Questões de Vestibular FGV 2020 para Graduação em Economia - Inglês e Física - 1° Dia

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Q1796829 Inglês
Read the text and the graphs.
Bypassed by the rescue
In a pandemic that’s wreaked widespread economic havoc, Cleveland has been among the hardesthit cities in the U.S. And at a time when the U.S. is engaged in another conversation about its foundational racial inequalities, not much of Washington’ $2 trillion has reached Cleveland’s predominantly Black neighborhoods.

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(Bloomberg Businessweek, 20.07.2020. Adapted.)
By comparing the text and the graphs it is possible to state that
Q1796830 Inglês
The American embassy escaped the blast in Beirut’s port unscathed. Many Western countries either have missions in the city centre or diplomats who live in the area. The wife of the Dutch ambassador was killed, as was a German diplomat. But America’s embassy sits in the mountain village of Awkar, five miles from the port. Security measures are onerous, a hangover from the bombing of the American embassy in Beirut in 1983, which killed 63 people. It took a week before the ambassador, Dorothy Shea, a career diplomat, toured the port. Even on social media it has been far quieter than other foreign powers.
(, 13.08.2020. Adapted.)
The descriptions in the paragraph
Q1796831 Inglês
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Shimmering white and gracefully statuesque, the Mount Washington Hotel is a granite fortress, a manmade anomaly among the raw wilderness of the surrounding White Mountains in remote northern New Hampshire, U.S. Even to this day, the hotel is geographically secured by 800,000 acres of the White Mountain National Forest around it. This was the main reason why the Hotel was chosen for a World War Two meeting – a meeting that shaped present-day global economic policies.
(Linda Laban., 26.08.2020. Adapted.)
The term “this”, which introduces the last sentence in the text, refers to the fact that the Mount Washington Hotel
Q1796832 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

     The formula for calculating people’s environmental footprint is simple, but widely misunderstood: Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology (I = PAT). The global rate of consumption growth, before the pandemic, was 3% a year. Population growth is 1%. Some people assume this means that the rise in population bears one-third of the responsibility for increased consumption. But population growth is overwhelmingly concentrated among the world’s poorest people, who have scarcely any A or T to multiply their P.
     Yet it is widely used as a blanket explanation of environment breakdown. Panic about population growth enables the people most responsible for the impacts of rising consumption (the affluent) to blame those who are least responsible.

(George Monbiot., 26.08.2020. Adapted.)
The text states that
Q1796833 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.

     The formula for calculating people’s environmental footprint is simple, but widely misunderstood: Impact = Population x Affluence x Technology (I = PAT). The global rate of consumption growth, before the pandemic, was 3% a year. Population growth is 1%. Some people assume this means that the rise in population bears one-third of the responsibility for increased consumption. But population growth is overwhelmingly concentrated among the world’s poorest people, who have scarcely any A or T to multiply their P.
     Yet it is widely used as a blanket explanation of environment breakdown. Panic about population growth enables the people most responsible for the impacts of rising consumption (the affluent) to blame those who are least responsible.

(George Monbiot., 26.08.2020. Adapted.)
The formula for calculating people’s environmental footprint
11: B
12: E
13: D
14: C
15: E