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Ano: 2021 Banca: INEP Órgão: ENEM Prova: INEP - 2021 - ENEM - Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - PPL |
Q1863257 Inglês

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A presença de “at odds with” na fala da personagem do cartum revela o(a)

Ano: 2021 Banca: INEP Órgão: ENEM Prova: INEP - 2021 - ENEM - Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio - PPL |
Q1863254 Inglês
    We are now a nation obsessed with the cult of celebrity. Celebrities have replaced the classic notion of the hero. But instead of being respected for talent, courage or intelligence, it is money, style and image the deciding factors in what commands respect. Image is everything. Their image is painstakingly constructed by a multitude of different image consultants to carve out the most profitable celebrity they can. Then society is right behind them, believing in everything that celebrity believes in. Companies know that people will buy a product if a celebrity has it too. It is as if the person buying the product feels that they now have some kind of connection with the celebrity and that some of their perceived happiness will now be passed onto the consumer. So to look at it one way, the cult of celebrity is really nothing more than a sophisticated marketing scheme. Celebrities though cannot be blamed for all negative aspects of society. In reality society is to blame. We are the people who seemed to have lost the ability to think for ourselves. I suppose it’s easier to be told what to think, rather than challenging what we are told. The reason we are swamped by celebrity is because there is a demand for it.

Disponível em:

Acesso em: 7 dez. 2017 (adaptado).
O texto, que aborda questões referentes ao tema do culto à celebridade, tem o objetivo de
Q1863073 Inglês

How On-line Gamers are Solving Science’s Biggest Problems

        On paper, gamers and scientists make a bizarre union. But in reality, their two worlds aren’t leagues apart: both involve solving problems within a given set of rules. Genetic analysis, for instance, is about finding sequences and patterns among seemingly random clusters of data. Frame the analysis as a pattern-spotting game that looks like Candy Crush, and, while aligning patterns and scoring points, players can also be hunting for mutations that cause cancer, Alzheimer’s disease or diabetes.

        “Our brains are geared up to recognise patterns”, says Erinma Ochu, a neuroscientist at the University of Manchester, explaining why scientists are turning to gamers for help, “and we do it better than computers. This is a new way of working for scientists, but as long as they learn how to trust game developers to do what they do best — make great games — then they can have thousands of people from all around the world working on their data”.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 fev. 2014 (adaptado).

De acordo com a reportagem publicada no jornal The Guardian, os adeptos de jogos eletrônicos podem ajudar os cientistas por terem

Q1863072 Inglês


You can spend your whole life building

Something from nothin’

One storm can come and blow it all away

Build it anyway

You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach

And you know it might not ever come your way

Dream it anyway


This world’s gone crazy and it’s hard to believe

That tomorrow will be better than today

Believe it anyway

You can love someone with all your heart

For all the right reasons

In a moment they can choose to walk away

Love ’em anyway

McBRIDE, M. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 fev. 2013 (fragmento).

Com base na palavra “anyway”, que é título da canção, entende-se que o fragmento

Q1863071 Inglês

A Guide to Harvard “A Cappella!”

        A cappella is such a big deal on all college campuses these days, I thought I’d write a post about what Harvard has to offer (spoiler alert: many incredibly talented groups)! There are so many groups that we have a cappella jams fairly often, and it’s always a good time to go hear the other groups perform.

        Some of my favorite memories are hanging out with my a cappella group members both on campus and around the country (and soon the world during our summer tour!). The Harvard a cappella community is absurdly diverse and talented – I think every Harvard student should take advantage of all we have on campus and go see a show!

Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 dez. 2017 (adaptado).

A expressão “a cappella” caracteriza o ato de cantar sem o acompanhamento de instrumentos musicais. A expressão “big deal”, usada com relação a esse tema, indica que

Q1863070 Inglês

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Tendo em vista a abrangência do inglês no contexto global, a falha na comunicação evidenciada nesse diálogo é gerada pelo fato de que os interlocutores 

Q1863069 Inglês

        What is it about Serena that inspires such vitriol? Is it that she dominates in a sport that was once considered to be for the upper crust at country clubs? One would think that Althea Gibson and Arthur Ashe had put that idea to rest decades ago. Is it that she is considered too aggressive on the court? John McEnroe and Boris Becker seem to take the prize for that. Is it because she wins too much? To hate someone merely because he or she is great only speaks to one’s own insecurity. To attempt to and fault with someone because you cannot figure out how or why they win so often only shows that you have already lost. Or is it that she is unapologetically black? A #CarefreeBlackGirl who speaks her mind, supports her people, and whose only real opponent is herself.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dez. 2018.

O texto, que discorre sobre Serena Williams, uma das mais bem-sucedidas atletas do tênis, tem o objetivo de

Q1853317 Inglês
Exterior: Between The Museums — Day

    Americans always think Europe is perfect. But such beauty and history can be really oppressive. It reduces the individual to nothing. It just reminds you all the time you are just a little speck in a long history, where in America you feel like you could be making history. That’s why I like Los Angeles because it is so…


    No, I was going to say “neutral”. It’s like looking at a blank canvas. I think people go to places like Venice on their honeymoon to make sure they are not going to fight for the first two weeks of their marriage because they’ll be too busy looking around at all the beautiful things. That’s what people call a romantic place — somewhere where the prettiness will contain your primary violent instinct. A real good honeymoon spot would be like somewhere in New Jersey.

KRIZAN, K.; LINKLATER, R. Before Sunrise: screenplay. New York: Vintage Books, 2005.
Considerando-se o olhar dos personagens, esse trecho do roteiro de um filme permite reconhecer que a avaliação sobre um lugar depende do(a) 
Q1853316 Inglês

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SIPRESS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jun. 2018.

A presença de “at odds with” na fala da personagem do cartum revela o(a) 

Q1853315 Inglês

Back in the ancestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., but were addressed by their first name, or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly demeaned them that many black women, long after they had left the South, refused to answer if called by their first name. A mother and father in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so that white people would have no choice but to address their daughter by that title. Black women were meant for the field or the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as first lady of the land, well, that would have been unthinkable.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dez. 2018 (adaptado). 
A crítica do livro de memórias de Michelle Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a história das relações humanas na cidade natal da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo “unthinkable” ressalta que
Q1853137 Inglês

Exterior: Between The Museums — Day


    Americans always think Europe is perfect. But such beauty and history can be really oppressive. It reduces the individual to nothing. It just reminds you all the time you are just a little speck in a long history, where in América you feel like you could be making history. Thats why I like Los Angeles because it is so...




    No, I was going to say “neutral”. Its like looking at a blank canvas. I think people go to places like Venice on their honeymoon to make sure they are not going to fight for the first two weeks of their marriage because they’l I be too busy looking around at all the beautiful things. Thats what people call a romantic place — somewhere where the prettiness will contain your primary violent instinct. A real good honeymoon spot would be like somewhere in New Jersey.

KRIZAN, K.; LINKLATER, R. Before Sunrise: screenplay.

New York: Vintage Books, 2005.

Considerando-se o olhar dos personagens, esse trecho do roteiro de um filme permite reconhecer que a avaliação sobre um lugar depende do(a)

Q1853136 Inglês

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"My desire to be well-informed is currently

at odds with my desire to remain sane."

SIPRESS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jun. 2018.

A presença de “at odds with” na fala da personagem do cartum revela o(a)

Q1853134 Inglês

The British (serves 60 million)

Take some Picts, Celts and Silures

And let them settle,

Then overrun them with Roman conquerors.

Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years

Add lots of Norman French to some

Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then stir vigorously.


Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians,

Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some

Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese

And Palestinians

Then add to the melting pot.

Leave the ingredients to simmer.

As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish

Binding them together with English.

Allow time to be cool.

Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future,

Serve with justice

And enjoy.

Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter unpleasant taste.

Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice and equality to all.

Disponível em:

Acesso em: 12 dez. 2018 (fragmento).

Ao descrever o processo de formação da Inglaterra, o autor do poema recorre a características de outro gênero textual para evidenciar

Q1853133 Inglês
    We are now a nation obsessed with the cult of celebrity. Celebrities have replaced the classic notion of the hero. But instead of being respected for talent, courage or intelligence, it is money, style and image the deciding factors in what commands respect. Image is everything. Their image is painstakingly constructed by a multitude of different image consultants to carve out the most profitable celebrity they can. Then society is right behind them, believing in everything that celebrity believes in. Companies know that people will buy a product if a celebrity has it too. It is as if the person buying the product feels that they now have some kind of connection with the celebrity and that some of their perceived happiness will now be passed onto the consumer. 80 to look at it one way, the cult of celebrity is really nothing more than a sophisticated marketing scheme. Celebrities though cannot be blamed for all negative aspects of society. In reality society is to blame. We are the people who seemed to have lost the ability to think for ourselves. I suppose it’s easier to be told what to think, rather than challenging what we are told. The reason we are swamped by celebrity is because there is a demand for it.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 dez. 2017 (adaptado).
O texto, que aborda questões referentes ao tema do culto à celebridade, tem o objetivo de
Q1689032 Inglês
     In contemporary black popular culture, rap music has become one of the spaces where black vernacular speech is used in a manner that invites dominant mainstream culture to listen — to hear — and, to some extent, be transformed. However, one of the risks of this attempt at cultural translation is that it will trivialize black vernacular speech. When young white kids imitate this speech in ways that suggest it is the speech of those who are stupid or who are only interested in entertaining or being funny, then the subversive power of this speech is undermined.

HOOKS, B. Teaching to Transgress. New York: Routledge, 1994.
De acordo com Bell Hooks, intelectual negra estadunidense, o poder subversivo do rap consiste na possibilidade de
Q1689031 Inglês
Most people know of the Karen people from television documentaries, magazines and encyclopedias as the “long-neck” or “giraffe” tribe. But the women who wear these brass rings on their neck belong to a sub-group of the Karen known as the Padaung. Whatever the origin of the custom one of the more common reasons it continues today, particularly in Thailand, is tourism. Although the Padaung have migrated to Thailand in only the last ten years, they have become the most popular “attraction” for hill-tribe trekking tourists. Some have written of this as exploitation of the Padaung; many westerners liken the experience of visiting one of these villages to visiting a human zoo. Some tour operators in Thailand now refuse to take tourists into such villages, while some tourists boycott those operators that do.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 dez. 2017.
O texto que versa sobre a prática do uso de argolas no pescoço por mulheres de uma tribo que migrou para a Tailândia tem por finalidade
Q1689030 Inglês

Study: Literary Criticism Is Still Overwhelmingly Male

By Zach Schonfeld

Women writers are all over the best-seller lists, but

literary criticism is still predominantly a male field.

     That’s according to the latest numbers from the volunteer organization VIDA: Women in the Literary Arts, which works for gender and racial parity in the literary world. This year’s report covers prestigious publications like The New York Review of Books, which published 227 male reviewers last year but only 54 female reviewers, and The London Review of Books, which published 146 male critics and 44 women during the same period. The Paris Review “made great strides toward gender parity” in 2013, the report notes, but then slid and published substantially fewer women than men in 2014.

     As The Guardian points out, those figures are especially striking when you consider that women are more avid readers than men in the U.K., where some of the biggest offenders are based.

     The figures are not all disheartening. Major magazines like The New Yorker, The Atlantic and Harper’s all showed increases in the number of women published in 2014.

     That data are valuable (without VIDA, the figures would likely go untallied), and the broader awareness even more so. Top editors likely know gender disparity is an issue, but they’re more likely to pay attention to it when an organization like VIDA is paying attention to them.

SCHONFELD, Z. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 15 abr. 2015 (adaptado). 

No texto, o autor lança mão de palavras como “literary ”, “male” e “female” para apresentar uma matéria jornalística cujo tema está relacionado ao(à)
Q1689029 Inglês

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Considerando-se o uso difundido do inglês na atualidade, o cartum remete à 

Q1689028 Inglês

Of the 7.2 billion people on Earth... 

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Of the 7.2 Billion People on Earth, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 ago. 2017.

Considerando a relação entre o número de habitantes e de línguas faladas no mundo, os dados trazidos pelo infográfico revelam uma

Q1677451 Inglês

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Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 fev. 2012.

A observação dos elementos verbais e visuais do anúncio leva-nos à compreensão de que o objetivo da companhia de abastecimento de água de Denver é

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