Questões do ENEM 2024 para Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - PPL - primeiro e segundo dia

Foram encontradas 5 questões

Q3160542 Inglês

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Essa história em quadrinhos, que apresenta dois personagens frente a um quadro, ilustra a

Q3160543 Inglês
     The Middle East is warming faster than much of the world, and Kuwait is moving towards unbearable temperatures.
    With the mercury topping 53°C, three Kuwaiti citizens — an influencer, a weather forecaster and a retired civil servant — raised the alarm.
      They urged that Kuwait must not be allowed to get any hotter — and none of them had a solution to offer.
     The Global Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow was seen as crucial if climate change is to be brought under control. Almost 200 countries were asked for their plans to cut emissions, and it could lead to major changes to our everyday lives.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 out. 2021 (adaptado).

Nesse texto, o vocábulo “unbearable” enfatiza a 
Q3160544 Inglês

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Esse cartum utiliza recursos verbais e não verbais com o intuito de

Q3160545 Inglês

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Ao abordar a temática das mídias, esse cartum critica

Q3160546 Inglês
My father speaks Urdu language of dancing peacocks rosewater fountains even its curses are beautiful. He speaks Hindi suave and melodic earthy Punjabi salty rich as saag paneer coastal Kiswahili laced with Arabic, he speaks Gujarati solid ancestral pride. Five languages five different worlds yet English shrinks him down before white men who think their flat cold spiky words make the only reality.

PATEL, S. Migritude. San Francisco: Kaya Books, 2010.

O poema aborda a trajetória familiar do eu lírico para ressaltar a questão
1: D
2: A
3: D
4: C
5: B