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Q1275780 Inglês

High Marks for Clean Water

     Retrieve a discarded water bottle. Tear off the label and fill it with any water that’s not too murky from a creek, standpipe or a puddle. Place the bottle on a piece of metal in full sun. In six hours the UVA radiation will kill viruses, bacteria and parasites in the water, making it safe to drink.
     SODIS, the acronym for this Swiss - pioneered water - disinfection program, is now being used all over the world to provide drinking water for some four million people. “It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s effective,” says Ibelatha Mhelela, principal of the Ndolela Primary School in Tanzania. In 2006 her school started using SODIS to disinfect its contaminated tap water, placing bottles on the building’s corrugated metal roof. The result? Absenteeism due to diarrhea has dropped considerably, and examination scores soared. “Before we started SODIS, only ten to fifteen percent of the children passed the national sixth grade exams,” says Mhelela, “Now ninety to ninety - five percent of the students pass.” 

(National Geographic, April 2010)
The meaning of the word “murky” in the second sentence of text B is:
Ano: 2018 Banca: UFVJM-MG Órgão: UFVJM-MG Prova: UFVJM-MG - 2018 - UFVJM-MG - Vestibular - 2º Etapa |
Q1274473 Inglês
Text II:


6 cups thinly sliced apples
3/4 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 recipe pastry for a 9-inch double-crust pie

Prepare your pastry for a two crust pie. Wipe, quarter, core, peel, and slice apples; measure to 6 cups. Combine sugar and cinnamon. The amount of sugar used depends on how tart your apples are. Arrange apples in layers in pastry lined pie plate. Sprinkle each layer with sugar and cinnamon. Dot top layer with small pieces of butter or margarine. Cover with top crust. Place on lowest rack in oven preheated to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bake for 30 to 35 minutes longer. Serve warm or cold.
Source: < > Date of retrieval: June 13th, 2018.
O texto II pertence a um gênero textual conhecido pelo uso de verbos no modo imperativo, isto é, verbos que indicam ordens, pedidos, comandos, etc.
ASSINALE a alternativa que NÃO contém verbos no modo imperativo:
Ano: 2018 Banca: IF Sudeste - MG Órgão: IF Sudeste - MG Prova: IF Sudeste - MG - 2018 - IF Sudeste - MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1273130 Inglês

Read the following text to answer question.

The nature of intelligence

For many years, scientists (1) ___________ define the nature of human intelligence. However, they (2) ___________unable to agree on whether there is one kind of intelligence, or several kinds. In the early 20th century, psychologist Charles Spearman came up with the concept of 'g' or 'general intelligence'. He (3) ___________ subjects a variety of different tests and (4) ___________ that the people who performed well in the tests used one part of the brain, which he called 'g', for all the tests. More recently, research (5)___________ that this idea may well be true, as one part of the brain (the lateral prefrontal cortex) shows increased blood flow during testing. However, some scientists believe that intelligence is a matter of how much people (6) ___________rather than some ability they are born with. They believe that environment also matters.

VINCE, M. Macmillan English grammar in context. Macmillan, London. 2008. p. 22. Adapted.

Check the alternative that shows the sequence of words that CORRECTLY fill in the spaces (1-6).

Q1272373 Inglês
No fragmento do TEXTO 01 ―Butthe social media story extends well be yond Facebook‖, (linha 12) podese encontrar os seguintes elementos, EXCETO:
Ano: 2011 Banca: COPESE - IF-TM Órgão: IF-TM Prova: COPESE - IF-TM - 2011 - IF-TM - Vestibular - Prova 01 |
Q1270879 Inglês
         Flourishing is the word that best describes the independent music industry at this moment in time. The fact that new projects require smaller budgets than before has led to the creation of countless labels and independent companies. (…)
      The entire nation has managed to grasp the most positive aspects of the drive towards globalization. Our country is diverse, creative, proactive and, above all, very young. In the past few years, the new generation has become increasingly involved in music production, which means that there is a growing dynamism and energy in the current music scene. (…)
        There are a number of obstacles, the main one being the high level of consumption of pirated goods, which accounts for more than 70% of the market. (…).
          Another difficulty is the limited purchasing power of a large part of the population who access content through piracy because the prices are better suited to their means. For this reason, they are not bothered about the poor quality or the illegality of the product they buy.   
         (By Humberto Moreno, a Colombian independent music producer who helped present a Global Alliance project at the World Music Expo (WOMEX) in October 2006 in Seville, Spain).

Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 116/117. 
O tempo verbal „present perfect” foi usado no texto em, pelo menos, duas sentenças, com propriedade:

'The fact … has led to the creation of…‟;
'The entire nation has managed to grasp the most…‟

Escolha a sentença na qual o 'present perfect' foi usado incorretamente:
96: C
97: C
98: B
99: C
100: D