Questões de Vestibular UENP 2017 para Vestibular - 1º Dia

Foram encontradas 10 questões

Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265151 Inglês
É correto afirmar que a charge
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265152 Inglês
Em relação aos comentários sobre a charge, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. Denunciam shoppings e lojas de departamentos onde a mesma situação já ocorreu. II. Recomendam algumas ações em resposta à situação apresentada na charge. III. Demonstram espanto e questionam a veracidade do acontecimento. IV. Comparam como as reações à situação podem ser diferentes na América Latina e Europa.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265153 Inglês
A partir da leitura dos trechos sublinhados no texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265154 Inglês

Choking to death

Sharks have been swimming in the oceans since before dinosaurs walked the earth. They’ve shaped the marine environment and everything in it. Without sharks the oceans could collapse, taking with them their ability to produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe and absorb 20% of the CO2 emissions we produce.

With every shark slaughtered we’re strengthening our stranglehold on the planet.

Too many fishing boats, too few fish The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently reported that 85% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited. It’s the big fish that will disappear first.

That’s why we’re focussing on key species that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available in shops and restaurants.

Join us and help protect our blue planet.

(Adaptado de: Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation (website) Why we do it. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2017).

De acordo com o texto, o objetivo da organização Bite-Back é
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265155 Inglês

Choking to death

Sharks have been swimming in the oceans since before dinosaurs walked the earth. They’ve shaped the marine environment and everything in it. Without sharks the oceans could collapse, taking with them their ability to produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe and absorb 20% of the CO2 emissions we produce.

With every shark slaughtered we’re strengthening our stranglehold on the planet.

Too many fishing boats, too few fish The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently reported that 85% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited. It’s the big fish that will disappear first.

That’s why we’re focussing on key species that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available in shops and restaurants.

Join us and help protect our blue planet.

(Adaptado de: Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation (website) Why we do it. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2017).

Com base na leitura do texto, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. Os tubarões são animais muito antigos, anteriores aos dinossauros.
II. Tubarões são responsáveis pelo estabelecimento do ecossistema marinho do planeta.
III. O extermínio dos tubarões poderia afetar gravemente o equilíbrio dos oceanos e, consequentemente, o planeta.
IV. Tubarões consomem em média 20% de CO2, contribuindo com a qualidade do ar que respiramos.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265156 Inglês

Choking to death

Sharks have been swimming in the oceans since before dinosaurs walked the earth. They’ve shaped the marine environment and everything in it. Without sharks the oceans could collapse, taking with them their ability to produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe and absorb 20% of the CO2 emissions we produce.

With every shark slaughtered we’re strengthening our stranglehold on the planet.

Too many fishing boats, too few fish The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently reported that 85% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited. It’s the big fish that will disappear first.

That’s why we’re focussing on key species that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available in shops and restaurants.

Join us and help protect our blue planet.

(Adaptado de: Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation (website) Why we do it. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2017).

Com relação aos recursos linguísticos utilizados no texto, atribua V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) às afirmativas a seguir.

( ) Em “Join us and help protect our blue planet”, o termo grifado tem a função de envolver o leitor.
( ) Em “that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available”, o termo grifado pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por “even”.
( ) Na frase “We’re not going to let that happen.”, o termo grifado se refere a “choking to death”.
( ) O trecho “the ocean’s most deadly predator,” pode ser traduzido por “o predador mais mortal do oceano.”
( ) No trecho “Unless something changes, sharks could become a thing of the past”, o termo grifado indica uma condição.

Assinale a alternativa que contém, de cima para baixo, a sequência correta.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265157 Inglês

Choking to death

Sharks have been swimming in the oceans since before dinosaurs walked the earth. They’ve shaped the marine environment and everything in it. Without sharks the oceans could collapse, taking with them their ability to produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe and absorb 20% of the CO2 emissions we produce.

With every shark slaughtered we’re strengthening our stranglehold on the planet.

Too many fishing boats, too few fish The International Union for the Conservation of Nature recently reported that 85% of the world’s fish stocks are fully exploited or overexploited. It’s the big fish that will disappear first.

That’s why we’re focussing on key species that are most vulnerable to overfishing yet widely available in shops and restaurants.

Join us and help protect our blue planet.

(Adaptado de: Bite-Back Shark & Marine Conservation (website) Why we do it. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2017).

De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa que apresenta, corretamente, a que se refere a expressão “Too many fishing boats, too few fish”.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265158 Inglês
Leia a letra da canção a seguir e responda à questão.

Linkin Park

I’m tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
I don’t know what you’re expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

I’ve become so numb
I can’t feel you there
I’ve become so tired
So much more aware

I’m becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

Can’t you see that you’re smothering me?
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control
’Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you

And I know
I may end up failing, too
But I know you were just like me
With someone disappointed in you

LINKIN PARK. Numb. In: Meteora. Warner Bros. Records, 2003, 1 CD (36min 43s). Faixa 13 (3min 08s). Produtor Don Gilmore.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, corretamente, o tema central da canção.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265159 Inglês
Leia a letra da canção a seguir e responda à questão.

Linkin Park

I’m tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
I don’t know what you’re expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

I’ve become so numb
I can’t feel you there
I’ve become so tired
So much more aware

I’m becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

Can’t you see that you’re smothering me?
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control
’Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you

And I know
I may end up failing, too
But I know you were just like me
With someone disappointed in you

LINKIN PARK. Numb. In: Meteora. Warner Bros. Records, 2003, 1 CD (36min 43s). Faixa 13 (3min 08s). Produtor Don Gilmore.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta, corretamente, os versos que indicam as intenções do eu-lírico.
Ano: 2017 Banca: UENP Concursos Órgão: UENP Prova: UENP Concursos - 2017 - UENP - Vestibular - 1º Dia |
Q1265160 Inglês
Leia a letra da canção a seguir e responda à questão.

Linkin Park

I’m tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
I don’t know what you’re expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow

I’ve become so numb
I can’t feel you there
I’ve become so tired
So much more aware

I’m becoming this
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you

Can’t you see that you’re smothering me?
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control
’Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you

And I know
I may end up failing, too
But I know you were just like me
With someone disappointed in you

LINKIN PARK. Numb. In: Meteora. Warner Bros. Records, 2003, 1 CD (36min 43s). Faixa 13 (3min 08s). Produtor Don Gilmore.
Em relação à linguagem utilizada na canção, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O trecho grifado no verso “Every step that I take is another mistake to you” é usado em seu sentido literal.
II. No verso “Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes”, o trecho grifado é usado em tom de ironia.
III. Em “I’ve become so tired”, o tempo verbal tem a função de indicar uma ação ocorrida no passado, que tem relevância no tempo presente.
IV. No verso “So much more aware”, a palavra “so” é usada com função de acrescentar maior ênfase à sentença.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
1: A
2: E
3: E
4: C
5: D
6: B
7: B
8: A
9: D
10: C