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Ano: 2020 Banca: UniREDENTOR Órgão: UniREDENTOR Prova: UniREDENTOR - 2020 - UniREDENTOR - Vestibular - Medicina - Vagas Remanescentes |
Q1406174 Inglês
The conversation around aging in the U.S. must change—both in Washington and among industry stakeholders. This will require players in the ecosystem proactively working together to solve interoperability challenges, committing to value-based care and accommodating and supporting caregivers and patients alike. Supporting partnerships between hospitals and community organizations that provide more support for caregivers and reimbursing patients for tools outside of the healthcare ecosystem will be critical. By working together, the healthcare system can support aging gracefully and living happier, healthier lives.

Speaking of which, our friends at HLTH have launched a new conference with the goal of bringing industry players together to discuss how industry verticals can work together to solve complex challenges  in healthcare—including addressing the aging population. Check out their website to learn more and read their latest blog on the aging U.S. population.

Samantha Smoak og/five-ways-aging-populationimpacting-healthcare-united-states
By working together, the healthcare system can support aging gracefully and living happier, healthier lives” The word by has the same meaning of the sentence above in:
Ano: 2017 Banca: UNICENTRO Órgão: UNICENTRO Prova: UNICENTRO - 2017 - UNICENTRO - Vestibular - PAC - 1ª Etapa |
Q1403834 Inglês
In a nationwide referendum, the Turkish population has voted for a change in the country’s constitution. It will give the president more power and reduce the influence of parliament. 51.3% of the voters said “Yes” to a change , while the “No” side received 48.7%. For months, the population has been divided on the issue. The new constitution is the biggest change in the structure of Turkey since it was founded in the early 20th century
The referendum was a victory for Turkish President Recip Erdogan, who, together with his ruling AKP Party , called the country’s people to expand presidential powers. Erdogan became Turkey’s president in 2014 after being Prime Minster for over a decade. In the last few years he gained more and more power, especially after the attempted coup last summer. With the new constitution in place Erdogan could stay president until 2029.
Recip Erdogan insists that the new constitution will make Turkey more modern and easier to govern. Opponents of Erdogan claim that the change will make the president too powerful and will turn the country into a dictatorship ruled by one person. They say that, in future, the president cannot be controlled or supervised by parliament or the courts. In Turkey’s new constitution the president will have wide-ranging powers. He will not only be able to appoint his own minsters and choose the vice president, but also have the power to dissolve parliament and declare a state of emergency. He will also be able to appoint judges to the highest court, similar to the American President. 
The European Union has been highly critical of the referendum and stated that a change towards more presidential power will not help Turkey become a member of the EU. It is afraid that, once Erdogan has more power, the country will disregard human rights and introduce the death penalty

__________ is your birthday?

It is ________ November.

Great! We ________ celebrate together.

Ano: 2011 Banca: ACAFE Órgão: UNC Prova: ACAFE - 2011 - UNC - Vestibular - Verão |
Q1400386 Inglês
Which is the correct sequence of the miss-ing words in the text?
Ano: 2014 Banca: IF-RS Órgão: IF-RS Prova: IF-RS - 2014 - IF-RS - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1387028 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que preenche correta e respectivamente as lacunas das linhas 1, 2, e 6.
Q1310579 Inglês

Text 3

        Play it Forward Adventures combines volunteerism with active outdoor adventure making every vacation a personal, all-encompassing experience.

        Volunteer. Build desks for school children in Thailand, read stories to orphans in Kenya, or construct a home for a family in Guatemala. Opportunities to volunteer are endless and the needs around the world are abundant. One person can make a difference.

        Explore. Treat yourself to active, outdoor adventures that will leave you feeling invigorated. Mountain bike through corn fields, conquer a volcano, or kayak untapped waters. Wherever our adventures take you, we promise an open air approach.

        Connect. Connect with yourself or a loved one when you step away from the comforts of home to experience something new and different. Share special moments with locals and like-minded travelers making memories that will last you a lifetime.

        Time to reflect and relax is built in to every tour making each experience as much rejuvenating as it is rewarding.

        Play it forward on your next vacation getaway!

Adapted from: <>

Accessed on July 29th., 2011.

Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) CORRECT definitions for the underlined words/expressions in text 3.

share – hide something from someone

16: C
17: C
18: C
19: C
20: E