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Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: FAMERP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - FAMERP - Conhecimentos Gerais |
Q1342397 Inglês

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(Karmen Clair., 03.04.2019. Adaptado.)
De acordo com o contexto do terceiro tópico, o trecho “the most bang for their buck” pode ser entendido como:
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: FAMERP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - FAMERP - Conhecimentos Gerais |
Q1342396 Inglês

Leia o infográfico para responder à questão.

(Karmen Clair., 03.04.2019. Adaptado.)
De acordo com o segundo tópico, atrações turísticas que exploram animais como entretenimento
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: FAMERP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - FAMERP - Conhecimentos Gerais |
Q1342395 Inglês

Leia o infográfico para responder à questão.

(Karmen Clair., 03.04.2019. Adaptado.)
According to the infographic, a mindful traveler should keep an eye on the following issue:
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: FAMERP Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - FAMERP - Conhecimentos Gerais |
Q1342394 Inglês

Leia o infográfico para responder à questão.

(Karmen Clair., 03.04.2019. Adaptado.)
The purpose of this infographic is to
Ano: 2019 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UEA Prova: VUNESP - 2019 - UEA - Prova de Conhecimentos Gerais |
Q1340709 Inglês

Wood wide web: trees’ social networks are mapped 

    Research has shown that beneath every forest and wood there is a complex underground web of roots, fungi and bacteria helping to connect trees and plants to one another. This subterranean social network, nearly 500 million years old, has become known as the “wood wide web”. Now, an international study has produced the first global map of the “mycorrhizal fungi networks” dominating this secretive world.

    Using machine-learning, researchers from the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and Stanford University in the US used the database of the Global Forest Initiative, which covers 1.2 million forest tree plots with 28,000 species, from more than 70 countries. Using millions of direct observations of trees and their symbiotic associations on the ground, the researchers could build models from the bottom up to visualise these fungal networks for the first time. Prof Thomas Crowther, one of the authors of the report, told the BBC, “It’s the first time that we’ve been able to understand the world beneath our feet, but at a global scale.”

    The research reveals how important mycorrhizal networks are to limiting climate change — and how vulnerable they are to the effects of it. “Just like an Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan of the brain helps us to understand how the brain works, this global map of the fungi beneath the soil helps us to understand how global ecosystems work,” said Prof Crowther. “What we find is that certain types of microorganisms live in certain parts of the world, and by understanding that we can figure out how to restore different types of ecosystems and also how the climate is changing.” Losing chunks of the wood wide web could well increase “the feedback loop of warming temperatures and carbon emissions.”

    Mycorrhizal fungi are those that form a symbiotic relationship with plants. There are two main groups of mycorrhizal fungi: arbuscular fungi (AM) that penetrate the host’s roots, and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EM) which surround the tree’s roots without penetrating them.

                                                (Claire Marshall., 15.05.2019. Adaptado.)

In the excerpt from the fourth paragraph “without penetrating them”, the underlined word refers to
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