Questões Militares Comentadas sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês

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Q2259744 Inglês
      Um conceito essencial para o trabalho com gêneros de texto é o de capacidades de linguagem. A primeira delas é a de ação. A capacidade de ação trata das representações que o agente produtor do texto tem sobre o contexto em que o gênero será produzido.
       A segunda capacidade de linguagem envolvida na produção textual é a discursiva. Pode-se dizer que ela diz respeito aos tipos de discurso e aos tipos de sequências predominantes que um determinado gênero apresenta. A terceira capacidade é a linguístico-discursiva. É com ela que o aluno desenvolverá seu texto lançando uso correto das coesões nominais e verbais, da coerência ao longo da produção, da modalização do discurso e do paralelismo presente na sua construção.

(E. Lousada, et alii. A elaboração de material didático
para o ensino de Língua inglesa: um estudo preliminar
baseado na noção de gênero de texto. In DAMIANOVIC, M. C. (ed).
Material Didático: Elaboração e Avaliação.
 Taubaté: Cabral - Editora e Livraria Universitária.
2007. pp. 204-6. Adaptado)
The last sentence mentions the importance of “parallelism” in the construction of texts. There is a parallelism error as to the use of noun phrases in alternative:
Q1989742 Inglês

Multilingualism needs to be understood not so much in terms of separate monolingualisms (adding English to one or more other languages) but rather in much more fluid terms. We can start to think of ELT classrooms in terms of principled polycentrism (Pennycook, 2014). This is not the polycentrism of a World Englishes focus, with its established or fixed norms of regional varieties of English, but a more fluid concept, based on the idea that students are developing complex repertoires of multilingual and multimodal resources. This enables us to think in terms of ELT as developing resourceful speakers who are able to use available language resources and to shift between styles, discourses, registers and genres. This brings the recent sociolinguistic emphasis on repertoires and resources into conversation with a focus on the need to learn how to negotiate and accommodate, rather than to be proficient in one variety of English. So an emerging goal of ELT may be less towards proficient native-speaker-like speakers (which has always been a confused and misguided goal), and to think instead in terms of resourceful speakers (Pennycook, 2012) who can draw on multiple linguistic and semiotic resources.

(Pennycook, A. The Cultural Politics of English as an International Language. London and New York: Routledge. 2017. Adaptado)

Os brasileiros aprendizes de Língua Inglesa tendem a perceber o -ed final em verbos como tendo o mesmo som quando, na verdade, a desinência pode assumir diversos sons, conforme o contexto sonoro. Das palavras a seguir, retiradas do texto de Pennycook, assinale a única em que o -ed final é pronunciado em uma sílaba extra.
Q1989733 Inglês

The regional accentism that secretly affects life prospects

        At age 22, Gav Murphy was living outside his home country Wales for the first time, working in his first job in media production in London. His South Wales Valleys accent was very thick, he recalls. He’d say ‘tha’ rather than ‘that’, for instance. He was perfectly understandable; yet a senior colleague overseeing his work insisted Murphy change his accent so all the broadcasters sounded uniform on air. The effects of adaptation were far-reaching. “It sort of broke my brain a little bit,” says Murphy. “I thought about literally every single thing I was saying, literally every time I was saying it. Moving to standard English was just laborious.”

        Foreign-accent discrimination is rampant in professional settings. But discrimination can also extend to certain native speakers of a language, because of the judgements attached to particular accents. While many employers are becoming very sensitive to other types of bias, accent bias remains challenging to root out. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

       While the cognitive shortcuts that contribute to accent bias may be universal, the degree of accent awareness and prejudice varies greatly. For instance, “The UK has a very, very fine-tuned system of accent prestige,” says Devyani Sharma, a sociolinguist at Queen Mary University of London. “It’s a combination of a very monolingual past, where English developed as a symbol of the nation, and the very acute social class hierarchy historically.” She adds that overt accent bias in the US is based more on race, whereas in the UK, it’s more tied to class.

        In some cases, accent bias is directly related to government policy. Since the 1860s, the Japanese government has modernised the country with a focus on Tokyo, says Shigeko Kumagai, a linguist at Shizuoka University, Japan. “Thus, standard Japanese was established based on the speech of educated Tokyoites.” In contrast, the Tohoku dialect spoken in northern Japan became “the most stigmatised dialect in Japan”, says Kumagai. Its image is “rural, rustic, old, stubborn, narrow-minded, backward, poor, uneducated, etc”. Young women from Tohoku are often given discriminatory treatment that makes them feel ashamed of their accents.

        A pesquisa de Kumagai mostra que a forte estereotipagem do dialeto Tohoku é perpetuada pela concentração da indústria de mídia na capital japonesa. De fato, em todo o mundo, a mídia tem um impacto enorme na percepção dos sotaques. Portanto, entendemos por que a preponderância de emissoras do Reino Unido em Londres provavelmente contribuiu para a marginalização do sotaque galês de MurphyKumagai’s research shows that the strong stereotyping of the Tohoku dialect is perpetuated by the concentration of the media industry in the Japanese capital. Indeed, the world over, the media has an enormous impact on perceptions of accents. So we understand why the preponderance of UK broadcasters in London likely contributed to the marginalisation of Murphy’s Welsh accent.

(Christine Ro., 08.05.2022. Adaptado)

Mark the alternative with a word from the first paragraph containing a voiced “th” sound.
Ano: 2021 Banca: Exército Órgão: EsSA Prova: Exército - 2021 - EsSA - Sargento - Geral |
Q1879464 Inglês
Todas as palavras abaixo formam o plural em inglês como a palavra “photo”, exceto:
Q1820796 Inglês
Indique a palavra em língua inglesa à qual o falante brasileiro, por influência da soletração e do fato de que palavras em português não tendem a terminar em grupos consonantais, poderá erroneamente adicionar uma vogal final:
Q1820795 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa contendo a palavra na qual a terminação -ed é pronunciada assim como em shaped.
Q1820787 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder à questão.

Because we all have different styles of teaching, and therefore planning, orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive. As Bailey (1996) points out, a lesson plan is like a road map “which describes where the teacher hopes to go in a lesson, presumably taking the students along”. It is the latter part of this quote that is important for teachers to remember, because they may need to make “in-flight” changes in response to the actuality of the classroom. As Bailey (1996) correctly points out, “In realizing lesson plans, part of a skilled teacher’s logic in use involves managing such departures to maximimize teaching and learning opportunities”. Clearly thought-out lesson plans will more likely maintain the attention of students and increase the likelihood that they will be interested.

(RICHARDS, Jack C.; RENANDYA, Willy A.(Ed.). Methodology in language teaching: an anthology of current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. p. 36. Adaptado) 

The underlined phrase in “orientations about course planning and delivery should not be meant to be prescriptive” (line 3)
Q1779366 Inglês
The sentence that is not correct is:
Q1779362 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Maroon 5
Here’s to the ones that we got
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not
‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
Of everything we’ve been through
Toast to the ones here today
Toast to the ones that we lost on the way
‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
And the memories bring back, memories bring back you
There’s a time that I remember, when I did not know no pain
When I believed in forever, and everything would stay the same
Now my heart feel like December when somebody say your name
‘Cause I can’t reach out to call you, but I know I will one day, yeah
Everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody hurts someday,
But everything gon’ be alright
Go and raise a glass and say,
There’s a time that I remember when I never felt so lost
When I felt all of the hatred was too powerful to stop (ooh, yeah)
Now my heart feel like an ember and it’s lighting up the dark
I’ll carry these torches for ya that you know I’ll never drop, yeah
Everybody hurts sometimes
Everybody hurts someday,
But everything gon’ be alright
Go and raise a glass and say,
Choose the alternative that shows an excerpt from the song that is not grammatically correct:
Q1695779 Inglês
Analyze the questions below.

I- Who does this pencil belong to? Il- Who read a book last week? III- Where did your mother born? IV- What about are they talking? V- What fell on the floor yesterday?

Choose the correct option.
Q1695778 Inglês
Mark the sentence that is grammatically INCORRECT.
Q1695469 Inglês
Mark the option which corresponds · to the grammatically correct sentences.

I - I gather you've had some problems with our secretary.
II - Are you having a headache?
III - Hadn't you better check to see if the baby is all right?
IV - She knows Jacob since 1981.
V - I'd rather to stay here than to go out tonight.
Q1695466 Inglês
Choose the correct option.
Q1042179 Inglês

                      Teaching English in the Brazilian countryside

      “In Brazil, countryside youth want to learn about new places, new cultures and people. However, they think their everyday lives are an obstacle to that, because they imagine that country life has nothing to do with other parts of the world”, says Rafael Fonseca. Rafael teaches English in a language school in a cooperative coffee cultivation in Paraguaçu. His learners are the children of rural workers.

      Rafael tells us that the objective of the project being developed in the cooperative is to give the young people more opportunities of growth in the countryside, and that includes the ability to communicate with international buyers. “In the future, our project may help overcome the lack of succession in countryside activities because, nowadays, rural workers’ children become lawyers, engineers, teachers, and sometimes even doctors, but those children very rarely want to have a profession related to rural work”, says Rafael.

      “That happens”, he adds, “because their parents understand that life in the countryside can be hard work and they do not want to see their children running the same type of life that they have. Their children also believe that life in the country does not allow them to have contact with other parts of the world, meet other people and improve cultural bounds. The program intends to show them that by means of a second language they can travel, communicate with new people and learn about new cultures as a means of promoting and selling what they produce in the country, and that includes receiving visitors in their workplace from abroad.”

      Rafael’s strategy is to contextualize the English language and keep learners up-to-date with what happens in the global market. “Integrating relevant topics about countryside living can be transformative in the classroom. The local regional and cultural aspects are a great source of inspiration and learning not only for the young, but for us all.”

Adapted from

Choose the alternative with the correct reference for the underlined words from the text.
Q1042027 Inglês
Which sentence is correct?
Q1042025 Inglês

Analyze the sentences and choose the option which is grammatically correct.

I . I heard that she's looking forward to visit you.

II. She wanted that everyone understood her.

III. If you can't sleep, try taking sleeping pills.

IV. I'll never forget visiting Paris for the first time.

V. Remember locking the door on the way out.

Q1042019 Inglês

Which option is correct to complete the sentences below?

1- My sister heard him_______ down the stairs.

2- She heard the bomb_________.

3- The teacher saw the notebook__________on the table.

4- Justice must not only be done, it must be to be done.

5 - I could see my nephew______ on the bus.

Q1042016 Inglês

Choose the correct alternative to complete the paragraph below.

Fatal accident during mooring operation on deck

During the mooring operation, the forward spring line _________________ beneath the berth fender and________________tightened up without awareness of the risk. Suddenly, the taut rope ________ ___________from beneath the berth fender and________________on the OS causing his death.

(Abridged from

Q933368 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative.
Q933367 Inglês
Which option is correct?
1: E
2: A
3: B
4: D
5: D
6: A
7: E
8: A
9: A
10: B
11: D
12: D
13: C
14: A
15: A
16: C
17: D
18: A
19: B
20: A