Questões Militares Sobre advérbios e conjunções | adverbs and conjunctions em inglês

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Ano: 2023 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: PM-SP Prova: VUNESP - 2023 - PM-SP - Aluno-Oficial |
Q2566469 Inglês
At the beginning of March 1898, a Belgian research ship became stuck in the ice of Antarctica’s Bellingshausen sea. The Belgica ship and its crew — which included Roald Amundsen, who later became the first man to reach the South Pole — remained there for a year. Scientists aboard Polarstern, a German research ship currently in the same place, have a very different view: in the beginning of February 2023, the expedition leader said he had never seen the sea so destituted of ice. In 2023, on February 13th, sea ice across the Antarctic as a whole reached 1.91 million square kilometres (m km2 ), the lowest level since satellite records began in 1979.

    The world is now, on average, 1.0-1.3 ºC hotter than it was before the Industrial Revolution. However, that change has not occurred evenly: the poles are warming faster than regions in the middle of the globe.

      Sea-ice extent around Antarctica was relatively stable until 2014. It has been declining sharply since then. One study by a climatologist at America’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) considers that between 2014 and 2017 Antarctic sea ice receded three times as quickly as during any comparable period in the Arctic. Antarctic sea ice shrinks to a minimum during late February and early March, during the southern hemisphere’s summer. It hit record lows in 2022 and again now in 2023.

     These changes have prompted much research into how global warming is affecting Antarctica. The biggest concern is over the enormous West Antarctic ice sheet, which is smaller but less stable than its eastern counterpart. Scientists say that it risks collapse if it melts beyond a certain point, which could result in a global sea-level rise of up to three metres. It is unlikely to happen any time soon, but increasing evidence of instability in Antarctica’s ice sheets is cause for concern.

(, 20.02.2023. Adaptado.)
No trecho do segundo parágrafo “However, that change has not occurred evenly”, o termo sublinhado pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463489 Inglês
Read Text II and answer the question that follow it

Text II

Diversity, Inclusion and Gender Equity in the
Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program in Brazil

     Women make up more than half of Brazil’s population and account for 47 million (~50%) of the labor market. Despite these numbers, women are still underrepresented in many sectors: they occupy 37% of leadership positions in private companies; only 15% and 13%, respectively, are federal Representatives and Senators; and only 12% of cities have women as mayors. The fewer women there are in leadership positions and in politics, the lower the representation and scope of their interests and needs.
    Coupled with that, men’s wages are, on average, 24% higher than women’s who hold the same position. Furthermore, Brazilian women dedicate, on average, 10.4 hours/week more than men to household chores and caring for family members (for example, children and the elderly), a type of work characterized as “domestic” and unpaid. As a result, women dedicate less time to professional improvement relative to men. The fewer women in mixed gender work teams, the less likely women are to excel in their roles and positions.
     In Integrated Fire Management (IFM), women face similar challenges, whether in coordination roles or technical and operational ones. In Brazil, specifically, Solis and colleagues1 identified that there are no regulations or guidelines that promote multiculturalism and gender equity in the processes of hiring forest fire brigades. Although gender equity in IFM is recognized, in Brazil this debate is still informal and poorly documented.

1 Solis I, Vera J, Aguado RC, et al. Diagnóstico de Manejo do Fogo no Brasil. Brasília, Brasil, 2021.

Adapted from
“Furthermore” in “Furthermore, Brazilian women dedicate, on average, 10.4 hours/week” (2nd paragraph) can be replaced without significant change in meaning by
Ano: 2024 Banca: FGV Órgão: CBM-RJ Prova: FGV - 2024 - CBM-RJ - Cadete do Corpo de Bombeiro |
Q2463484 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it

Text I
Impact of Climate Change on Firefighting Extends Beyond Wildfires

     Global warming is often mentioned as a factor in the accelerating frequency and intensity of wildfires. However, there are other consequences of global warming that impact the fire service, including new hazards and medical emergencies, emerging training challenges, population migration, and technology developments.
    Climate change is often discussed as a future event. However, the impact of wildfires is just the most obvious example of how climate change is already impacting the world, and fire and emergency personnel will be called on to mitigate the effects.
    The most obvious and extreme impact of global warming can be seen in the increase of frequency and intensity of wildfires. Hotter and drier weather is extending the wildfire season (maybe to become year-round?). Higher temperatures, low humidity, less rainfall, and high wind increase the likelihood of wildfires.

Adapted from:

The opposite of “often” in “Climate change is often discussed” (2nd paragraph) is 

Q2350474 Inglês
Text 1A2-II

         Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. About 6-7 million people worldwide are estimated to be infected with T. cruzi. The disease is found mainly in endemic areas of 21 continental Latin American countries, where it has been mostly transmitted to humans and other mammals by contact with feces or urine of triatomine bugs (vector-borne), known as kissing bugs, among many other popular names, depending on the geographical area.

        Chagas disease is named after Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas, a Brazilian physician and researcher who discovered the disease in 1909. Chagas disease was once entirely confined to continental rural areas of the Region of the Americas (excluding the Caribbean islands). Due to increased population mobility over previous decades, most infected people now live in urban settings and the infection has been increasingly detected in the United States of America, Canada, and many European and some African, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific countries.

           Chagas disease’s transmission is caused by T. cruzi parasites, which are mainly transmitted by contact with feces/urine of infected blood-sucking triatomine bugs. Normally they hide during the day and become active at night when they feed on animal blood, including human blood. They usually bite an exposed area of skin such as the face (hence its common name, kissing bug), and the bug defecates or urinates close to the bite. The parasites enter the body when the person instinctively smears the bug’s feces or urine into the bite, other skin breaks, the eyes, or the mouth. T. cruzi can also be transmitted by consumption of food or beverages contaminated with T. cruzi through, for example, contact with feces or urine of infected triatomine bugs or common opossums. This kind of transmission typically causes outbreaks with more severe cases and mortality; passage from an infected mother to her newborn during pregnancy or childbirth; blood or blood product transfusion from infected donors; some organ transplants using organs from infected donors; and laboratory accidents.

Internet: <>  (adapted). 
Choose the option in which is presented an expression that could correctly replace “Due to” (third sentence of the second paragraph of text 1A2-II). 
Q2259749 Inglês
     Fricatives are consonants with the characteristic that air escapes through a narrow passage and makes a hissing sound. The dental fricatives are sometimes described as if the tongue were placed between the front teeth, and it is common for teachers to make their students do this when they are trying to teach them the sound. The thing is, however, that the tongue is normally placed behind the teeth; the air escapes through the gaps between the tongue and the teeth. There is a distiction between fortis (unvoiced) fricatives, as in the word “thin”, and lenis (voiced) fricatives, as in “thus”. (Roach 2003)

(Mark Roach,. English Phonetics and Phonology.
Cambridge: CUP, 2003. Adaptado)
In a more formal register, the word in bold in “The thing is, however, that the tongue” could be adequately replaced by:
Q1986279 Inglês
Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.      For as long as humans have been traversing the seas, ships have been lost to the depths. And _________most vessels that sink beneath the waves are eventually forgotten, some remain prized treasures sought for generations.
(Adapted from https:/ 
Q1938449 Inglês

Read the text and answer the question.

Read the conversation between Carol and Neil. 

Neil: What do you do on New Year’s Day?

Carol: Well, we sometimes go downtown. They have fireworks. It’s really pretty. Other people invite friends to their house and they have a party.

Neil: Do you give presents to your friends and family?

Carol: No, we never give presents on New Year’s.

Neil: Do you have a meal with your family?

Carol: No, we do that on Christmas. On New Year’s we just party! 

From the Book World English 1A

Choose the alternative that best replaces the word in bold without changing the meaning of the adverb. 
Q1846856 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

The negative form of the sentence “I’ve been inside forever!” is: 
Q1779366 Inglês
The sentence that is not correct is:
Ano: 2021 Banca: FGV Órgão: PM-SP Prova: FGV - 2021 - PM-SP - Aluno - Oficial PM |
Q1727968 Inglês

How facial recognition technology aids police

Police officers’ ability to recognize and locate individuals with a history of committing crime is vital to their work. In fact, it is so important that officers believe possessing it is fundamental to the craft of effective street policing, crime prevention and investigation. However, with the total police workforce falling by almost 20 percent since 2010 and recorded crime rising, police forces are turning to new technological solutions to help enhance their capability and capacity to monitor and track individuals about whom they have concerns.

One such technology is Automated Facial Recognition (known as AFR). This works by analyzing key facial features, generating a mathematical representation of them, and then comparing them against known faces in a database, to determine possible matches. While a number of UK and international police forces have been enthusiastically exploring the potential of AFR, some groups have spoken about its legal and ethical status. They are concerned that the technology significantly extends the reach and depth of surveillance by the state.

Until now, however, there has been no robust evidence about what AFR systems can and cannot deliver for policing. Although AFR has become increasingly familiar to the public through its use at airports to help manage passport checks, the environment in such settings is quite controlled. Applying similar procedures to street policing is far more complex. Individuals on the street will be moving and may not look directly towards the camera. Levels of lighting change, too, and the system will have to cope with the vagaries of the British weather.


As with all innovative policing technologies there are important legal and ethical concerns and issues that still need to be considered. But in order for these to be meaningfully debated and assessed by citizens, regulators and law-makers, we need a detailed understanding of precisely what the technology can realistically accomplish. Sound evidence, rather than references to science fiction technology --- as seen in films such as Minority Report --- is essential.

With this in mind, one of our conclusions is that in terms of describing how AFR is being applied in policing currently, it is more accurate to think of it as “assisted facial recognition,” as opposed to a fully automated system. Unlike border control functions -- where the facial recognition is more of an automated system -- when supporting street policing, the algorithm is not deciding whether there is a match between a person and what is stored in the database. Rather, the system makes suggestions to a police operator about possible similarities. It is then down to the operator to confirm or refute them.

By Bethan Davies, Andrew Dawson, Martin Innes (Source:, accessed May 30th, 2020)

The word that may replace “In fact” in “In fact, it is so important”, without change in meaning, is
Ano: 2021 Banca: FGV Órgão: PM-SP Prova: FGV - 2021 - PM-SP - Aluno - Oficial PM |
Q1727967 Inglês

How facial recognition technology aids police

Police officers’ ability to recognize and locate individuals with a history of committing crime is vital to their work. In fact, it is so important that officers believe possessing it is fundamental to the craft of effective street policing, crime prevention and investigation. However, with the total police workforce falling by almost 20 percent since 2010 and recorded crime rising, police forces are turning to new technological solutions to help enhance their capability and capacity to monitor and track individuals about whom they have concerns.

One such technology is Automated Facial Recognition (known as AFR). This works by analyzing key facial features, generating a mathematical representation of them, and then comparing them against known faces in a database, to determine possible matches. While a number of UK and international police forces have been enthusiastically exploring the potential of AFR, some groups have spoken about its legal and ethical status. They are concerned that the technology significantly extends the reach and depth of surveillance by the state.

Until now, however, there has been no robust evidence about what AFR systems can and cannot deliver for policing. Although AFR has become increasingly familiar to the public through its use at airports to help manage passport checks, the environment in such settings is quite controlled. Applying similar procedures to street policing is far more complex. Individuals on the street will be moving and may not look directly towards the camera. Levels of lighting change, too, and the system will have to cope with the vagaries of the British weather.


As with all innovative policing technologies there are important legal and ethical concerns and issues that still need to be considered. But in order for these to be meaningfully debated and assessed by citizens, regulators and law-makers, we need a detailed understanding of precisely what the technology can realistically accomplish. Sound evidence, rather than references to science fiction technology --- as seen in films such as Minority Report --- is essential.

With this in mind, one of our conclusions is that in terms of describing how AFR is being applied in policing currently, it is more accurate to think of it as “assisted facial recognition,” as opposed to a fully automated system. Unlike border control functions -- where the facial recognition is more of an automated system -- when supporting street policing, the algorithm is not deciding whether there is a match between a person and what is stored in the database. Rather, the system makes suggestions to a police operator about possible similarities. It is then down to the operator to confirm or refute them.

By Bethan Davies, Andrew Dawson, Martin Innes (Source:, accessed May 30th, 2020)

In “Until now, however”, the word “however” introduces the notion of
Q1695311 Inglês
Coronavirus: Venice Carnival closes as Italy imposes lockdown

23 February 2020

Italian officials have cut short the Venice Carnival as they try to control what is now the worst outbreak of the coronavirus in Europe.

        Authorities in the Veneto region said the event would end later on Sunday, two days earlier than scheduled. Italy has by far the highest number of coronavirus cases in Europe, with 152. Three people have died.Italy has imposed strict quarantine restrictions in two northern "hotspot" regions close to Milan and Venice.
        About 50,000 people cannot enter or leave several towns in Veneto and Lombardy for the next two weeks without special permission. Even outside the zone, many businesses and schools have suspended activities. and sporting events have been cancelled. The BBC's Mark Lowen described the situation just outside the zone. ln neighbouring Austria, a train from Venice was stopped at the Austrian border after it emerged that two passengers had fever symptoms. Austria's Interior Minister Karl Nehammer later confirmed to the BBC that the pair tested negative for coronavirus.
        ºAll authorities have acted quickly and with great caution in this case," said Mr Nehammer in a statement. "The reporting chain worked without delay." Elsewhere, authorities in South Korea and Iran are battling to control rising numbers of infections. South Korea has raised its coronavirus alert to the "highest level".
        The new strain of coronavirus, which originated last year in Hubei province in China, causes a respiratory disease called Covid-19. China has seen more than 76,000 infections and 2,442 deaths.

What is happening in Italy?

        Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced on Saturday that "extraordinary measures" would come into force to try to stem the rising number of coronavirus cases.
        He said the quarantine restrictions could last for weeks. Police, and if necessary the armed forces, will have the authority to ensure the regulations are enforced.
        Angelo Borrelli, the head of Italy's Civil Protection Department, told reporters that 11 O of the confirmed cases were in Lombardy, with 21 in Veneto with others in EmiliaRomagna and Lazio. Officials reported a third death on Sunday, an elderly woman from the town of Crema suffering from cancer. Italian officials say they are still trying to trace the source of the outbreak.
        Universities in Milan have been closed and the city's mayor, Giuseppe Sala, said schools would also close their doors while the outbreak continued. "As a precaution I think that the schools have to be closed in Milan. I will propose to the president of the region to enlarge the precaution to the entire metropolitan city area. lt is just a precautton, we don't want to create parue," he said.
        Meanwhile Giorgio Armanì's fashion show, scheduled to be held (I) Milan (li) Sunday, went ahead but without any media or buyers present. The show was livestreamed (lii) its website, lnstagram and Facebook pages.

Adapted from: https ://www. b be. com/news/world-e u rope51602007
Read the following sentence taken from the text.

"All authorities have acted quickly and with great caution."

Mark the option that contains a sentence with the same type of adverb underlined in the sentence above.
Q1663079 Inglês

- I have a question. What would happen if there were a beautiful and highly intelligent child up in heaven waiting to be born and his or her parents decided that the children they already had were enough?

- Your ignorance of theology and medicine is appalling!

- I still think it’s a good question!

Adapted from

The words “beautiful”, “highly”, “intelligent” and “child”, in the context, are:
Q1662097 Inglês
The passage “the damage was nothing compared to what had happened in Siberia nearly one hundred years ago” (lines 7 to 9) states that the incident occurred _______ a century ago.
Q1660122 Inglês


I’ve paid my dues

Time after time

I’ve done my sentence

But committed no crime

And bad mistakes

I’ve made a few

I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face

But I’ve come through

We are the champions, my friends

And we’ll keep on fighting ‘til the end

We are the champions

We are the champions

No time for losers

‘Cause we are the champions of the world

Adapted from: https:



The word “losers” underlined in the text is
Q1658550 Inglês
In the sentence “My teacher told us to read quietly”, “quietly” is an adverb of _________. 
Q1658546 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

The Importance of the English Language

    Nowadays, more and more people are dedicating time to studying English as a second language. Many countries include English in their school syllabus and children are starting to learn English at a younger and younger age. Do you know why learning English is so important? Here are five good reasons to take an English Language Course.

    1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people can speak or at least understand English!

    2. Studying English can help you get a job.

    3. English is the language of the Internet.

    4. Travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of English.

    5. English gives you access to multiple cultures.

Adapted from

Without changing the meaning of the sentence, which alternative can replace the word, in bold type, in the text?
Q1658452 Inglês

Native English speakers are the world’s worst communicators

    It was just one word in one email, but it caused huge financial losses for a multinational company. The message, written in English, was sent by a native speaker to a colleague for whom English was a second language. Unsure of the word, the recipient found two contradictory meanings in his dictionary. He acted on the wrong one.

    Months later, senior management investigated why the project had failed, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. “It all traced back to this one word,” says Chia Suan Chong, a UK-based communications skills and intercultural trainer, who didn’t reveal the tricky word because it is highly industry-specific and possibly identifiable. “Things spiralled out of control because both parties were thinking the opposite.”  

    When such misunderstandings happen, it’s usually the native speakers who are to blame. Ironically, they are worse at delivering their message than people who speak English as a second or third language, according to Chong. “A lot of native speakers are happy that English has become the world’s global language. They feel they don’t have to spend time learning another language.”

    The non-native speakers, it turns out, speak more purposefully and carefully, trying to communicate efficiently with limited, simple language, typical of someone speaking a second or third language. Anglophones, on the other hand, often talk too fast for others to follow, and use jokes, slang, abbreviations and references specific to their own culture, says Chong. “The native English speaker is the only one who might not feel the need to adapt to the others,” she adds.

Adapted from

About the words purposefully, carefully and efficiently (paragraph 4) , it is correct to say that
Q1658447 Inglês

Are any foods safe to eat anymore? The fears and the facts 48 49 50

    Food was once seen as a source of sustenance and pleasure. Today, the dinner table can instead begin to feel like a minefield. Is bacon really a risk factor of cancer? Will coffee or eggs give you a heart attack? Does wheat contribute to Alzheimer’s disease? Will dairy products clog up your arteries? Worse still, the advice changes continually. As TV-cook Nigella Lawson recently put it: “You can guarantee that what people think will be good for you this year, they won’t next year.”

    This may be somewhat inevitable: evidence-based health advice should be constantly updated as new studies explore the nuances of what we eat and the effects the meals have on our bodies. But when the media (and ill-informed health gurus) exaggerate the results of a study without providing the context, it can lead to unnecessary fears that may, ironically, push you towards less healthy choices.

    The good news is that “next year” you may be pleased to learn that many of your favourite foods are not the ticking time bomb you have been led to believe...

Adapted from

In the text, the word ironically (paragraph 2) introduces
Q1658446 Inglês

Are any foods safe to eat anymore? The fears and the facts 48 49 50

    Food was once seen as a source of sustenance and pleasure. Today, the dinner table can instead begin to feel like a minefield. Is bacon really a risk factor of cancer? Will coffee or eggs give you a heart attack? Does wheat contribute to Alzheimer’s disease? Will dairy products clog up your arteries? Worse still, the advice changes continually. As TV-cook Nigella Lawson recently put it: “You can guarantee that what people think will be good for you this year, they won’t next year.”

    This may be somewhat inevitable: evidence-based health advice should be constantly updated as new studies explore the nuances of what we eat and the effects the meals have on our bodies. But when the media (and ill-informed health gurus) exaggerate the results of a study without providing the context, it can lead to unnecessary fears that may, ironically, push you towards less healthy choices.

    The good news is that “next year” you may be pleased to learn that many of your favourite foods are not the ticking time bomb you have been led to believe...

Adapted from

In the sentence “... ill -informed health gurus...” (paragraph 2), the prefix ill means
1: B
2: A
3: C
4: A
5: D
6: C
7: D
8: B
9: A
10: E
11: B
12: D
13: A
14: C
15: C
16: C
17: C
18: E
19: D
20: B