Questões de Vestibular UERJ 2023 para Vestibular Estadual 2024 – 1º Exame de Qualificação

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Q2182184 Inglês

The author presents a series of questions in the first paragraph.

These questions are used with the following purpose:

Q2182185 Inglês
This harmful mindset results in burnout, poor decision-making and bad communication. (l. 3-4) The sentence above lists some harmful mental attitudes that result in using speed as a measure of performance.
Besides these, another result of hustle culture is the one below:
Q2182186 Inglês
It may seem counterintuitive, (l. 5) The pronoun it refers to a certain idea present in the text. This idea is found in the following fragment:
Q2182187 Inglês
In the second paragraph, the author mentions three principles we can count on in our life and work. Each is presented in a separate paragraph, along lines 09 to 21. The words that best represent the topic of each of the three paragraphs, respectively, are:
Q2182188 Inglês
Helpful methods to slow down include journaling, (l. 25-26) The underlined word may be substituted, without significant change in meaning, by the words below:
1: C
2: B
3: D
4: D
5: A