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Ano: 2017 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNIFESP Prova: VUNESP - 2017 - UNIFESP - Vestibular |
Q944474 Inglês
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Ano: 2017 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: UNIFESP Prova: VUNESP - 2017 - UNIFESP - Vestibular |
Q944473 Inglês
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Ano: 2018 Banca: IF SUL - MG Órgão: IF Sul - MG Prova: IF SUL - MG - 2018 - IF Sul - MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q939583 Inglês





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A good dose of willpower is often necessary to see any task through, whether it’s sticking to a spending plan or finishing that great American novel.

And if you want to increase that willpower, you just simply have to believe you have it, suggests a new study supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

“What matters most is what we think about our willpower,” leader study author Christopher Napolitano, educational psychology professor at the University of Illinois told the University of Illinois News Bureau. “When we view our willpower as limited, it’s similar to a muscle that gets tired and needs rest. If we believe it is a finite resource, we act that way, feeling exhausted and needing breaks between demanding mental tasks, while people who view their willpower as a limitless resource get energized instead.”

Napolitano and study co-author Veronika Job of the University of Zurich tested the validity of the Implicit Theory of Willpower for Strenuous Mental Activities Scale, a psychological assessment tool. They asked 1,100 Americans and 1,600 Europeans to weigh in on statements such as “After a strenuous mental activity, your energy is depleted, and you must rest to get it refueled again.”

Although there was little difference between men and women overall, Americans were more likely to admit to needing breaks after completing mentally challenging tasks, while European participants became more invigorated to keep going.

Based on the findings, Napolitano suggests that the key to amp up your willpower is to believe that you have an abundant supply of it.

“Your feelings about your willpower affect the way you behave—but these feelings are changeable,” he said. “Changing your beliefs about the nature of your self-control can have positive effects on development, leading to healthier behaviors and perceptions of others.”

Now that you have the drive, make sure you have the other winning attributes all successful people have in common.

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Verifique se as sentenças abaixo são verdadeiras ou falsas de acordo com o texto:

( ) Um novo estudo sugere que a chave para aumentar sua força de vontade é acreditar que você tem uma oferta abundante dela.

( ) Pessoas que acreditam que sua força de vontade é finita não conseguem realizar tarefas mentais mais exigentes.

( ) O estudo revelou que os Americanos eram propensos a admitir a necessidade de pausas após a conclusão de tarefas mentalmente desafiadoras.

( ) Segundo Napolitano, os sentimentos sobre a força de vontade afetam a maneira como um indivíduo se comporta, porém esses sentimentos não são mutáveis.

Assinale a sequência correta:

Ano: 2018 Banca: IFF Órgão: IFF Prova: IFF - 2018 - IFF - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q939314 Inglês

      Shares in the music streaming firm Spotify will be publicly traded for the first time when the firm debuts on the New York market. 

      The flotation marks a turning point for the firm that after 12 years has not yet made a profit. Spotify's listing, which could value it at $20billion (£14 billion), is unconventional: it is not issuing any new shares. Instead, shares held by the firm's private investors will be made available. 

      What was once an small upstart Swedish music platform, has grown rapidly in recent years, adding millions of users to its free-to-use ad-funded service, and converting many of them to its more lucrative subscription service. It's used in 61 countries, has 159 million active users and a library of 35 million songs. They developed the platform in 2006 as a response to the growing piracy problem the music industry was facing. It is now the global leader among music streaming companies, boasting 71 million paying customers, twice as many as runner-up Apple. 

      What Spotify must do to survive? So far costs and fees to recording companies for the rights to play their music, have exceeded Spotify's revenues. And some analysts predict the listing will speed-up Spotify's race towards profitability. "When that's done we'll see a bit of a shift in strategy and direction." says Mark Mulligan at MIDia Research. The firm made a commitment to investors who backed it as the company was growing, that they would be given the chance to cash in their investment. The streaming giant has filed for paperwork to start trading its shares publicly on the New York Stock Exchange. 

      What will Spotify look like in the future? So what will change? "So far they've been treading a very fine line between being the dramatic new future of the music business but simultaneously being the biggest friend of the old music industry by giving record labels a platform to build out of decline," says Mr Mulligan. 

      "To go to the next phase [Spotify] will have to stop being so friendly to the record companies." More than half of Spotify's revenue goes directly to the record companies. Chris Hayes expects Spotify to evolve. "I think over time they're going to have to diversify their offering." he says, helping to set them apart from a sea of rival streaming services. They have already moved into podcasts and producing original music. They may well start to offer more original content like Taylor Swift's recent video which was only made available on the platform, says Chris Hayes. 

      So can Spotify make money? The firm's first operating profit (not including debt financing) is on the horizon for 2019 based on current trends, according to Mr Hayes. "The strategy has always been the free tier, but it is a funnel through which to persuade free users to upgrade to the subscription tier which is lucrative.

      "As long as subscriptions continue to grow it should eventually become profitable. "Spotify's rivals are the biggest companies in the world with bottomless pockets," he says, and they are using music as a way to sell their core products, not as a business proposition in itself. 

      Apple, Amazon and Google are also in the streaming game and - unlike Spotify - all sell devices on which consumers can listen to music. And while Spotify has signed deals with all the "big three" record labels - Warner, Universal and Sony - it is the music executives that still hold the bargaining chips.

Adapted from: Acesso em: 03 abr. 2018. 

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Após a leitura do texto I, “Spotify braces for $20billion US share market listing”, e da charge acima, marque a alternativa INCORRETA:

Ano: 2018 Banca: IFN-MG Órgão: IFN-MG Prova: IFN-MG - 2018 - IFN-MG - Vestibular - Segundo Semestre |
Q939299 Inglês


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“Consumerism is ruining our lives and the world” a voz passiva da frase está CORRETAMENTE construída e sem alterar o sentido na alternativa:

456: E
457: A
458: D
459: B
460: B