Questões Militares de Inglês - Determinantes e quantificadores | Determiners and quantifiers

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Q999300 Inglês
Read the text to answer question. 
Paul: Mary, the party is tomorrow! Do we have everything we need? Mary: We have _____ juice, but we should buy more. Pau: Do we need to buy bread? Mary: Well, we have _____, I don’t know if it’s enough. Paul: So let’s talk to Jen and ask for ____ advice. 
Choose the alternative that best completes the text:

Q999293 Inglês
Read the text to answer question.


Choose the best alternative to complete the text:
Ano: 2019 Banca: Marinha Órgão: EAM Prova: Marinha - 2019 - EAM - Marinheiro |
Q982670 Inglês
Complete the paragraph below, about Scotland, with the missing articles.
For many years, Scotland was ___________ poor country. But now things are better for most people. There is oil and gas in __________sea between Scotland and Norway. Edinburgh is ____________ important place for money, and there are big banks there, like the Royal Bank of Scotland. Tourists visit this beautiful country and they bring money to Scotland too. Many people love living and working there, and more than 20 million visitors go to Scotland each year.
Now, mark the correct option, from top to bottom:
Q937060 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Money and happiness

      While it is true that money can't buy love or happiness, a certain amount is necessary to have a baseline of happiness. Interestingly, from science we learn that for most people the magic number is between $75 - $100K per year. At that point we have enough money not to be struggling between paychecks, and there is a diminishing return on making more money after that. The nice thing is happiness is more about our habits and attitudes that we can control through things like exercise, mindfulness, gratitude, kindness, etc. regardless of how ______or how______ money we have. Happiness Is a choice and a process, not a place.

(https ://

Q937054 Inglês

Which of the options completes the excerpt below correctly?

You're dehydrated - and______your skin

Most of us tend to think of dehydration as a short term problem solved by a glass of water, but board-certified dermatologist Dr. Janet Prystowsky encourages viewing skin dehydration as a long-term problem, as consistently failing to get your skin the water it needs can have lasting results.

(Abridged from https ://w w w , /beauty/anti-aging/a 36993 /dull-skin-causes/)

6: A
7: C
8: C
9: A
10: A