Questões ENEM de Inglês

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Q571986 Inglês

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Na tira da série For better or for worse, a comunicação entre as personagens fica comprometida em um determinado momento porque

Q571985 Inglês
My brother the star, my mother the earth my father the sun, my sister the moon, to my life give beauty, to my body give strength, to my corn give goodness, to my house give peace, to my spirit give truth, to my elders give wisdom.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 ago. 2012.
Produções artístico-culturais revelam visões de mundo próprias de um grupo social. Esse poema demonstra a estreita relação entre a tradição oral da cultura indígena norte-americana e a
Q451340 Inglês
If You Can’t Master English, Try Globish

PARIS — It happens all the time: during an airport delay the man to the left, a Korean perhaps, starts talking to the man opposite, who might be Colombian, and soon they are chatting away in what seems to be English. But the native English speaker sitting between them cannot understand a word.
They don't know it, but the Korean and the Colombian are speaking Globish, the latest addition to the 6,800 languages that are said to be spoken across the world. Not that its inventor, Jean-Paul Nerrière, considers it a proper language.
“It is not a language, it is a tool,” he says. “A language is the vehicle of a culture. Globish doesn't want to be that at all. It is a means of communication.”
Nerrière doesn't see Globish in the same light as utopian efforts such as Kosmos, Volapuk, Novial or staunch Esperanto. Nor should it be confused with barbaric Algol (for Algorithmic language). It is a sort of English lite: a means of simplifying the language and giving it rules so it can be understood by all.

BLUME, M. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 out. 2013 (fragmento).

Considerando as ideias apresentadas no texto, o Globish (Global English) é uma variedade da língua inglesa que
Q451339 Inglês

A internet tem servido a diferentes interesses, ampliando, muitas vezes, o contato entre pessoas e instituições. Um exemplo disso é o site WeFeedback, no qual a internauta Kate Watts
Q451338 Inglês
The Road Not Taken (by Robert Frost)

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 nov. 2011 (fragmento).

Estes são os versos finais do famoso poema The Road Not Taken, do poeta americano Robert Frost. Levando-se em consideração que a vida é comumente metaforizada como uma viagem, esses versos indicam que o autor
116: E
117: D
118: D
119: C
120: A