Questões de Vestibular IF-RR 2017 para Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre

Foram encontradas 56 questões

Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273600 Geografia
A rede hidrográfica brasileira ocupa um lugar de destaque entre os elementos naturais. O destaque nesse sentido é proveniente da quantidade e variedade hídrica presente no país. Grande parte dos rios brasileiros nasce em relevos com pouca altitude, exceto o rio Amazonas, que nasce na Cordilheira dos Andes. A riqueza hídrica nacional favorece a presença de rios de grande profundidade, além de rios volumosos e extensos, em decorrência do tipo de relevo predominante no país que forma rios de planaltos. No Brasil, os rios são caudalosos proporcionando um significativo potencial hídrico no desenvolvimento de usinas hidrelétricas, captação de água, irrigação, transporte entre outros. Dentro da realidade hidrográfica brasileira, é incorreto afirmar que:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273601 Geografia
Existem vários blocos econômicos e mercados regionais no mundo. No caso da Associação de Cooperação Econômica da Ásia e do Pacífico (APEC) há a constituição de um mercado regional, a partir da organização e união de países com objetivos comerciais em comum. Esse tipo de organização do espaço mundial tem se tornado comum em um mundo globalizado, onde as fronteiras nacionais podem ser transpostas quando há interesses financeiros. Diante deste contexto, marque a alternativa que evidencia o elemento estratégico de grande relevância no contexto do desenvolvimento dos países da APEC.
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273602 Geografia
O trecho a seguir faz parte da canção Diáspora, do grupo Tribalistas, lançada em 2017.

“Atravessamos o mar Egeu/ O barco cheio de fariseus/Como os cubanos, sírios, ciganos/Como romanos sem Coliseu/Atravessamos pro outro lado/No Rio Vermelho do mar sagrado/Os Center shoppings superlotados/ De retirantes refugiados...”.

Sobre ‘Diáspora’, temática abordada pelos artistas e sua relação com a Antiguidade, assinale a única alternativa correta:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273603 História
Nicolau Maquiavel (1469-1527) foi um expoente literário do Renascimento no século XVI. Sobre sua obra mais conhecida, O Príncipe, é correto afirmar que:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273604 História
Tomando como base durante todo o período de 1964 e 1988 (Ditadura Civil-Militar), assinale a alternativa que representa corretamente uma das diversas situações sobre a vida política brasileira:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273605 História
Leia o trecho da notícia internacional publicada pelo site UOL em novembro de 2017:

"Oitocentos dinares! Mil dinares! Mil e cem dinares! Quem dá mais?" Por 1.200 dinares líbios – cerca de R$ 2,6 mil reais – o negócio é finalmente fechado. Não é um carro, por exemplo, que está sendo vendido, e sim um grupo de jovens assustados provenientes da África Subsaariana...”

Embora as notícias atuais sejam chocantes, a escravidão marcou as relações entre África e América durante a Idade Moderna. Sobre o tema, assinale o que NÃO estiver correto:

Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273606 História
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta um evento/conflito que não está diretamente relacionado com a chamada Guerra Fria:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273607 História
“O conflito entre as facções políticas se agravava à medida que cresciam as dificuldades econômicas e militares. É desse período que herdamos o uso das expressões esquerda e direita, quando nos referimos a posições sociopolíticas progressistas e conservadoras, respectivamente”. VICENTINO, Claudio. História Geral. São Paulo, Scipione:2010.
O trecho acima se refere, historicamente:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273608 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios

Observando as tabelas publicadas pelo IBGE pode-se chegar a várias conclusões sobre a história recente de Roraima e seu povo, exceto:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273609 Inglês
       Roraima  also differs from other areas of the Amazon, given the timid way in which corporate capital has ventured into the region. Despite its natural riches, there are no large-scale mining or timber operations, and local industries are embryonic. Resulting from the mild stage of capitalist exploration, and relatively recent human occupation, the number and intensity of conflicts over regional resources are substantially smaller.
      Migration represented a leading role in the territorial, political and cultural formation of Roraima. During the 1970s and 1980s the state received a considerable influx of migrants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, especially from Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Amazonas states. Overtime migration flows were perpetuated due to the workings of very active migrant social networks, linking very specific communities at origins and destinations. Internally, the city of Boa Vista has played a paramount role attracting immigrants from other states and then redistributing them to other municipalities. The importance of Boa Vista can be grasped from a quick examination of Roraima's urban network, where it exerts the role of a primate city in a highly unbalanced system.
         The tremendous influx of migrants over the 1970s and 1980s had a direct impact in the creation of new municipalities, promoting regional development and economic change, which, in turn, fueled renewed migratory flows. The 1990s and 2000s witnessed an augmentation of such moves projecting an inversion in terms of importance of inter and intrastate moves in future years. After all, interstate long distance moves have historically dominated Roraima's migration system; nonetheless, over the last decades intrastate migration has grown at a much faster pace than longer moves.
           In the near future Roraima is likely to continue drawing migrants from traditional areas given the organic nature of migrant social networks and its tendency to remain active over time. On the other hand, new migration flows are likely to arise and intensify as regional development will create economic opportunities for many, intensifying formal and informal communication channels. Within this context, the service sector, especially the public administration system will allure urban bound migrants from various Brazilian cities. However, one cannot deny the fact that Roraima remains an active agriculture frontier, where the perspective of acquiring a free plot of land is still viable. Thus, Roraima will still receive large waves of landless peasants in the near future, most likely from traditional source areas. Nevertheless, in order to become a valid alternative for the Brazilian poor, it is imperative that current abandonment rates within colonization projects are diminished, preventing them from turning into a demographic void, while the peripheral areas of the encroaching urban places become increasingly plagued with poverty.

(Fragment from “The Colonization of Roraima State, Brazil: an Analysis of its Major Migration Flows (1970 to 2010)”, by Alexandre Magno Alves Diniz and Elisângela Gonçalves Lacerda, Espace populations sociétés [Online], 2014/2-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2014, connection on 10 January 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/eps.5817)
Choose the only alternative which shows what it is CORRECT to say about the text:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273610 Inglês
       Roraima  also differs from other areas of the Amazon, given the timid way in which corporate capital has ventured into the region. Despite its natural riches, there are no large-scale mining or timber operations, and local industries are embryonic. Resulting from the mild stage of capitalist exploration, and relatively recent human occupation, the number and intensity of conflicts over regional resources are substantially smaller.
      Migration represented a leading role in the territorial, political and cultural formation of Roraima. During the 1970s and 1980s the state received a considerable influx of migrants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, especially from Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Amazonas states. Overtime migration flows were perpetuated due to the workings of very active migrant social networks, linking very specific communities at origins and destinations. Internally, the city of Boa Vista has played a paramount role attracting immigrants from other states and then redistributing them to other municipalities. The importance of Boa Vista can be grasped from a quick examination of Roraima's urban network, where it exerts the role of a primate city in a highly unbalanced system.
         The tremendous influx of migrants over the 1970s and 1980s had a direct impact in the creation of new municipalities, promoting regional development and economic change, which, in turn, fueled renewed migratory flows. The 1990s and 2000s witnessed an augmentation of such moves projecting an inversion in terms of importance of inter and intrastate moves in future years. After all, interstate long distance moves have historically dominated Roraima's migration system; nonetheless, over the last decades intrastate migration has grown at a much faster pace than longer moves.
           In the near future Roraima is likely to continue drawing migrants from traditional areas given the organic nature of migrant social networks and its tendency to remain active over time. On the other hand, new migration flows are likely to arise and intensify as regional development will create economic opportunities for many, intensifying formal and informal communication channels. Within this context, the service sector, especially the public administration system will allure urban bound migrants from various Brazilian cities. However, one cannot deny the fact that Roraima remains an active agriculture frontier, where the perspective of acquiring a free plot of land is still viable. Thus, Roraima will still receive large waves of landless peasants in the near future, most likely from traditional source areas. Nevertheless, in order to become a valid alternative for the Brazilian poor, it is imperative that current abandonment rates within colonization projects are diminished, preventing them from turning into a demographic void, while the peripheral areas of the encroaching urban places become increasingly plagued with poverty.

(Fragment from “The Colonization of Roraima State, Brazil: an Analysis of its Major Migration Flows (1970 to 2010)”, by Alexandre Magno Alves Diniz and Elisângela Gonçalves Lacerda, Espace populations sociétés [Online], 2014/2-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2014, connection on 10 January 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/eps.5817)
Choose the only alternative which shows what it is INCORRECT to affirm about the immigration process in Roraima:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273611 Inglês
       Roraima  also differs from other areas of the Amazon, given the timid way in which corporate capital has ventured into the region. Despite its natural riches, there are no large-scale mining or timber operations, and local industries are embryonic. Resulting from the mild stage of capitalist exploration, and relatively recent human occupation, the number and intensity of conflicts over regional resources are substantially smaller.
      Migration represented a leading role in the territorial, political and cultural formation of Roraima. During the 1970s and 1980s the state received a considerable influx of migrants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, especially from Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Amazonas states. Overtime migration flows were perpetuated due to the workings of very active migrant social networks, linking very specific communities at origins and destinations. Internally, the city of Boa Vista has played a paramount role attracting immigrants from other states and then redistributing them to other municipalities. The importance of Boa Vista can be grasped from a quick examination of Roraima's urban network, where it exerts the role of a primate city in a highly unbalanced system.
         The tremendous influx of migrants over the 1970s and 1980s had a direct impact in the creation of new municipalities, promoting regional development and economic change, which, in turn, fueled renewed migratory flows. The 1990s and 2000s witnessed an augmentation of such moves projecting an inversion in terms of importance of inter and intrastate moves in future years. After all, interstate long distance moves have historically dominated Roraima's migration system; nonetheless, over the last decades intrastate migration has grown at a much faster pace than longer moves.
           In the near future Roraima is likely to continue drawing migrants from traditional areas given the organic nature of migrant social networks and its tendency to remain active over time. On the other hand, new migration flows are likely to arise and intensify as regional development will create economic opportunities for many, intensifying formal and informal communication channels. Within this context, the service sector, especially the public administration system will allure urban bound migrants from various Brazilian cities. However, one cannot deny the fact that Roraima remains an active agriculture frontier, where the perspective of acquiring a free plot of land is still viable. Thus, Roraima will still receive large waves of landless peasants in the near future, most likely from traditional source areas. Nevertheless, in order to become a valid alternative for the Brazilian poor, it is imperative that current abandonment rates within colonization projects are diminished, preventing them from turning into a demographic void, while the peripheral areas of the encroaching urban places become increasingly plagued with poverty.

(Fragment from “The Colonization of Roraima State, Brazil: an Analysis of its Major Migration Flows (1970 to 2010)”, by Alexandre Magno Alves Diniz and Elisângela Gonçalves Lacerda, Espace populations sociétés [Online], 2014/2-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2014, connection on 10 January 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/eps.5817)
Choose the only INCORRECT alternative about Boa Vista:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273612 Inglês
       Roraima  also differs from other areas of the Amazon, given the timid way in which corporate capital has ventured into the region. Despite its natural riches, there are no large-scale mining or timber operations, and local industries are embryonic. Resulting from the mild stage of capitalist exploration, and relatively recent human occupation, the number and intensity of conflicts over regional resources are substantially smaller.
      Migration represented a leading role in the territorial, political and cultural formation of Roraima. During the 1970s and 1980s the state received a considerable influx of migrants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, especially from Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Amazonas states. Overtime migration flows were perpetuated due to the workings of very active migrant social networks, linking very specific communities at origins and destinations. Internally, the city of Boa Vista has played a paramount role attracting immigrants from other states and then redistributing them to other municipalities. The importance of Boa Vista can be grasped from a quick examination of Roraima's urban network, where it exerts the role of a primate city in a highly unbalanced system.
         The tremendous influx of migrants over the 1970s and 1980s had a direct impact in the creation of new municipalities, promoting regional development and economic change, which, in turn, fueled renewed migratory flows. The 1990s and 2000s witnessed an augmentation of such moves projecting an inversion in terms of importance of inter and intrastate moves in future years. After all, interstate long distance moves have historically dominated Roraima's migration system; nonetheless, over the last decades intrastate migration has grown at a much faster pace than longer moves.
           In the near future Roraima is likely to continue drawing migrants from traditional areas given the organic nature of migrant social networks and its tendency to remain active over time. On the other hand, new migration flows are likely to arise and intensify as regional development will create economic opportunities for many, intensifying formal and informal communication channels. Within this context, the service sector, especially the public administration system will allure urban bound migrants from various Brazilian cities. However, one cannot deny the fact that Roraima remains an active agriculture frontier, where the perspective of acquiring a free plot of land is still viable. Thus, Roraima will still receive large waves of landless peasants in the near future, most likely from traditional source areas. Nevertheless, in order to become a valid alternative for the Brazilian poor, it is imperative that current abandonment rates within colonization projects are diminished, preventing them from turning into a demographic void, while the peripheral areas of the encroaching urban places become increasingly plagued with poverty.

(Fragment from “The Colonization of Roraima State, Brazil: an Analysis of its Major Migration Flows (1970 to 2010)”, by Alexandre Magno Alves Diniz and Elisângela Gonçalves Lacerda, Espace populations sociétés [Online], 2014/2-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2014, connection on 10 January 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/eps.5817)
Choose the only CORRECT alternative which exposes an appropriated synonymous to replace the word witnessed, on the third paragraph:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273613 Inglês
       Roraima  also differs from other areas of the Amazon, given the timid way in which corporate capital has ventured into the region. Despite its natural riches, there are no large-scale mining or timber operations, and local industries are embryonic. Resulting from the mild stage of capitalist exploration, and relatively recent human occupation, the number and intensity of conflicts over regional resources are substantially smaller.
      Migration represented a leading role in the territorial, political and cultural formation of Roraima. During the 1970s and 1980s the state received a considerable influx of migrants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, especially from Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Amazonas states. Overtime migration flows were perpetuated due to the workings of very active migrant social networks, linking very specific communities at origins and destinations. Internally, the city of Boa Vista has played a paramount role attracting immigrants from other states and then redistributing them to other municipalities. The importance of Boa Vista can be grasped from a quick examination of Roraima's urban network, where it exerts the role of a primate city in a highly unbalanced system.
         The tremendous influx of migrants over the 1970s and 1980s had a direct impact in the creation of new municipalities, promoting regional development and economic change, which, in turn, fueled renewed migratory flows. The 1990s and 2000s witnessed an augmentation of such moves projecting an inversion in terms of importance of inter and intrastate moves in future years. After all, interstate long distance moves have historically dominated Roraima's migration system; nonetheless, over the last decades intrastate migration has grown at a much faster pace than longer moves.
           In the near future Roraima is likely to continue drawing migrants from traditional areas given the organic nature of migrant social networks and its tendency to remain active over time. On the other hand, new migration flows are likely to arise and intensify as regional development will create economic opportunities for many, intensifying formal and informal communication channels. Within this context, the service sector, especially the public administration system will allure urban bound migrants from various Brazilian cities. However, one cannot deny the fact that Roraima remains an active agriculture frontier, where the perspective of acquiring a free plot of land is still viable. Thus, Roraima will still receive large waves of landless peasants in the near future, most likely from traditional source areas. Nevertheless, in order to become a valid alternative for the Brazilian poor, it is imperative that current abandonment rates within colonization projects are diminished, preventing them from turning into a demographic void, while the peripheral areas of the encroaching urban places become increasingly plagued with poverty.

(Fragment from “The Colonization of Roraima State, Brazil: an Analysis of its Major Migration Flows (1970 to 2010)”, by Alexandre Magno Alves Diniz and Elisângela Gonçalves Lacerda, Espace populations sociétés [Online], 2014/2-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2014, connection on 10 January 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/eps.5817)
Choose the only CORRECT alternative which exposes an opposite idea of immigrants:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273614 Inglês
       Roraima  also differs from other areas of the Amazon, given the timid way in which corporate capital has ventured into the region. Despite its natural riches, there are no large-scale mining or timber operations, and local industries are embryonic. Resulting from the mild stage of capitalist exploration, and relatively recent human occupation, the number and intensity of conflicts over regional resources are substantially smaller.
      Migration represented a leading role in the territorial, political and cultural formation of Roraima. During the 1970s and 1980s the state received a considerable influx of migrants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, especially from Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Amazonas states. Overtime migration flows were perpetuated due to the workings of very active migrant social networks, linking very specific communities at origins and destinations. Internally, the city of Boa Vista has played a paramount role attracting immigrants from other states and then redistributing them to other municipalities. The importance of Boa Vista can be grasped from a quick examination of Roraima's urban network, where it exerts the role of a primate city in a highly unbalanced system.
         The tremendous influx of migrants over the 1970s and 1980s had a direct impact in the creation of new municipalities, promoting regional development and economic change, which, in turn, fueled renewed migratory flows. The 1990s and 2000s witnessed an augmentation of such moves projecting an inversion in terms of importance of inter and intrastate moves in future years. After all, interstate long distance moves have historically dominated Roraima's migration system; nonetheless, over the last decades intrastate migration has grown at a much faster pace than longer moves.
           In the near future Roraima is likely to continue drawing migrants from traditional areas given the organic nature of migrant social networks and its tendency to remain active over time. On the other hand, new migration flows are likely to arise and intensify as regional development will create economic opportunities for many, intensifying formal and informal communication channels. Within this context, the service sector, especially the public administration system will allure urban bound migrants from various Brazilian cities. However, one cannot deny the fact that Roraima remains an active agriculture frontier, where the perspective of acquiring a free plot of land is still viable. Thus, Roraima will still receive large waves of landless peasants in the near future, most likely from traditional source areas. Nevertheless, in order to become a valid alternative for the Brazilian poor, it is imperative that current abandonment rates within colonization projects are diminished, preventing them from turning into a demographic void, while the peripheral areas of the encroaching urban places become increasingly plagued with poverty.

(Fragment from “The Colonization of Roraima State, Brazil: an Analysis of its Major Migration Flows (1970 to 2010)”, by Alexandre Magno Alves Diniz and Elisângela Gonçalves Lacerda, Espace populations sociétés [Online], 2014/2-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2014, connection on 10 January 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/eps.5817)
About Roraima is CORRECT to infer:
Ano: 2017 Banca: INEP Órgão: IF-RR Prova: INEP - 2017 - IF-RR - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q1273615 Inglês
       Roraima  also differs from other areas of the Amazon, given the timid way in which corporate capital has ventured into the region. Despite its natural riches, there are no large-scale mining or timber operations, and local industries are embryonic. Resulting from the mild stage of capitalist exploration, and relatively recent human occupation, the number and intensity of conflicts over regional resources are substantially smaller.
      Migration represented a leading role in the territorial, political and cultural formation of Roraima. During the 1970s and 1980s the state received a considerable influx of migrants from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, especially from Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Amazonas states. Overtime migration flows were perpetuated due to the workings of very active migrant social networks, linking very specific communities at origins and destinations. Internally, the city of Boa Vista has played a paramount role attracting immigrants from other states and then redistributing them to other municipalities. The importance of Boa Vista can be grasped from a quick examination of Roraima's urban network, where it exerts the role of a primate city in a highly unbalanced system.
         The tremendous influx of migrants over the 1970s and 1980s had a direct impact in the creation of new municipalities, promoting regional development and economic change, which, in turn, fueled renewed migratory flows. The 1990s and 2000s witnessed an augmentation of such moves projecting an inversion in terms of importance of inter and intrastate moves in future years. After all, interstate long distance moves have historically dominated Roraima's migration system; nonetheless, over the last decades intrastate migration has grown at a much faster pace than longer moves.
           In the near future Roraima is likely to continue drawing migrants from traditional areas given the organic nature of migrant social networks and its tendency to remain active over time. On the other hand, new migration flows are likely to arise and intensify as regional development will create economic opportunities for many, intensifying formal and informal communication channels. Within this context, the service sector, especially the public administration system will allure urban bound migrants from various Brazilian cities. However, one cannot deny the fact that Roraima remains an active agriculture frontier, where the perspective of acquiring a free plot of land is still viable. Thus, Roraima will still receive large waves of landless peasants in the near future, most likely from traditional source areas. Nevertheless, in order to become a valid alternative for the Brazilian poor, it is imperative that current abandonment rates within colonization projects are diminished, preventing them from turning into a demographic void, while the peripheral areas of the encroaching urban places become increasingly plagued with poverty.

(Fragment from “The Colonization of Roraima State, Brazil: an Analysis of its Major Migration Flows (1970 to 2010)”, by Alexandre Magno Alves Diniz and Elisângela Gonçalves Lacerda, Espace populations sociétés [Online], 2014/2-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2014, connection on 10 January 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/eps.5817)
Choose the CORRECT alternative which shows the term which cannot replace nonetheless:
33: C
34: B
35: A
36: E
37: B
38: A
39: B
40: C
41: D
42: C
43: D
44: C
45: E
46: E
47: B
48: A