Questões de Vestibular FAME 2014 para Vestibular, FAME / FUNJOB – Edital nº 01/2014 - TIPO A
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HOORNAERT, Eduardo. A Igreja Católica no Brasil colonial. In: BETHELL, Leslie, org. América Latina colonial. São Paulo: Edusp, 1998. p.560.
O resultado dessa política metropolitana para as áreas mineradoras foi a
“O que constitui a comunidade, e leva os homens do livre estado da natureza para uma só sociedade política, é o acordo que cada um faz com os outros para se incorporar com eles e deliberar como um só corpo e, desse modo, formar uma única sociedade política distinta”.
Essa afirmação foi feita por
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a alteração decorrente da nova Lei Orgânica dos Partidos.
“1989 surpreendeu até mesmo os dissidentes que operavam na contracultura dos países do bloco socialista do Leste Europeu. A onda de revoluções que sacudiu a região surgiu sem aviso, como um vírus devastador, derrubando um sistema assegurado pelos tanques de Moscou” (Jornal do Brasil, 07 nov.1999).
Apresentam mudanças ocorridas no bloco socialista em 1989, EXCETO:
This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.
Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed
Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST
Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.
( ) There has been a decrease in births to teens of 15 to 17 years of age.
( ) Nearly 18 hundred births per week are still registered to US teens.
( ) 17 year old teens are more prone to giving birth in the United States.
( ) The CDC reports the alarming increase of teens pregnancy lately.
Now choose the alternative that presents the correct order:
This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.
Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed
Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST
Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.
This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.
Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed
Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST
Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.
This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.
Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed
Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST
Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.
This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.
Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed
Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST
Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.
This test presents two texts. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed after each one. The alternatives must be chosen in accordance with the content of the texts.
Teen pregnancy: despite progress, more prevention needed
Wednesday 9 April 2014 - 8am PST
Additionally, nearly 1 in 4 teens between these ages had never spoken with their parents or guardians about sex.
(...) “segundo o IPEA, os 10% mais pobres tiveram entre 2001-2011 um crescimento de renda acumulado de 91,2%, enquanto a parte mais rica cresceu 16,6%.”
(...) “há cerca de 60 milhões de famílias no Brasil, das quais cinco mil famílias extensas detêm 45% da riqueza nacional.”
Da relação entre os dados apresentados nessas duas passagens do texto, é CORRETO inferir que
“O que eles estão dizendo com suas penetrações nos bunkers do consumo? "Oia nóis na fita"; "nóis não tamo parado"; "nóis tamo aqui para zoar"(incomodar). Eles estão com seu comportamento rompendo as barreiras do aparheid social.”
O autor optou por escrever essas passagens em discurso direto em uma variedade do português diferente da variedade padrão porque
“Continuamos uma Brasilíndia: uma Bélgica rica dentro de uma Índia pobre.”
A criação do neologismo Brasilíndia ocorreu por