Questões de Vestibular FGV 2020 para Graduação em Economia - Inglês e Física - 1° Dia

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Q1796826 Inglês
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         It wasn’t the first attempt to deter foreign students, but it could have been the most disruptive. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency sought to bar visas for international students at colleges that offer only virtual instruction. Students on existing visas would have had to transfer to a school that offers at least some in-person teaching if they wanted to remain in the U.S.
     The policy swiftly brought together a broad coalition of colleges, states and businesses that opposed it. “The overwhelming negative reaction to this proposal in a very short period of time shows that the administration really struck a nerve with this,” says Terry Hartle, from the American Council on Education. “It’s unprecedented for that many colleges and universities to file suit against the federal government.”

(Bloomberg Businessweek, 20.07.2020. Adapted.)
The expression from the second paragraph “struck a nerve” means, in the context:
Q1796827 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

     We are at the beginning of a long road to rethinking and rebuilding supply chain models to encompass not just financial priorities but also business operations continuity in the most trying of circumstances. Executives from France and Italy, for example, are discussing ways to remake their businesses in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Their specialty is supply chains. They are smart people at the core of the world’s most sophisticated and valuable systems of manufacture, shipment, and inventory, and yet many of their supply systems staggered in the past few months – the byproduct of reliance on old business models.
(Antonio Gulli., 28.07.2020. Adapted.)
One problem concerning supply chains after the outbreak of Covid-19 relates to
Q1796829 Inglês
Read the text and the graphs.
Bypassed by the rescue
In a pandemic that’s wreaked widespread economic havoc, Cleveland has been among the hardesthit cities in the U.S. And at a time when the U.S. is engaged in another conversation about its foundational racial inequalities, not much of Washington’ $2 trillion has reached Cleveland’s predominantly Black neighborhoods.

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(Bloomberg Businessweek, 20.07.2020. Adapted.)
By comparing the text and the graphs it is possible to state that
Q1796830 Inglês
The American embassy escaped the blast in Beirut’s port unscathed. Many Western countries either have missions in the city centre or diplomats who live in the area. The wife of the Dutch ambassador was killed, as was a German diplomat. But America’s embassy sits in the mountain village of Awkar, five miles from the port. Security measures are onerous, a hangover from the bombing of the American embassy in Beirut in 1983, which killed 63 people. It took a week before the ambassador, Dorothy Shea, a career diplomat, toured the port. Even on social media it has been far quieter than other foreign powers.
(, 13.08.2020. Adapted.)
The descriptions in the paragraph
Q1796831 Inglês
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Shimmering white and gracefully statuesque, the Mount Washington Hotel is a granite fortress, a manmade anomaly among the raw wilderness of the surrounding White Mountains in remote northern New Hampshire, U.S. Even to this day, the hotel is geographically secured by 800,000 acres of the White Mountain National Forest around it. This was the main reason why the Hotel was chosen for a World War Two meeting – a meeting that shaped present-day global economic policies.
(Linda Laban., 26.08.2020. Adapted.)
The term “this”, which introduces the last sentence in the text, refers to the fact that the Mount Washington Hotel
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