Questões de Vestibular UEM 2011 para Vestibular - PAS - Etapa 3 - Conhecimentos Gerais - Inglês
Foram encontradas 20 questões

It is correct to affirm about the following vocabulary in the text.
“Chinese” (line 5), “Portuguese” (line 6), and
“Dutch” (line 6) are adjectives which refer to

It is correct to affirm about the following vocabulary in the text.
“traders” (line 6) and “merchants” (line 15) are

It is correct to affirm about the following vocabulary in the text.
“establishment” (line 16), “popularity” (line 19),
“sales” (line 22), and “growth” (line 27) are all
nouns which derive from their respective verbs.

It is correct to affirm about the following vocabulary in the text.
“owners” (line 21), “operators” (line 30), and
“smugglers” (line 40) all refer to people.

It is correct to affirm about the following vocabulary in the text.
“offshore” (line 37) and “inland” (line 41) refer to
opposite directions regarding the coast.

It is correct to affirm according to the text.
Tea originally came from Asia.

It is correct to affirm according to the text.
The first contact of Portuguese ships with the
Chinese was probably by 1560.

It is correct to affirm according to the text.
In 1700 there were only 500 coffee houses
selling tea in England.

It is correct to affirm according to the text.
Tea smugglers were from Holland and Portugal.

It is correct to affirm according to the text.
British people like to drink their tea in porcelain

According to the text choose the correct alternative.
The order of the topics discussed in the text is
respectively: 1 – Smuggling tea; 2 – Tea and
pottery; 3 – How tea reached Europe; 4 –
Coffee houses; 5 – Taxation on tea.

According to the text choose the correct alternative.
The countries approached in the text are Italy,
Portugal, China, Holland, England and India.

According to the text choose the correct alternative.
The drinks mentioned in the text are tea, ale and

According to the text choose the correct alternative.
The people mentioned in the text are Thomas
Garway, Charles II, William Pitt the Younger
and Royal Doulton.

According to the text choose the correct alternative.
England was the first European country to trade

Choose the correct alternative according to the text.
The text discusses the art of drinking tea.

Choose the correct alternative according to the text.
The popularity of tea in Britain contributed to the
development of the pottery and porcelain

Choose the correct alternative according to the text.
Tea was brought to Europe in ships.

Choose the correct alternative according to the text.
London was the first city to sell tea in England.

Choose the correct alternative according to the text.
The smugglers used churches to hide their
precious cargo.