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Ano: 2018 Banca: COPS-UEL Órgão: UEL Prova: COPS-UEL - 2018 - UEL - Vestibular - 2º Fase |
Q970792 Inglês


IN THE MIDDLE OF THE 19th century, a relatively unknown author named Pedro Carolino rapidly gained intercontinental popularity over a small Portuguese-to-English phrasebook. English as She Is Spoke (or O novo guia da conversação em portuguez e inglez) was originally intended to help Portuguese speakers dabble in the English tongue, but was penned by a man who spoke little to no English himself. And, instead of helping Portuguese speakers learn a second language, it became a cult classic for fans of inept and unintentional humor.

It quickly gained notoriety among English speakers, including author Mark Twain, who wrote the introduction for the first English edition, published in 1883. Twain expressed his approval of the book, saying “Nobody can add to the absurdity of this book, nobody can imitate it successfully, nobody can hope to produce its fellow; it is perfect.” 

It is presumed that Carolino wrote the book through the aid of a Portuguese-to-French dictionary and a French-to-English dictionary, using the former for an initial translation of a word or phrase from Portuguese, and the latter to convert it from French into English. The result, of course, is a mishmash of cloudy gibberish.

Perhaps the most notorious section of the book is an appropriately named chapter entitled “Idiotisms and Proverbs,” which again features phrases that vary between barely understandable and completely nonsensical. Examples of Carolino’s twice-translated proverbs include: “it is better be single as a bad company”; “there is no better sauce who the appetite”; and simply “That not says a word, consent”.

The book opens with a preface written in a peculiar style of English. It details the book’s intended audience, stating that it “may be worth the acceptation of the studious persons, and especially of the Youth, of which we dedicate him particularly.” Perhaps predictably, English as She Is Spoke did not become popular among Portuguese-speaking students. In fact, it was never published in Portugal, although it did find an audience 133 years later in Brazil, when it was released as a comedy title.

Adaptado de LEIGHTY-PHILLIPS, Tucker. How a Portuguese-to-English Phrasebook became a cult comedy sensation. In: Atlas Obscura (online). 29 jun. 2016. Disponível em 

Em relação ao livro de Pedro Carolino, considere as afirmativas a seguir.

I. Alcançou fama rapidamente, porém por motivo diverso daquele esperado pelo autor.

II. Foi simultaneamente publicado em Portugal e no Brasil, onde permaneceu por vários anos na lista dos mais vendidos.

III. Tinha o objetivo de satirizar a crescente influência da língua inglesa entre jovens estudantes portugueses.

IV. Foi escrito a partir da tradução de termos do português para o francês e depois para o inglês.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Ano: 2019 Banca: UEMG Órgão: UEMG Prova: UEMG - 2019 - UEMG - Vestibular |
Q970585 Inglês
Lima Barreto’s work (Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma) describes a man who acted in some areas along his life. Check the alternative that shows the area that it was NOT active.
Ano: 2018 Banca: UNESPAR Órgão: UNESPAR Prova: UNESPAR - 2018 - UNESPAR - Vestibular |
Q961079 Inglês

Texto 4:

Venezuelan official suggests migrant crisis is staged to undermine government

Diosdado Cabello implied that photos and news of refugees fleeing through South America on foot are fake as the UN warns the situation is nearing a ‘crisis moment’

Tom Phillips Latin America correspondent

Venezuela’s number two official has suggested his country’s escalating migration crisis – described by the United Nations as one of the worst in Latin American history – is being staged as part of a rightwing ruse to undermine his government.

Speaking at a congress of the ruling United Social party this week, Diosdado Cabello implied that images of Venezuelans fleeing through South America on foot had been manufactured. “It’s as if it was: ‘Lights, camera, action!’ It is a campaign against our country – a campaign of extraordinary dimensions,” Cabello added.

The UN estimates 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled since 2015 with Colombia expecting 2 million more to follow by 2020. That would mean 4.3 million people – 14% of Venezuela’s population – had left. Last week, the UN’s migration agency warned the mass migration is nearing a “crisis moment” comparable to events involving refugees in the Mediterranean. Many of those now heading into neighbouring countries such as Brazil and Colombia are so impoverished they do so on foot.

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The UN estimates 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled since 2015 with Colombia expecting 2 million more to follow by 2020. Photograph: Evelin Rosas/EPA

On Tuesday, Venezuelan state media trumpeted the “repatriation” of 89 migrants who had reportedly been flown home from Peru free of charge after suffering exploitation abroad.

Disponível em Acessado em 22/10/2018

O jornal The Guardian retrata um problema social vivido, sobretudo, em 2018, pelos venezuelanos. Com base no texto lido, aponte a alternativa que retrata mais adequadamente a posição do governo da Venezuela sobre o assunto:

Ano: 2017 Banca: IFN-MG Órgão: IFN-MG Prova: IFN-MG - 2017 - IFN-MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q961052 Inglês

A depressão é um problema de saúde pública mundial. Ela se distingue da tristeza pela duração de seus sinais e pelo contexto em que ocorre. Trata-se de uma experiência cotidiana associada a várias sensações de sofrimento psíquico e físico. Leia o TEXTO e responda

Depression in Developing Countries

The National Institute of Mental Health defines depression as a serious but common illness characterized by prolonged periods of sadness. According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a diagnosis for major depressive disorder requires either symptoms of a depressed mood or loss of interest and pleasure, along with other symptoms such as changes in weight, fatigue or feelings of suicidal thoughts. We can better understand the global impact of depression by measuring it in terms of disability. When analyzed by the disruption and dysfunction it causes in peoples’ lives, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Fortunately, today, many therapies for depression are highly effective.

Disponível em: countries/ . Acessado em: 08 set. 2017. Adaptado.

Na frase “We can better understand the global impact of depression by measuring it in terms of disability”, o pronome it, em destaque, refere-se:

Ano: 2017 Banca: IFN-MG Órgão: IFN-MG Prova: IFN-MG - 2017 - IFN-MG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre |
Q961051 Inglês

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Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 de ago. 2017.

De acordo com o TEXTO, na frase “I’m trying to reduce the stress in my life ”, a palavra reduce só NÃO é sinônimo de:

401: B
402: C
403: C
404: C
405: A