Questões de Vestibular IFF 2017 para Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre

Foram encontradas 50 questões

Ano: 2017 Banca: IFF Órgão: IFF Prova: IFF - 2017 - IFF - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1264565 Português


 Disponível em: <>.

 Acesso em: 23 set 2017. 

Um texto pode ser reescrito de várias formas, sem que seu sentido seja alterado. A mudança de voz verbal é um mecanismo bastante utilizado nesse processo. No texto IV, a oração “Você está cercado de ignorantes!” encontra-se na voz passiva. Marque o item em que a reescritura da oração em destaque foi efetuada, por meio da conversão para a voz ativa, de modo correto.
Ano: 2017 Banca: IFF Órgão: IFF Prova: IFF - 2017 - IFF - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1264566 Português

Disponível em: <>.Acesso em: 25 set 2017. 

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Dentre os gêneros textuais que permeiam os processos comunicativos, as charges, por exemplo, têm conquistado espaço tanto no meio jornalístico quanto no acadêmico. Por meio do uso das linguagens verbal e não verbal, os textos IV e V possibilitam que se façam afirmações, explícita ou implicitamente, sobre eles. Que alternativa NÃO está em concordância com as ideias veiculadas por ambos? 
Ano: 2017 Banca: IFF Órgão: IFF Prova: IFF - 2017 - IFF - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1264567 Português
Todo texto produzido apresenta uma intencionalidade. Há um objetivo em cada manifestação comunicativa e conhecê-lo aprimora a comunicação, bem como o entendimento da finalidade de um texto. Com base nessa afirmação, marque a alternativa que NÃO aponta corretamente os recursos linguísticos apresentados nos textos I, II, III e IV.
Ano: 2017 Banca: IFF Órgão: IFF Prova: IFF - 2017 - IFF - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1264568 Inglês

Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door

The president’s dismissal of scientific research is doing nothing to protect the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. 

Bob Ward - Sunday 10 September 2017 

As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month, an important question is whether the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will convince Donald Trump and his administration of the reality of climate change. 

The president’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida may escape Irma’s wrath, but with the deaths of so many Americans, and billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses, the costs of climate change denial are beginning to pile up at the door of the White House. 

Just days before Harvey formed in the Atlantic last month, Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama, to help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change. 

But the merciless assault on the US mainland by Harvey and Irma should be forcing the president to recognise the consequences of his arrogance and complacency in dismissing the research and analysis carried out by scientists. 

The flooded streets of Houston and the wind-ravaged homes of south Florida bear the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather made worse by manmade greenhouse gas emissions. 

A hurricane is a huge, rotating cluster of thunderstorms that forms above a sea surface that has a temperature of at least 26.5C. It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.

Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse. 

Adapted from: <>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017. 

Os jornais costumam destacar acontecimentos importantes que são veiculados diariamente na internet. O texto acima, retirado do “The Guardian”, relata o assunto mencionado nas alternativas abaixo, EXCETO:
Ano: 2017 Banca: IFF Órgão: IFF Prova: IFF - 2017 - IFF - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1264569 Inglês

Irma and Harvey lay the costs of climate change denial at Trump’s door

The president’s dismissal of scientific research is doing nothing to protect the livelihoods of ordinary Americans. 

Bob Ward - Sunday 10 September 2017 

As the US comes to terms with its second major weather disaster within a month, an important question is whether the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma will convince Donald Trump and his administration of the reality of climate change. 

The president’s luxurious Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida may escape Irma’s wrath, but with the deaths of so many Americans, and billions of dollars in damage to homes and businesses, the costs of climate change denial are beginning to pile up at the door of the White House. 

Just days before Harvey formed in the Atlantic last month, Trump signed an executive order to overturn a policy, introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama, to help American communities and businesses become more resilient against the risks of flooding, which are rising because of climate change. 

But the merciless assault on the US mainland by Harvey and Irma should be forcing the president to recognise the consequences of his arrogance and complacency in dismissing the research and analysis carried out by scientists. 

The flooded streets of Houston and the wind-ravaged homes of south Florida bear the unmistakable fingerprint of extreme weather made worse by manmade greenhouse gas emissions. 

A hurricane is a huge, rotating cluster of thunderstorms that forms above a sea surface that has a temperature of at least 26.5C. It is like a giant engine, transferring heat from the sea surface up into the atmosphere and generating strong winds and heavy rain in the process.

Climate change cannot be blamed for the hurricane count in any single season, nor for the occurrence of any single storm, but there are some ways in which it is making the consequences worse. 

Adapted from: <>. Acesso em: 17 set 2017. 

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6: B
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10: A