Questões Militares de Inglês - Presente perfeito | Present perfect

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Q724307 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o artigo 11 da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, em inglês, para responder a questão, assinalando a alternativa que completa corretamente as respectivas lacunas.
Q691544 Inglês

Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence.

I am not worried about the test. I ______ enough to pass.

Q691523 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete this novel excerpt.

"Where is Louisia?", shouted Paul.

"Paul", said Mrs Schobert softly [...] "Louisia has not _________ nor ______ . She has not ________ home — yet. I am sorry. I don't know what to think."

(HOOD, P.F.F.; HOOD, C.L. Tomorrow, soldier. Part Three: Himmler's Gas Station. An autobiographical novel in four parts. Milton Keynes: UK. Author House, 2007, p.40.)

Q678484 Inglês

Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente:

Coptic Christians in Egypt ________________ persecution at the hands of the government. Claims against them under Mubarak’s regime were rarely punished. They have faced open discrimination while remaining peaceful.

Q678192 Inglês

Born on October 23, 1940, in Três Corações, Brazil, soccer legend Pelé became a superstar with his performance in the 1958 World Cup. Pelé played professionally in Brazil for two decades, (35)__________ three World Cups along the way, before joining the New York Cosmos late in his career. Named FIFA co-Player of the Century in 1999, he is a global ambassador for soccer and other (36)____________ causes.

The world was officially introduced to Pelé in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Displaying (37)_____________ speed, athleticism and field vision, the 17-year-old erupted to score three goals in a 5-2 semifinal win over France, then netted two more in the finals, a 5-2 win over the host country.

Retirement did little to diminish the public profile of Pelé, who (38)______________ a popular pitchman and active in many professional arenas.

In 1978, Pelé was awarded the International Peace Award for his work with UNICEF. He has also served (39) __________ Brazil's Extraordinary Minister for Sport and a United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment.

Disponível em: <> . Acesso em 22 de abril 2014. 

Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença CORRETAMENTE.
31: C
32: B
33: E
34: A
35: E