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Ano: 2019 Banca: UFRGS Órgão: UFRGS Prova: UFRGS - 2019 - UFRGS - Vestibular - UFRGS - Física, Literatura e Inglês |
Q1785220 Inglês
Instrução: A questão está relacionada ao texto abaixo.  

Adaptado de: MUNRO, Alice. Chance.
In: Runaway. London: Vintage, 2013. p. 52-53.
Assinale a alternativa correta a respeito do texto.
Ano: 2016 Banca: UEG Órgão: UEG Prova: UEG - 2016 - UEG - Processo Seletivo UEG |
Q1783327 Inglês

Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.

The Internet of Things

   The “Internet of Things” (IoT) is becoming an increasingly growing topic of conversation both in the workplace and outside of it. It’s a concept that not only has the potential to impact how we live but also how we work. But what exactly is the “Internet of Things” and what impact is it going to have on you, if any? There are a lot of complexities around the “Internet of Things” but we want to stick to the basics. Lots of technical and policyrelated conversations are being had but many people are still just trying to grasp the foundation of what the heck these conversations are about.

  Let’s start with understanding a few things. 

  Broadband Internet is becoming more widely available, the cost of connecting is decreasing, more devices are being created with Wi-Fi capabilities and sensors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smartphone penetration is sky-rocketing. All of these things are creating a “perfect storm” for the IoT.

  So What Is The Internet of Things?  

Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). This includes everything from cellphones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of.

  So what now?

  The new rule for the future is going to be, “Anything that can be connected, will be connected.”

Analisando-se os aspectos estruturais do texto, verifica-se que
Ano: 2016 Banca: UNEMAT Órgão: UNEMAT Prova: UNEMAT - 2016 - UNEMAT - Vestibular UNEMAT |
Q1782765 Inglês
Val is the kind of live-in housekeeper who takes her work seriously. She wears a crisp maid’s uniform while serving perfect canapés; she serves her wealthy São Paulo employers day in and day out while lovingly nannying their teenage son whom she’s raised since toddlerhood. Everyone and everything in the elegant house has its place until one day, Val’s ambitious, clever daughter Jessica arrives from Val’s hometown to take the college entrance examination. Jessica’s confident, youthful presence upsets the unspoken yet strict balance of power in the household; Val must decide where her allegiances lie and what she’s willing to sacrifice.
With subtly dark, giddy humor and keenly drawn characters, director Anna Muylaert mines the incendiary drama when old ideas and new worlds collide. The immense satisfaction and fun of The Second Mother stem from watching tacit social codes and delicate hierarchies waver as a new generation blithely treads on sacrosanct boundaries. Muylaert has given us a fresh, contemporary spin on class in Brazil, wrapped in a deeply moving story of what belonging and family mean.
Disponível em: Acesso em nov. 2015.
De acordo com a sinopse, o tema central do filme baseia-se:
Ano: 2021 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2021 - UERJ - Vestibular - Exame Único |
Q1770228 Inglês


Adaptado de

In the last stanza, there is a change in perspective, suggesting a less subjective look at what happened. This change is signaled by:
Ano: 2021 Banca: UERJ Órgão: UERJ Prova: UERJ - 2021 - UERJ - Vestibular - Exame Único |
Q1770227 Inglês


Adaptado de

Nor is it strange (l. 20) The inversion observed in the line above emphasizes what is being said. Another way of expressing emphasis is exemplified in the fragment below:
101: B
102: D
103: D
104: B
105: B