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Ano: 2019 Banca: COMVEST - UNICAMP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: COMVEST - UNICAMP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais |
Q1298176 Inglês

‘Yes, I’m Italian – but I’m not loud, I don’t gesticulate and I’m not good with pizza’

Elena Ferrante

I love my country, but I have no patriotic spirit and no national pride. What’s more, I digest pizza poorly, I eat very little spaghetti, I don’t speak in a loud voice, I don’t gesticulate, I hate all mafias, I don’t exclaim “Mamma mia!” National characteristics are simplifications that should be contested. Being Italian, for me, begins and ends with the fact that I speak and write in the Italian language.

Put that way it doesn’t seem like much, but really it’s a lot. A language is a compendium of the history, geography, material and spiritual life, the vices and virtues, not only of those who speak it, but also of those who have spoken it through the centuries. When I say that I’m Italian because I write in Italian, I mean that I’m fully Italian in the only way that I’m willing to attribute to myself a nationality. I don’t like the other ways, especially when they become nationalism, chauvinism, and imperialism.

(Adaptado de Elena Ferrante, ‘Yes, I´m Italian – but I´m not loud, I don´t gesticulate and I´m not good with pizza’, The Guardian, 24/02/2018.)

Transcrevem-se, a seguir, versos de canções brasileiras e de um poema de Vinícius de Moraes. Assinale a alternativa que melhor exemplifica as afirmações de Elena Ferrante.

Ano: 2019 Banca: COMVEST - UNICAMP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: COMVEST - UNICAMP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais |
Q1298175 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Os dizeres da camiseta

Ano: 2019 Banca: COMVEST - UNICAMP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: COMVEST - UNICAMP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais |
Q1298174 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questãoWe raise girls to cater to the fragile egos of men. We teach girls do shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We tell girls ‘You can have ambition, but not too much’. ‘You should aim to be successful, but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man’. (…) We teach girls shame – ‘Close your legs, cover yourself!’. We make them feel as though by being born female, they’re already guilty of something. And so, girls grow up to be women who cannot see they have desire. They grow up to be women who silence themselves. They grow up to be women who cannot say what they truly think. And they grow up – and this is the worst thing we do to girls – to be women who turn pretense into an art form.

(Adaptado da palestra “We should all be feminists”, 15/07/2009. Disponível em Acessado em 14/05/2018.)

O texto anterior reproduz trechos de uma palestra proferida pela escritora nigeriana Chimamanda Adichie em 2009. Segundo a autora, o fato de serem criadas para agradar aos homens faz com que as mulheres

Ano: 2019 Banca: COMVEST - UNICAMP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: COMVEST - UNICAMP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais |
Q1298172 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

O post anterior aponta

Ano: 2019 Banca: COMVEST - UNICAMP Órgão: UNICAMP Prova: COMVEST - UNICAMP - 2019 - UNICAMP - Vestibular - Conhecimentos gerais |
Q1298171 Inglês

Largest prime number discovered: with more than 23m digits

Known simply as M77232917, the figure is arrived at by calculating two to the power of 77,232,917 and subtracting one, leaving a gargantuan string of 23,249,425 digits. The result is nearly one million digits longer than the previous record holder discovered in January 2016. The number belongs to a rare group of so-called Mersenne prime numbers, named after the 17th century French monk Marin Mersenne. Like any prime number, a Mersenne prime is divisible only by itself and one, but is derived by multiplying twos together over and over before taking away one. The previous record-holding number was the 49th Mersenne prime ever found, making the new one the 50th.

(Adaptado de Ian Sample, “Largest prime number discovered: with more than 23m digits”. The Guardian, 04/ 01/2018.)

Considerando as informações contidas no excerto anterior, qual dos números a seguir é um primo de Mersenne?

291: C
292: D
293: B
294: C
295: C