias, que apresentam cor azul em solos ácidos e rosa em solos alcalinos.
Caso uma pessoa queira cultivar hortênsias de cor rosa, em um jardim cujo solo seja ácido, ela deverá corrigir o pH e, para isso, poderá misturar à terra, em quantidade adequada,
Uma forma de evitar a poluição ambiental causada pelo descarte de óleo de cozinha usado é reaproveitá-lo para produzir sabões, que são sais de ácidos carboxílicos. Para tanto, faz-se reagir o óleo com solução aquosa fortemente alcalina de NaOH e/ou KOH.
Nessa reação, conhecida como reação de saponificação, forma-se também um outro produto que é o
When Iran’s opposition protesters used Twitter and other forms of social media last year to let the world know about their regime’s brutal post election crackdown, activists praised Twitter as the tool of revolution and freedom. But now Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has figured out how to twist this tool into one of repression. Though as recently as this past January Chávez was decrying Twitter as a weapon of terrorists, he’s since turned into an avid Twitterer himself ( his account, the country’s most popular, boasted more than half a million followers at press time ), as well as a devoted Facebook user and blogger.
Far from embracing the democratic spirit of the Web, though, the Venezuelan strongman is using his accounts and blog to exhort people to spy on each other. At the launch of his Twitter account, Chávez enjoined the Boliviarian faithful to use it to keep an eye on state enemies, namely the wealthy. My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them, “ Chávez announced on his television program. El Presidente has hired a staff of 200 to deal with tweeted “requests, denunciations, and other problems,” which have resulted in actions against allegedly credit-stingy banks and currency speculators. He’s now considering going a step further and ruling that all Venezuelan Web sites must move from U.S.- based servers to domestic ones - which would, of course, make them far easier to control. Big Brother would be proud.
(Newsweek – June 14, 2010. By Mac Margolis and Alex Marin)
When Iran’s opposition protesters used Twitter and other forms of social media last year to let the world know about their regime’s brutal post election crackdown, activists praised Twitter as the tool of revolution and freedom. But now Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has figured out how to twist this tool into one of repression. Though as recently as this past January Chávez was decrying Twitter as a weapon of terrorists, he’s since turned into an avid Twitterer himself ( his account, the country’s most popular, boasted more than half a million followers at press time ), as well as a devoted Facebook user and blogger.
Far from embracing the democratic spirit of the Web, though, the Venezuelan strongman is using his accounts and blog to exhort people to spy on each other. At the launch of his Twitter account, Chávez enjoined the Boliviarian faithful to use it to keep an eye on state enemies, namely the wealthy. My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them, “ Chávez announced on his television program. El Presidente has hired a staff of 200 to deal with tweeted “requests, denunciations, and other problems,” which have resulted in actions against allegedly credit-stingy banks and currency speculators. He’s now considering going a step further and ruling that all Venezuelan Web sites must move from U.S.- based servers to domestic ones - which would, of course, make them far easier to control. Big Brother would be proud.
(Newsweek – June 14, 2010. By Mac Margolis and Alex Marin)
Considere as afirmações a seguir.
I. Chávez é um usuário ávido do “Twitter”.
II. Segundo os autores do texto, o “Twitter” é uma arma de terroristas.
III. Chávez é um usuário devotado do “Facebook”.
É correto o que se afirma em
When Iran’s opposition protesters used Twitter and other forms of social media last year to let the world know about their regime’s brutal post election crackdown, activists praised Twitter as the tool of revolution and freedom. But now Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has figured out how to twist this tool into one of repression. Though as recently as this past January Chávez was decrying Twitter as a weapon of terrorists, he’s since turned into an avid Twitterer himself ( his account, the country’s most popular, boasted more than half a million followers at press time ), as well as a devoted Facebook user and blogger.
Far from embracing the democratic spirit of the Web, though, the Venezuelan strongman is using his accounts and blog to exhort people to spy on each other. At the launch of his Twitter account, Chávez enjoined the Boliviarian faithful to use it to keep an eye on state enemies, namely the wealthy. My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them, “ Chávez announced on his television program. El Presidente has hired a staff of 200 to deal with tweeted “requests, denunciations, and other problems,” which have resulted in actions against allegedly credit-stingy banks and currency speculators. He’s now considering going a step further and ruling that all Venezuelan Web sites must move from U.S.- based servers to domestic ones - which would, of course, make them far easier to control. Big Brother would be proud.
(Newsweek – June 14, 2010. By Mac Margolis and Alex Marin)
When Iran’s opposition protesters used Twitter and other forms of social media last year to let the world know about their regime’s brutal post election crackdown, activists praised Twitter as the tool of revolution and freedom. But now Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has figured out how to twist this tool into one of repression. Though as recently as this past January Chávez was decrying Twitter as a weapon of terrorists, he’s since turned into an avid Twitterer himself ( his account, the country’s most popular, boasted more than half a million followers at press time ), as well as a devoted Facebook user and blogger.
Far from embracing the democratic spirit of the Web, though, the Venezuelan strongman is using his accounts and blog to exhort people to spy on each other. At the launch of his Twitter account, Chávez enjoined the Boliviarian faithful to use it to keep an eye on state enemies, namely the wealthy. My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them, “ Chávez announced on his television program. El Presidente has hired a staff of 200 to deal with tweeted “requests, denunciations, and other problems,” which have resulted in actions against allegedly credit-stingy banks and currency speculators. He’s now considering going a step further and ruling that all Venezuelan Web sites must move from U.S.- based servers to domestic ones - which would, of course, make them far easier to control. Big Brother would be proud.
(Newsweek – June 14, 2010. By Mac Margolis and Alex Marin)
When Iran’s opposition protesters used Twitter and other forms of social media last year to let the world know about their regime’s brutal post election crackdown, activists praised Twitter as the tool of revolution and freedom. But now Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has figured out how to twist this tool into one of repression. Though as recently as this past January Chávez was decrying Twitter as a weapon of terrorists, he’s since turned into an avid Twitterer himself ( his account, the country’s most popular, boasted more than half a million followers at press time ), as well as a devoted Facebook user and blogger.
Far from embracing the democratic spirit of the Web, though, the Venezuelan strongman is using his accounts and blog to exhort people to spy on each other. At the launch of his Twitter account, Chávez enjoined the Boliviarian faithful to use it to keep an eye on state enemies, namely the wealthy. My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them, “ Chávez announced on his television program. El Presidente has hired a staff of 200 to deal with tweeted “requests, denunciations, and other problems,” which have resulted in actions against allegedly credit-stingy banks and currency speculators. He’s now considering going a step further and ruling that all Venezuelan Web sites must move from U.S.- based servers to domestic ones - which would, of course, make them far easier to control. Big Brother would be proud.
(Newsweek – June 14, 2010. By Mac Margolis and Alex Marin)
When Iran’s opposition protesters used Twitter and other forms of social media last year to let the world know about their regime’s brutal post election crackdown, activists praised Twitter as the tool of revolution and freedom. But now Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has figured out how to twist this tool into one of repression. Though as recently as this past January Chávez was decrying Twitter as a weapon of terrorists, he’s since turned into an avid Twitterer himself ( his account, the country’s most popular, boasted more than half a million followers at press time ), as well as a devoted Facebook user and blogger.
Far from embracing the democratic spirit of the Web, though, the Venezuelan strongman is using his accounts and blog to exhort people to spy on each other. At the launch of his Twitter account, Chávez enjoined the Boliviarian faithful to use it to keep an eye on state enemies, namely the wealthy. My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them, “ Chávez announced on his television program. El Presidente has hired a staff of 200 to deal with tweeted “requests, denunciations, and other problems,” which have resulted in actions against allegedly credit-stingy banks and currency speculators. He’s now considering going a step further and ruling that all Venezuelan Web sites must move from U.S.- based servers to domestic ones - which would, of course, make them far easier to control. Big Brother would be proud.
(Newsweek – June 14, 2010. By Mac Margolis and Alex Marin)
Segundo informações da Sabesp, até 2 anos de idade, 80% do nosso corpo é formado de água; aos 5 anos, essa porcentagem cai para 70% até que, depois dos 60 anos, temos apenas 58% de água no organismo.
Nessas condições, uma pessoa com mais de 60 anos tem, em relação à quantidade de água no organismo que possuía aos 2 anos de idade, uma redução de x% de água. O valor de x é
No sistema cartesiano ortogonal xOy, considere a circunferência de centro O e pontos A (2; 0) e Q (√3; 0).
Sabendo-se que P é um ponto dessa circunferência
e que a reta é tangente à circunferência no ponto
A, tal que
é paralela a
, então a medida do