Questões de Vestibular UERJ 2014 para Vestibular - Primeiro Exame

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Ano: 2014 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2014 - UERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Exame |
Q545758 Inglês
This text is an example of the genre opinion article.
The purpose of this article can be described as:
Ano: 2014 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2014 - UERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Exame |
Q545759 Inglês
From the first to the fourth paragraph, various protest movements in different countries of the world are mentioned.
The author establishes links among them by means of the following textual strategy:
Ano: 2014 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2014 - UERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Exame |
Q545760 Inglês
In the fourth paragraph (l. 10-16), the author characterizes the typical members of the Brazilian society engaging in the protests.
This characterization is based on the criteria of:
Ano: 2014 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2014 - UERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Exame |
Q545761 Inglês
It’s sort of a Catch-22, (l. 21)
The underlined idiomatic expression introduces the idea of:
Ano: 2014 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2014 - UERJ - Vestibular - Primeiro Exame |
Q545762 Inglês
According to Saskia Sassen, protesters have taken to the streets to show their dissatisfaction with various issues.
One of the main reasons for the protests is the lack of confidence in:
1: A
2: B
3: A
4: C
5: D