Questões Militares Comentadas sobre passado perfeito | past perfect em inglês

Foram encontradas 24 questões

Q2201224 Inglês

Read the text and answer the question.

The verbs “was”, “ate” and “chewed” are in the  
Q2058547 Inglês
Complete the text with the correct words:
Liz Truss is _________ under pressure from Tory MPs to ensure benefits rise in line with prices, with minister Penny Mordaunt arguing it "makes sense". Former PM Boris Johnson _________ benefits would rise with inflation. Ms Truss has refused to say she _________ maintain the commitment, as she faces questions over how to pay for her government's tax-cutting plans. The PM told the BBC a decision _________ yet been made, as the issue dominated Tory party conference in Birmingham. Speaking to Times Radio, Ms Mordaunt said: "We tomake sure that people are looked after and that people can paytheir bills. We are not about _________ to help people with one hand and take away with another."  _________ if she welcomed Ms Mordaunt _________ her views public, Ms Truss said: "I _________ forward to having those discussions." 
( )
Q1853745 Inglês
Read the sentences below.
I wasn’t looking for this but now you’re in my way your stare was holding ripped jeans skin was showing.”
The correct verb tense in bold is: 
Q1853739 Inglês
    Read the following structure:
    If he had won a million dollars, he would have traveled to China.
The correct alternative which is in the same structure is:  
Q1853735 Inglês


    Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took place 20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, (I) everything was covered in ice. The movie follows the path of a mammoth, a sabertooth tiger and a sloth after they encounter an Eskimo baby and decide to protect it from the cold and other animals.
    (II) Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful. Other tigers were unhappy with Diego because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth. Eventually the three animals get together, although with very different agendas, and form a friendship bond while taking care of the human baby.
    The movie also features a squirrel desperately trying to bury an acorn without success. This squirrel has such a distinctive personality that we can only hope (III) he’ll star in his own movie someday.
The sentence “Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful”, from the text could be rewritten without changing the verb tense, like this:  
Q1853733 Inglês


    Ice Age is an animated movie about a story that took place 20,000 thousand years ago. At that time, (I) everything was covered in ice. The movie follows the path of a mammoth, a sabertooth tiger and a sloth after they encounter an Eskimo baby and decide to protect it from the cold and other animals.
    (II) Diego, the tiger, had attacked the tribe to get the baby eskimo but was not successful. Other tigers were unhappy with Diego because of his incompetence to get the baby, who is now with Manfred, the mammoth, and Sid, the sloth. Eventually the three animals get together, although with very different agendas, and form a friendship bond while taking care of the human baby.
    The movie also features a squirrel desperately trying to bury an acorn without success. This squirrel has such a distinctive personality that we can only hope (III) he’ll star in his own movie someday.
The sentences that are underlined in the text are in the:  
Q1804048 Inglês
Mark the correct option to complete the text below.
Achemical-laden cargo ship is sinking off the coast of Sri Lanka, sparkling fears of an environmental disaster
The Singapore-registered X-Press Pearl I- ________ on fire for almost two weeks before the blaze II- _________ this week. Hundreds of tonnes of oil from fuel tanks III- _________ into the sea, IV- ____________nearby marine life. The Sri Lankan and Indian navies V- _________jointly over the past days in an attempt VI- ________ the fire and VI- _________ the ship from breaking and sinking.
(Adapted from>news>word...)

Q1779368 Inglês
Read the text and answer question.

Metal airplane part seems to fall from plane into Arizona
family’s backyard

   An Arizona couple discovered what appeared to be a metal plate from an airplane in their backyard last week. Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the white metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported.
   “I kind of looked around to see if there was anything else, like another piece, or something else other than that, with writing on it. It looks like it’s from an airplane, and you think, oh man, that’s crazy,” Jaclyn told the outlet. According to images shared with CBS5, the metal piece seems to be part of the airplane lavatory.
Adapted from 
The sentence “Charlie and Jaclyn High of Phoenix found the white metal piece, which had fallen in their backyard, on Friday, CBS5 reported.”, contains verbs in the following tenses, in this order:
Q1695784 Inglês
Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

ln 1984, Dallas, Texas, a call to the emergency services ________ catastrophically wrong. An elderly woman _______ breathing in her home. Her son, clearly distressed, _______ 911. His conversation with the dispatcher soon _______ out of control.
(Adapted from
Q1662096 Inglês
The statement “many people were injured by falling glass” (line 7) stands for
Falling glass _______ many people. 
Q1658696 Inglês

Change the sentence into the interrogative form.

“The cost of living has doubled in relative terms over recent years.”

Q845110 Inglês

                          A handwritten note from September 11

      In moments of crisis, our first thoughts are usually to get in contact with the people we love. September 11, 2001, was a day when many people wanted to know that their loved ones were safe. At 9:37 a.m., the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists who crashed an airplane into the western side of the building.

      Many people tried using the mobile phones that existed then, but few were successful. Franklin and Daria Gaillard (Frank and Chip) were both members of the Air Force and worked at the Pentagon. They worked in different parts of the building and had a previous agreement that they would meet at their car in the parking lot if there were any emergency.

      Daria was the first to arrive at the car and wrote a note to Franklin saying "Frank - Sweetie I am okay. I'm w/ my office over by the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Sign. I'll stay there till you come. Love lots & lots, Chip." Frank found the note and was able to locate his wife in the aftermath of the attack.

      What makes this story so interesting is the handwritten note. Today, in our digital culture, we have a variety of ways to let people know that we are safe. Text messages, voicemail, and different forms of social media can be used to get the information out to loved ones. In 2001, when these attacks__________(1), the cellular network was still growing and was not as robust as it is today.

      This letter is just one of the many objects that The National Museum of American History_________ (2) since 2001. To learn more, visit our online exhibition September 11th: Bearing Witness to History.

              Adapted from


Choose the alternative containing the correct verb tenses to complete gaps (1) and (2) in paragraphs 4 and 5 respectively.
Q815254 Inglês

Write (T) for true and (F) for false according to the explanation of the tenses in parenthesis.

( ) When you are looking back from a point in past time, and you are concerned with the effects of something which happened at an earlier time in the past. (Past perfect )

( ) When you are concerned with the present effects of something which happened at an indefinite time in the past. (past perfect continuous)

( ) When you are talking about something which continued to happen before and after a particular time. (past continuous)

Choose the alternative that corresponds to the right order.

Q719496 Inglês

According to the grammar rules for verb tenses. Choose the best alternative to fill the blanks:

1- The police ______________________ (arrest) the suspects last night.

2- They ___________________________ (not/steal) anyone for a month.

3- Scientists ________________________ (test) new medicine last year.

4- I ____________________________ (Not/find) my keys since you left.

5- They _________________________ (work) a lot last night

Q645358 Inglês


Japan’s shipyards remain intact after quake

Japan’s major shipyards escaped the full impact of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that struck the northeastern coast of the country with full force. An official at the Japan Ship Exporters’ Association said the devastating natural disaster “will have no impact on future export ship orders at all”. Although several small shipyards in the quake-hit areas were affected, major Japanese shipyards that build large vessels for exports are concentrated in western Japan and remain intact, the official said. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding sustained “slight material damages” in the company’s Kasai Center and Chiba Works but did not consider such slight damages would cause serious impact on operations. “The rotational schedule of interruption of power supply due to the earthquake may affect our operation at our works and subsidiaries. However, the degree of the impact is not known now,” the company said in a statement. Japanese export ship orders rose for the 15th consecutive month in February o a year-on-year basis. Japanese shipbuilders received orders for 277 export vessels – 259 bulk carriers, 10 oil tankers and eight general cargo vessels – in the April-February period.

                        (Adapted from:, March 2011)


Tsnunami Debris Expected on U.S. Shores in 3 Years

The powerful tsunami triggered by the 9.0 Japanese earthquake destroyed coastal towns near Sendai, washing such things as houses and cars into the ocean. Projections of where this debris might head have been made at the international Pacific Research Center, university of Hawaii at Manoa. What their model predicts about the tsunami debris is that they first spread out eastward from the Japan Coast in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. In a year, the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument will see pieces washing up on its shores; in two years, the remaining Hawaiian islands will see some effects; in three years, the plume will reach the US West Coast, dumping debris on Californian beaches and the beaches of British Columbia, Alaska, and Baja California. The debris will then drift into the famous floating junk yard, the North Pacific Garbage Patch, where it will wander around and break into smaller and smaller pieces. In five years, Hawaii shores can expect to see another barrage of debris that is stronger and longer-lasting than the first one. Much of the debris leaving the North Pacific Garbage Patch ends up on Hawaii’s reefs and beaches. These model projections will help to guide clean-up and tracking operations.

                                                 (Adapted from:, April 2011)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

1. Where have you been? I ______ for you for two weeks!

2. Their bus __________at 3:00 p.m.

3. Tim __________to the beach, when he heard the weather forecast and changed his mind.

4. Research _____________ that excessive sue of cell phones may cause headaches.

5. When the police arrived, the thieves __________.

Q644674 Inglês

Choose the option that completes the text below:

I had a really funny evening yesterday, Mary. I got talking to this boy in the pub, very nice-looking he was, and I could see he _________ me. He said he _________ anybody like me before, and he felt I _________ a very unusual kind of beauty. Oh, yes? I said. Then he asked me if I _________ a lift home, so I said no, I _________ hungry, so we went out for a curry.

Q644612 Inglês
When Martin ________the car, he took it out for a drive.
Q644609 Inglês

I - I wish you _____________ all the water! I’m thirsty.

II - If you hadn’t helped me, I ___________ the task so easily.

III - If you __________ me back, I wouldn’t have to borrow money from my parents.

IV - If it ________________ for the goalkeeper, our team would have lost.

Q644608 Inglês
Were he not busy, he ________ your cousin.
Q326053 Inglês

Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere;  the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in  of local weather but also climate, by  I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation in the atmosphere, so __________ at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.
1: D
2: A
3: B
4: A
5: D
6: C
7: C
8: A
9: E
10: D
11: B
12: D
13: B
14: A
15: D
16: C
17: B
18: E
19: C
20: B