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Ano: 2018 Banca: UNESPAR Órgão: UNESPAR Prova: UNESPAR - 2018 - UNESPAR - Vestibular |
Q961080 Inglês

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Mafalda, personagem famosa por seu pensamento crítico, discute um tema de grande importância para o mundo. Aponte a alternativa que melhor explica o contido na tirinha lida.

Ano: 2018 Banca: UNESPAR Órgão: UNESPAR Prova: UNESPAR - 2018 - UNESPAR - Vestibular |
Q961079 Inglês

Texto 4:

Venezuelan official suggests migrant crisis is staged to undermine government

Diosdado Cabello implied that photos and news of refugees fleeing through South America on foot are fake as the UN warns the situation is nearing a ‘crisis moment’

Tom Phillips Latin America correspondent

Venezuela’s number two official has suggested his country’s escalating migration crisis – described by the United Nations as one of the worst in Latin American history – is being staged as part of a rightwing ruse to undermine his government.

Speaking at a congress of the ruling United Social party this week, Diosdado Cabello implied that images of Venezuelans fleeing through South America on foot had been manufactured. “It’s as if it was: ‘Lights, camera, action!’ It is a campaign against our country – a campaign of extraordinary dimensions,” Cabello added.

The UN estimates 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled since 2015 with Colombia expecting 2 million more to follow by 2020. That would mean 4.3 million people – 14% of Venezuela’s population – had left. Last week, the UN’s migration agency warned the mass migration is nearing a “crisis moment” comparable to events involving refugees in the Mediterranean. Many of those now heading into neighbouring countries such as Brazil and Colombia are so impoverished they do so on foot.

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The UN estimates 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled since 2015 with Colombia expecting 2 million more to follow by 2020. Photograph: Evelin Rosas/EPA

On Tuesday, Venezuelan state media trumpeted the “repatriation” of 89 migrants who had reportedly been flown home from Peru free of charge after suffering exploitation abroad.

Disponível em Acessado em 22/10/2018

O jornal The Guardian retrata um problema social vivido, sobretudo, em 2018, pelos venezuelanos. Com base no texto lido, aponte a alternativa que retrata mais adequadamente a posição do governo da Venezuela sobre o assunto:

Ano: 2018 Banca: UNESPAR Órgão: UNESPAR Prova: UNESPAR - 2018 - UNESPAR - Vestibular |
Q961078 Inglês

Texto 3:

Born Too Soon in a Country at War. Their Only Hope? This Clinic. By Kassie Bracken and Megan Special August 27, 2018

The baby girl has stopped breathing. She was born prematurely and is only 3 weeks old. Her mother, Restina Boniface, took her to the only public neonatal clinic in South Sudan. The country is one of the toughest places in the world for newborns with health problems to survive. Ten feet away sits a donated respiratory machine that could save the baby. But lacking a critical part, it goes unused. The doctor tries to resuscitate the baby for several minutes. Finally, she begins breathing on her own. One in 10 babies brought to this clinic will die, most from treatable conditions. But many mothers have nowhere else to go.

South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, is in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. A brutal civil war has drained the economy. As hospitals closed, doctors were forced to flee. Inside the clinic, many babies remain nameless. Their mothers know they may not make it. “Our mothers here, they come for help,” said Rose Tongan, a pediatrician. “And you pity them. You can’t do anything.” Electricity cuts out for days at a time. There is no formula for the premature babies, no lab for blood tests, no facility for X-rays. There are no beds for breast-feeding mothers. They must sleep outside, where they are at risk of infection and vulnerable to assault. “I feel like: What can I do?” Dr. Tongan said.

Hellen Sitima’s 3-day-old daughter is sick. “When we get home, then that’s the time to name the baby,” she says. Dr. Tongan has no access to lab tests, but she determines that Ms. Sitima’s baby has a respiratory infection. The infection clears, and Ms. Sitima takes her daughter home. She names her Gift.

Disponível em south-sudan-babies.html. Acessado em 22/10/2018

O texto relata a situação crítica em que se encontram hospitais no Sudão do Sul e de alguns pacientes que deles precisam para sobreviver. Assim sendo, assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao lido:

Ano: 2018 Banca: UNESPAR Órgão: UNESPAR Prova: UNESPAR - 2018 - UNESPAR - Vestibular |
Q961077 Inglês

Texto 2:

Are LED lights making us ill?

By Lucy Jones

Over the last decade, much of Europe and the US have changed the way they illuminate city and town streets. They have replaced high-energy sodium bulbs (the warmer, yellow ones) with energy-saving LED bulbs (with a blue light emitting diode, which can feel harsh in comparison). As well as street lights, most of us are exposed to blue light through smartphones, computers, TVs, and in the home.

The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry published a paper that warned of the potential effects of LED lighting on mental illness. It raised concerns about the influence of blue light on sleep, other circadian-mediated symptoms, use of digital healthcare apps and devices, and the higher sensitivity of teenagers to blue light. Specifically, the researchers are concerned about the relationship between light exposure and the occurrence of manic and mixed symptoms in bipolar disorder, having adverse effects on manic states and the sleep-wake cycle. For example, the use of smartphones or computers by those people before bed could have a bad effect on their sleep, circadian rhythms and health.

Studies of the impact of blue light on healthy adults show it inhibits melatonin secretion which disrupts sleep and can affect quality of life, physical and mental health and susceptibility to illness.

Previous studies of sleep disorders in children and adolescents show a clear and consistent relationship between sleep disorders and frequency of digital device usage.

Currently, the National Sleep Foundation guidelines suggest not using technology 30 minutes before bed and removing technology for the bedroom. However, there are currently no specific guidelines for people with an underlying mental illness or sensitivity to circadian disruption.

As LED technology has rapidly spread across the globe, the focus has been on the visual element and the energysaving element. Now, scientists, health professionals and the LED industry are working to minimise the blue light in LEDs and create customisable lights that won’t harm those suffering from psychiatric disorders.

Disponível em Acessado em 22/10/2018

A rápida substituição de lâmpadas comuns por lâmpadas de LED em todos os setores e locais tiveram duas razões principais: a visual e a economia de energia. Porém, importantes estudos estão investigando se há consequências deste uso para a saúde. Assim, de acordo com o texto, é possível dizer que:

Ano: 2018 Banca: UNESPAR Órgão: UNESPAR Prova: UNESPAR - 2018 - UNESPAR - Vestibular |
Q961076 Inglês

Texto 1:

Accountant Job Application Cover Letter


Bonn, Joseph

Regional Director

All Digital

102, Lake avenue

Torres, Paulo

Dated: 5th of May 2018 Subject: Application for the position of an accountant

Respected Mr. Bonn

This letter is in regards to the job advertisement posted by your organization in MMO magazine concerning to the requirement of a candidate in the position of an accountant for which I am interested and I would like to apply for. I have worked in similar position for five years and my last job was with Aspen Group where I used to prepare accounting statements for the organization, ensuring that balance sheet was tallied, compiling financial information and implementing accounting control procedures. I also had to ensure that accuracy is maintained in all statements and documents and solve any existing accounting discrepancy. I have excellent calculative skills and an eye for detail besides being good at preparing reports and statements. I can assure that my previous work experience is going to benefit your organization.

It would be great if we could meet for an interview round. My resume is enclosed.

Regards, Nataniel Lucas Disponível em accountant-cover-letter-example-350.htm. Acessado em 22/10/2018 (adaptado)

O gênero Carta é ainda um meio de comunicação muito usado, sobretudo no mundo do trabalho. Assim, leia a carta de Nataniel Lucas e identifique o tipo de carta e sua finalidade:

56: D
57: C
58: E
59: A
60: D