Questões de Vestibular FGV 2013 para Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A

Foram encontradas 15 questões

Q1337022 Inglês
According to the information in the article, epicatechin (epi)
Q1337024 Inglês
According to the information in the article, Kenneth D. Lukowiak and two colleagues
Q1337026 Inglês
In the last sentence of paragraph 2, “that” in “And that is what the team did” most likely refers to which of the following?
Q1337030 Inglês
According to the information in the article, the author thinks it is unusual that
Ano: 2013 Banca: FGV Órgão: FGV Prova: FGV - 2013 - FGV - Vestibular - Prova Objetiva Tipo A |
Q1351975 Inglês

Adapted from Natural History, November, 2012 

In paragraph 1, the sentence “But is that so?” most likely means approximately the same as which of the following?
1: E
2: B
3: A
4: B
5: A