Questões de Vestibular UEFS 2011 para Vestibular, Prova 1

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q1355561 Inglês

LONGENECKER, C. W. The Victor. Disponível em:  <>. Acesso em: 2 dez. 2010.

“a cinch” (l. 4): certo.

The alternative whose topic has nothing to do with the values praised in this poem is
Q1355562 Inglês

LONGENECKER, C. W. The Victor. Disponível em:  <>. Acesso em: 2 dez. 2010.

“a cinch” (l. 4): certo.

The only saying disconnected from the theme of his poem is
Q1355564 Inglês

LONGENECKER, C. W. The Victor. Disponível em:  <>. Acesso em: 2 dez. 2010.

“a cinch” (l. 4): certo.

In the sentence “You’ve got to think high to rise.” (l. 10), the expression “You’ve got to” can be suitably replaced by you
Q1355565 Inglês

NO, I can’t explain... Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 2 dez. 2010.

According to this cartoon, the boy’s grade in Math is
Q1355566 Inglês

NO, I can’t explain... Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 2 dez. 2010.

From the boy’s answer, one can infer that the mother
36: A
37: E
38: C
39: D
40: D