Questões de Vestibular UniCEUB 2014 para Vestibular - 2º Vestibular
Foram encontradas 60 questões
Brazil turns to drones to protect Amazon
By Joe Leahy in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso. April 21,2014.
Brazilian municipalities are turning to drones as they prepare to implement a tough new law designed to save the Amazon from total deforestation.
Municipal authorities in the Amazon region, ...........1 ............. of which covers double the size of Scotland, are looking to use drones to map properties and monitor whether farmers and others are maintaining the minimum of forest cover required under the new forest code.
“With the acquisition of a drone, we would have a better result, we would have a panoramic view of how this process of recuperation is progressing," said Gercilene Meira, a specialist with the state environmental secretariat in the municipality of Alta Floresta, in Mato Grosso state. “We have done some tests using balloons but it was not sufficient."
Passed in 2012, Brazil's forest code was hailed as a breakthrough in the country's efforts to protect the Amazon while maintaining its emergence as an agricultural power. It is already one of ...........2 ............. exporters of sugar, coffee, soya beans and beef.
The law requires farmers in the Amazon to preserve up to 80 per cent of the forest on their land as well as protect springs and rivers. Those who violated previous restrictions on deforestation are required
to recuperate parts of the lost vegetation on their lands.
The need for the new law was highlighted last year, when deforestation of the Amazon increased for the first time in several years.
Adapted from Financial Times
Brazil turns to drones to protect Amazon
By Joe Leahy in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso. April 21,2014.
Brazilian municipalities are turning to drones as they prepare to implement a tough new law designed to save the Amazon from total deforestation.
Municipal authorities in the Amazon region, ...........1 ............. of which covers double the size of Scotland, are looking to use drones to map properties and monitor whether farmers and others are maintaining the minimum of forest cover required under the new forest code.
“With the acquisition of a drone, we would have a better result, we would have a panoramic view of how this process of recuperation is progressing," said Gercilene Meira, a specialist with the state environmental secretariat in the municipality of Alta Floresta, in Mato Grosso state. “We have done some tests using balloons but it was not sufficient."
Passed in 2012, Brazil's forest code was hailed as a breakthrough in the country's efforts to protect the Amazon while maintaining its emergence as an agricultural power. It is already one of ...........2 ............. exporters of sugar, coffee, soya beans and beef.
The law requires farmers in the Amazon to preserve up to 80 per cent of the forest on their land as well as protect springs and rivers. Those who violated previous restrictions on deforestation are required
to recuperate parts of the lost vegetation on their lands.
The need for the new law was highlighted last year, when deforestation of the Amazon increased for the first time in several years.
Adapted from Financial Times
Brazil turns to drones to protect Amazon
By Joe Leahy in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso. April 21,2014.
Brazilian municipalities are turning to drones as they prepare to implement a tough new law designed to save the Amazon from total deforestation.
Municipal authorities in the Amazon region, ...........1 ............. of which covers double the size of Scotland, are looking to use drones to map properties and monitor whether farmers and others are maintaining the minimum of forest cover required under the new forest code.
“With the acquisition of a drone, we would have a better result, we would have a panoramic view of how this process of recuperation is progressing," said Gercilene Meira, a specialist with the state environmental secretariat in the municipality of Alta Floresta, in Mato Grosso state. “We have done some tests using balloons but it was not sufficient."
Passed in 2012, Brazil's forest code was hailed as a breakthrough in the country's efforts to protect the Amazon while maintaining its emergence as an agricultural power. It is already one of ...........2 ............. exporters of sugar, coffee, soya beans and beef.
The law requires farmers in the Amazon to preserve up to 80 per cent of the forest on their land as well as protect springs and rivers. Those who violated previous restrictions on deforestation are required
to recuperate parts of the lost vegetation on their lands.
The need for the new law was highlighted last year, when deforestation of the Amazon increased for the first time in several years.
Adapted from Financial Times
Gabriel García Márquez was a Literary Giant
With a Passion for Journalism
By Karla Zabludovsky Friday, April 18,2014
The late Gabriel García Márquez holds a special place in the hearts of journalists.
Like Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway — or contemporaries like Pete Hamill and Tom Wolfe — García Márquez, a titan of 20th century literature, honed his writing skills as a reporter
before he became a celebrated novelist.
Even as his literary star rose, García Márquez, known colloquially across Latin America as Gabo, spoke proudly, tenderly and frequently about journalism.
“Those who are self-taught are avid and quick, and during those bygone times, we were that to a great extent in order to keep paving the way for the best profession in the world… as we ourselves called
it," said García Márquez during a speech about journalism at the 52nd Assembly of the Inter American Press Association in 1996.
Newsweek Magazine
Gabriel García Márquez was a Literary Giant
With a Passion for Journalism
By Karla Zabludovsky Friday, April 18,2014
The late Gabriel García Márquez holds a special place in the hearts of journalists.
Like Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway — or contemporaries like Pete Hamill and Tom Wolfe — García Márquez, a titan of 20th century literature, honed his writing skills as a reporter
before he became a celebrated novelist.
Even as his literary star rose, García Márquez, known colloquially across Latin America as Gabo, spoke proudly, tenderly and frequently about journalism.
“Those who are self-taught are avid and quick, and during those bygone times, we were that to a great extent in order to keep paving the way for the best profession in the world… as we ourselves called
it," said García Márquez during a speech about journalism at the 52nd Assembly of the Inter American Press Association in 1996.
Newsweek Magazine
Gabriel García Márquez was a Literary Giant
With a Passion for Journalism
By Karla Zabludovsky Friday, April 18,2014
The late Gabriel García Márquez holds a special place in the hearts of journalists.
Like Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway — or contemporaries like Pete Hamill and Tom Wolfe — García Márquez, a titan of 20th century literature, honed his writing skills as a reporter
before he became a celebrated novelist.
Even as his literary star rose, García Márquez, known colloquially across Latin America as Gabo, spoke proudly, tenderly and frequently about journalism.
“Those who are self-taught are avid and quick, and during those bygone times, we were that to a great extent in order to keep paving the way for the best profession in the world… as we ourselves called
it," said García Márquez during a speech about journalism at the 52nd Assembly of the Inter American Press Association in 1996.
Newsweek Magazine
When I ..................... a long time, very patiently, without ..................... him lie down, I resolved to open a little — a very, very little crevice in the lantern. So I opened it — you cannot imagine how stealthily,
stealthily — until, at length, a single dim ray, like the thread of the spider, shot from out the crevice and full upon the vulture eye.
Extracted from The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
When I ..................... a long time, very patiently, without ..................... him lie down, I resolved to open a little — a very, very little crevice in the lantern. So I opened it — you cannot imagine how stealthily,
stealthily — until, at length, a single dim ray, like the thread of the spider, shot from out the crevice and full upon the vulture eye.
Extracted from The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
The conference director welcomes proposals for round tables and panels that deal with the development of important genres, literary movements, themes, and issues.
American Literature Association
Symposium on American Poetry
“Yes. Probably we should. Did you take the number of the cab?"
“No. You didn't notice it, ...................... ?"
Extracted fromThe Necklace
by Guy de Maupassan
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x (x = 2kπ, k ∈ Z). Porém nós podemos tomar subconjuntos desses domínios D para gerar novas funções que possuam inversas.
Vejamos: A função inversa de f, denominada arco cujo seno, definida por f -1 : [ -1; +1] → [ -π/2; + π/2] , é denotada por f -1 ( x ) = arcsen ( x ) e a função inversa de g, denominada arco cujo cosseno, definida por g-1 : [ -1 ; + 1] → [ 0 ; π ] , é denotada por g-1 ( x ) = arccos ( x ). Sendo assim, podemos afirmar que os gráficos das funções f -1 (x) e g-1( x ) são, respectivamente,
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O gráfico que melhor representa essa função f é
![Imagem associada para resolução da questão](
(Fonte: Figura adaptada do site
2010_12_01_archive.html – Acesso em 15/04/2014.)
Havendo uma grande quantidade de gases no poço perfurado, a própria pressão do gás fará com que o petróleo suba pela tubulação, mas se a pressão do gás for pouca ou nula, deve-se instalar bombas de extração para bombear o petróleo para a superfície. Supondo-se que uma bomba para extrair o petróleo situado a seis mil metros de profundidade bombeie, em um determinado intervalo de tempo, 3000 litros de petróleo para o depósito na plataforma marítima (ao nível do mar), o módulo do trabalho útil (em joules) realizado pela bomba será por volta de
Dados: Peso específico do petróleo 0,88 kgf/L, considere 1 kgm = 10 J e ângulo θ = 0°
Leia o texto a seguir.
As leis de Kepler são cinemáticas e foram fundamentais para permitir que Newton descobrisse as leis da mecânica e da gravitação.Com essas leis, Newton mostrou que a terceira lei de Kepler necessitava de uma pequena correção. Com essa correção, a terceira lei de Kepler se escreve:
Ou seja, a razão entre o cubo das distâncias médias dos planetas à estrela e o quadrado dos períodos dos movimentos é aproximadamente a mesma para todos os planetas. Ela depende também da massa m do planeta, que aparece somada à massa M da estrela no fator (M + m).
(Fonte: Adaptação de
exoplanets/planetas.htm#47UMa) – Acesso em 22/04/2014.