Questões de Vestibular UERJ 2014 para Vestibular - Segundo Exame
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Sabia que era aquela a sua amada, por quem esperara desde sempre e que por muitos anos buscara em cada mulher, na mais terrível e dolorosa busca. (l. 15-16)
Neste trecho, existe um contraste que busca acentuar o seguinte traço relativo à mulher amada:
In the second paragraph, the author of the text cites E. Stuart Bates, who defines the term autobiography. Another writer, Philippe Lejeune, criticizes this definition and proposes a new one.
The characteristic present in Lejeune’s definition that justifies his criticism is:
Before the difference between autofiction and autobiography is presented, an important concept for the understanding of such distinction is introduced in the text.
This concept is the one of: