Questões de Vestibular UFTM 2013 para Vestibular, Prova de Conhecimentos Gerais - Primeira Fase

Foram encontradas 86 questões

Q1341107 História
O fato de ser a única monarquia na América levou os governantes do Império a apontarem o Brasil como um solitário no continente, cercado de potenciais inimigos. Temia-se o surgimento de uma grande república liderada por Buenos Aires, que poderia vir a ser um centro de atração sobre o problemático Rio Grande do Sul e o isolado Mato Grosso. Para o Império, a melhor garantia de que a Argentina não se tornaria uma ameaça concreta estava no fato de Paraguai e Uruguai serem países independentes, com governos livres da influência argentina.
(Francisco Doratioto. A Guerra do Paraguai, 1991.)
A partir das preocupações citadas no texto, o Império brasileiro agiu no Prata,
Q1341108 História
A Revolta da Vacina (1904) e a Revolta da Chibata (1910) podem ser consideradas
Q1341109 História
Nós nos encontramos todos aqui e o milagre desse encontro enche nossa alma. Cada um de vocês pode me ver e eu não posso ver a cada um de vocês, mas eu os sinto e vocês me sentem. É a fé em nosso povo que, de pequenos, nos tornou grandes, de pobres, nos fez ricos, de homens angustiados, desencorajados e hesitantes que éramos, fez de nós homens corajosos e valentes, aos homens errantes que éramos, nos deu a visão e nos reuniu a todos.
(Adolf Hitler, discurso de 1936. Apud Alcir Lenharo. Nazismo: “o triunfo da vontade”, 1986.)
Podemos dizer que Hitler se apresenta, no fragmento de discurso acima, como
Q1341110 História
O regime liberal-democrático, inaugurado no Brasil em 1946, foi permanentemente ameaçado por tentativas de golpe de Estado. Uma dessas tentativas ocorreu quando
Q1341111 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
O coeficiente de Gini
Q1341112 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
In terms of income inequality, Brazil
Q1341113 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
Brazil’s income distribution has improved over the last decades due to
Q1341114 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
No trecho do primeiro parágrafo – to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia –, which refere-se a
Q1341115 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
No início do segundo parágrafo, a palavra nevertheless introduz
Q1341116 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
No trecho do segundo parágrafo – But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. –, in spite of equivale, em português, a
Q1341117 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
A palavra figures em – In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level. – equivale, em português, a 
Q1341118 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
One of Lula’s achievements was
Q1341119 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Brazil despite its economic success remains one of the inequality champions

August 22nd, 2012

The ‘favelas’ or shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities
    Brazil might be the leading economy in Latin America and has had a significant performance in reducing poverty in recent years, but it still remains among the countries with the highest inequality in the region together with Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia, points out the UN-Habitat report. In all four countries based on 2009 data, the Gini income per capita distribution index stood at 0.56, to which must be added Dominican Republic and Bolivia, two inequality champions with high concentration of wealth. This compares with the US and Portugal Gini indicator of 0.38, two countries that offer no relief since Portugal, for example, has the highest inequality index of the European Union.
     Nevertheless, Brazil advanced compared to 1990 when it had the highest degree of inequality and stood well ahead from the rest of the continent. But the region continues to have the highest inequality rate in spite of advances in helping income distribution. Among some of the causes for distribution improvement are productivity, upward trend of salaries and workers categories, strong economy and implementation of income transfer programs in several countries, particularly in the two leading economies, Brazil and Mexico. In the case of Brazil, the country’s economy now figures sixth at global level.
    Former president Lula da Silva and one of the most popular leaders in history of that country based his success precisely on the Bolsa Família Plan, which distributed a monthly basic food basket to millions, helping anywhere from 14 to 22 million climb out of poverty, plus ensuring his Workers Party an encouraging future.
    The Gini coefficient or index measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for instance, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality where all values are the same (for instance, where everyone has an exactly equal income). A Gini coefficient of one (100 on the percentile scale) expresses maximal inequality among values (for instance, where only one person has all the income).

( Adaptado.)
The picture relates to the text because it illustrates
Q1341120 Português
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
As informações contidas nos quadrinhos permitem concluir que
Q1341121 Português
Instrução: Leia o poema de Bocage para responder à questão.

Oh retrato da morte, oh noite amiga
Por cuja escuridão suspiro há tanto!
Calada testemunha do meu pranto,
De meus desgostos secretária antiga!

Pois manda Amor, que a ti somente os diga,
Dá-lhes pio agasalho no teu manto;
Ouve-os, como costumas, ouve, enquanto
Dorme a cruel, que a delirar me obriga:

E vós, oh cortesãos da escuridade,
Fantasmas vagos, mochos piadores,
Inimigos, como eu, da claridade!

Em bandos acudi aos meus clamores;
Quero a vossa medonha sociedade,
Quero fartar meu coração de horrores.

(Bocage. Sonetos, 1994.)
Nesse poema, predomina
Q1341122 Português
Instrução: Leia o poema de Bocage para responder à questão.

Oh retrato da morte, oh noite amiga
Por cuja escuridão suspiro há tanto!
Calada testemunha do meu pranto,
De meus desgostos secretária antiga!

Pois manda Amor, que a ti somente os diga,
Dá-lhes pio agasalho no teu manto;
Ouve-os, como costumas, ouve, enquanto
Dorme a cruel, que a delirar me obriga:

E vós, oh cortesãos da escuridade,
Fantasmas vagos, mochos piadores,
Inimigos, como eu, da claridade!

Em bandos acudi aos meus clamores;
Quero a vossa medonha sociedade,
Quero fartar meu coração de horrores.

(Bocage. Sonetos, 1994.)
No contexto do poema, o verso – Por cuja escuridão suspiro há tanto! – equivale a
Q1341123 Português
O brasileiro sabe da importância da leitura para progredir na vida, ________ continua considerando a atividade desinteressante. Este é o principal diagnóstico da pesquisa Retratos da Leitura no Brasil, divulgada nesta semana pelo Instituto Pró-Livro. Foram ________  mais de cinco mil pessoas em 315 municípios e os resultados apontam que apenas metade delas ________ . O critério é ter lido pelo menos um livro nos últimos três meses. O estudo também demonstra que o hábito da leitura está conectado com a frequência à escola. Entre os que estudam estão apenas 16% do total da população de não leitores. Mesmo entre aqueles considerados leitores, a média de obras lidas é 1,4 para quem não está estudando ante 3,4 para quem estuda (considerando os últimos três meses).
( Adaptado.)
As lacunas do texto são preenchidas, correta e respectivamente, por
Q1341124 Português
Leia os versos do poema Psicologia de um vencido, de Augusto dos Anjos.

Já o verme – este operário das ruínas – Que o sangue podre das carnificinas Come, e à vida em geral declara guerra,
Anda a espreitar meus olhos para roê-los, E há de deixar-me apenas os cabelos, Na frialdade inorgânica da terra!

Nesses versos, o eu lírico enfatiza
Q1341125 Português
Instrução: Leia a letra da canção de Falcão para responder à questão.


Áries – Não subestime a sua incapacidade
Touro – Fique tranquilo em relação à sua própria infelicidade Gêmeos – Uma semana vem, outra semana vai
Câncer – Alguém telefonará e você atenderá e depois desligará
Leão – A solução dos seus problemas só lhe dará tranquilidade
Virgem – Nem que a tristeza lhe consuma, não morra, não esmoreça, sob hipótese nenhuma

É ganhando que se ganha
É empatando que se empata
É perdendo que se perde
É nascendo que se nasce
É morrendo que se morre
É vivendo que se “veve”

Libra – A lua em Saturno quer dizer alguma coisa
Escorpião – Não seja impertinente, você terá nas mãos os dez dedos de sempre
Sagitário – Uma pessoa idosa não fará nenhuma diferença
Capricórnio – No entanto, aquele alguém, que goza de saúde, poderá pegar uma doença
Aquário – No mais será tudo igual, pois o período propicia
Peixes – E tudo se encaminha para um fim de semana com apenas dois dias.

O efeito de humor na canção do compositor cearense Falcão decorre do emprego, entre outros recursos, de
Q1341126 Português
Instrução: Leia a letra da canção de Falcão para responder à questão.


Áries – Não subestime a sua incapacidade
Touro – Fique tranquilo em relação à sua própria infelicidade Gêmeos – Uma semana vem, outra semana vai
Câncer – Alguém telefonará e você atenderá e depois desligará
Leão – A solução dos seus problemas só lhe dará tranquilidade
Virgem – Nem que a tristeza lhe consuma, não morra, não esmoreça, sob hipótese nenhuma

É ganhando que se ganha
É empatando que se empata
É perdendo que se perde
É nascendo que se nasce
É morrendo que se morre
É vivendo que se “veve”

Libra – A lua em Saturno quer dizer alguma coisa
Escorpião – Não seja impertinente, você terá nas mãos os dez dedos de sempre
Sagitário – Uma pessoa idosa não fará nenhuma diferença
Capricórnio – No entanto, aquele alguém, que goza de saúde, poderá pegar uma doença
Aquário – No mais será tudo igual, pois o período propicia
Peixes – E tudo se encaminha para um fim de semana com apenas dois dias.

A canção imita o gênero horóscopo, termo que inclusive é o seu título. Desse gênero, uma marca linguística que nela se encontra é
41: B
42: E
43: A
44: D
45: C
46: C
47: E
48: E
49: A
50: B
51: D
52: E
53: A
54: C
55: B
56: D
57: A
58: C
59: A
60: E