Questões de Vestibular Unichristus 2018 para Vestibular, Primeiro Semestre - Medicina - Conhecimentos Gerais
Foram encontradas 4 questões
‘Is this person a citizen?’ The answer could mean less representation for populous states and big cities.
A citizenship question on the 2020 census has already drawn challenges from states that fear an undercount of immigrants and a loss of federal funds. But demographers say there could be even deeper consequences. The question could generate the data necessary to redefine how political power is apportioned in America.
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Acesso em: 31 jul. 2018.
Since Trump became the president of the USA, many immigrant issues have become major problems in the country. Now, what may the 2020 census question change in America?
The stresses and frustrations of check-splitting are not exclusive to 20-somethings, but they seem to hit this subset of diners harder, and with more frequency, than other groups. Everyone, it seems, has a story of dining out in their 20s and getting stuck with the tab. The best way to handle these difficult splits is to notify your server ahead of time – just tell your server that you want individual checks.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2018.
Muitas pessoas já passaram pela situação complicada de pedir a conta em um restaurante junto com outras pessoas, e a conta “não bater”. Essa situação é mais comum do que se imagina. Baseando-se no texto, escolha a opção correta.
Police in Sweden have launched a manhunt after thieves swiped some of the country’s crown jewels from a cathedral and escaped by speedboat. Two priceless crowns and an orb belonging to a 17th century king and queen were taken at around midday on Tuesday in Strängnäs, near Stockholm. Witnesses said they saw two men running from the cathedral, which was open to the public and hosting a lunch fair. They were seen motoring off into Lake Malaren, and have not been seen since.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 1ₒago. 2018.
Some thieves can be really creative. This creativity has inspired many Hollywood movies. But to see it in real life can be something. Based on the text, choose the only option that is not true.
Uma espécie bacteriana multirresistente, causadora de infecções hospitalares, está se tornando cada vez mais tolerante ao álcool usado para lavagem das mãos. A conclusão foi obtida a partir de amostras colhidas em dois hospitais australianos. A análise do material sugere que a espécie Enterococcus faecium está se adaptando a uma das ferramentas mais baratas e populares empregadas no combate a infecções em instituições de saúde. As infecções por E. faecium aumentaram, apesar do uso de desinfetantes à base de álcool, e atualmente representam uma das principais causas de infecções em hospitais.
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Acesso em: 2 ago. 2018.
Nas últimas décadas, espécies bacterianas cada vez mais resistentes têm preocupado médicos e enfermeiros de todo o mundo. Os hospitais endurecem os procedimentos higiênicos para impedir que micróbios perigosos infectem os pacientes. Assinale a opção que melhor resume a ideia do texto.