Questões de Vestibular UERJ 2017 para Vestibular - Primeiro Exame
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The texts “O poder criativo da imperfeição” and “Our (im)perfect bodies” discuss the concept of perfection, using examples from their respective areas.
The sentence that best represents the idea discussed in both texts is:
the exact number on the scale I was at that particular time in my life. (l. 5-6)
Concerning the author’s feelings, the statement above illustrates the following fact:
But I’ve been there, done that. (l. 14)
The underlined expression refers to the author’s experiencing the situation described below:
Though I had seen them many times, (l. 21)
The typical use of the underlined verb form signals the following aspect of this action:
In the last two paragraphs, the author establishes a relationship between the ideas of self-worth and one’s looks.
This relationship is best expressed in: