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Ano: 2017 Banca: PUC - SP Órgão: PUC - SP Prova: PUC - SP - 2017 - PUC - SP - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1395872 Inglês

• As sentenças abaixo apresentam notícias e as fotos as ilustram. Escolha a alternativa que apresenta a relação correta entre as notícias e as fotos.

1. The newly renovated bathrooms at Bryant Park, which The Times has described as the “Tiffany’s of public restrooms,” reopened last month after a $280,000 makeover.

2. The internal investigator at Rikers Island was placed on modified duty in response to accusations that he had spied on city investigators.

3. A witness gives an account of what happened when a homeless man fell onto the subway tracks.

4. The water crises on Long Island has resulted in “dead rivers, closed beaches, harmful algal blooms.”

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Ano: 2018 Banca: PUC - RJ Órgão: PUC - RJ Prova: PUC - RJ - 2018 - PUC - RJ - Vestibular - Inglês - 1º Dia - Manhã - Grupo 2 |
Q1393835 Inglês

Available at: < ction-

-addiction-why-humans-need-stories>. Retrieved on: 3 May 2018.


In the fragment “Along these lines, various studies have identified cooperation as a core theme in popular narratives across the world” (lines 39-41), the expression “Along these lines” can be replaced, without a change in meaning, by
Ano: 2017 Banca: Univap Órgão: Univap Prova: Univap - 2017 - Univap - Vestibular - Processo Seletivo 2 |
Q1390012 Inglês

A questão referem-se à tirinha abaixo

Disponível em: Acesso em: 09/12/2016.

O humor da tirinha consta na alternativa
Ano: 2015 Banca: FADBA Órgão: Fadba Prova: FADBA - 2015 - Fadba - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1387310 Inglês
Leia o texto abaixo para a questão.

Friendship Day History
    There is not much literature on Friendship Day history as we celebrate today. However, there are numerous folktales and several instance in mythological legends that shows that friends and friendship have been valued since the beginning of civilized world. As an intrinsically social creature, men love to make friends to further this process of socialization.

History of Friendship Day in US
    Considering the valuable role friends play in our life it was deemed to fit to have a day dedicated to friends and friendship. The United States Congress, in 1935, proclaimed first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day. Since then, celebration of National Friendship Day became an annual event. The noble idea of honoring the beautiful relationship of friendship caught on with the people and soon Friendship Day became a hugely popular festival. Following the popularity and success of Friendship Day in US, several other countries adopted the tradition of dedicating a day to friends. Today, Friendship Day is enthusiastically celebrated by several countries across the world including India. In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie - the Pooh as the world's Ambassador of Friendship.

Importance of Friendship in Bible
The Bible, the primary text of the western civilization, reflects upon friendship as the bond that forms the foundation to human faith, trust and companionship. Following verses from the bible aptly portray the importance of friends:

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Matthew 7:7

“Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:13-15 ≥ Acesso em 09/06/2015
Podemos obter um exemplo correto de uma frase no Simple Present Tense em:
Ano: 2015 Banca: FADBA Órgão: Fadba Prova: FADBA - 2015 - Fadba - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q1387306 Inglês

Leia a tirinha abaixo e marque a alternativa correta.

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Qual é o tempo verbal predominante nos dois primeiros quadrinhos?

211: B
212: A
213: A
214: E
215: B