Questões de Vestibular UEM 2010 para Vestibular - EAD - Prova 2 - Inglês

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Ano: 2010 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2010 - UEM - Vestibular - EAD - Prova 2 - Inglês |
Q1336882 Inglês

Daily baths and showers polluting the environment

Richard Alleyne 

Available: <>. [31/03/2010].

Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the text is correct.

The expression “due to” (line 2) is the same as “because of”.

Ano: 2010 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2010 - UEM - Vestibular - EAD - Prova 2 - Inglês |
Q1336883 Inglês

Daily baths and showers polluting the environment

Richard Alleyne 

Available: <>. [31/03/2010].

Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the text is correct.

In spite of having different suffixes, the words “growth” (line 2), “researchers” (line 5) and “prescription” (line 6) are all nouns in English.

Ano: 2010 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2010 - UEM - Vestibular - EAD - Prova 2 - Inglês |
Q1336884 Inglês

Daily baths and showers polluting the environment

Richard Alleyne 

Available: <>. [31/03/2010].

Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the text is correct.

The forms underlined in “...substances in water supplies that have come...” (lines 5-6) and “...pollution control officials had previously assumed...” (lines 25-26) are used in English to talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the past.

Ano: 2010 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2010 - UEM - Vestibular - EAD - Prova 2 - Inglês |
Q1336885 Inglês

Daily baths and showers polluting the environment

Richard Alleyne 

Available: <>. [31/03/2010].

Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the text is correct.

The modal verb “should” in “...showers and baths should be looked at.” (lines 14-15) expresses uncertainty.

Ano: 2010 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2010 - UEM - Vestibular - EAD - Prova 2 - Inglês |
Q1336886 Inglês

Daily baths and showers polluting the environment

Richard Alleyne 

Available: <>. [31/03/2010].

Choose the alternative(s) in which the information about the words from the text is correct.

The word “long” in “have long known” (line 18) refers to the length of bathrooms.

81: C
82: C
83: E
84: E
85: E