Questões Militares Comentadas sobre pronome relativo | relative clauses em inglês

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Q724630 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

Another plane returns to Guarulhos airport

    For the second day consecutive, an airplane had to return to Guarulhos airport, after being hit by birds.

    The incident happened on Wednesday (27) with a Boeing 737- 800 belonging to the airline Gol _____ took off for Fortaleza. The bird entered one of the two motors, causing serious troubles. Because of the problem, the plane returned to Guarulhos almost two hours after taking off. The aircraft had to use fuel to land with less weight.

Choose the word to have the text completed:
Q724308 Inglês
Instrução: Leia o artigo 11 da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, em inglês, para responder a questão, assinalando a alternativa que completa corretamente as respectivas lacunas.
Q691540 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly completes the text below, respectively.

“______ half-past twelve next day Lord Henry Wotton strolled from Curzon Street over to the Albany to call on his uncle, Lord Fermor, a genial if somewhat rough-mannered old bachelor, ______ the outside world called selfish, ______ it derived no particular benefit from him, but ______ was considered generous by Society as he fed the people who amused him.”

(WILDE, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Collins Classics.)

Q678187 Inglês

Para a questão, encontram-se em destaque cinco termos. Assinale a alternativa correspondente ao termo cujo emprego está INCORRETO.  

If mankind can learn to respect other human beings in thoughts, words, and actions, humanity may survive on this planet, Earth. If parents teach children clearly not only to respect their elders but to treat everyone with respect and courtesy, children may grow up to be responsible adults whose influence other people to respect human feeling, rights and property. They may grow up to cherish human life, not annihilate it. All people want respect, so they must give it to earn it. 

Q676996 Inglês

                                                     Text 1


Q667973 Inglês

Once upon a time there was a young girl ______ lived near the forest with her mother and father. She was pretty, nice and kind. So everybody loved her very much.

(Mariza Ferrari e Sarah G. Rubin)

Choose the correct alternative to fill in the blank.

Q661786 Inglês

                                  Don’t drink and ride

Alcohol can increase your risk of being hurt in a car accident, even if you aren’t behind the wheel. A new University of Michigan study reports that men who have been drinking are 50 percent more likely to experience a serious injury during a car accident than sober passengers. 

The word “who”, underlined in the text, can be replaced by
Q661291 Inglês
In the sentence “there was a single kind that could be measured by standardized tests” (lines 07 and 08), it is possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun accordingly in
Q652179 Inglês

Choose the alternative that contains the right use of the relative pronoun, in order to write the two sentences below as a single sentence:

That is the teacher. I spoke to her about my grades.

Q644675 Inglês
In which sentence below can you leave out the relative pronoun?
Q644577 Inglês
Choose the alternative where the pronoun can correctly be omitted.
Q628589 Inglês
In the sentence “there is a number of theories that attempt to explain the link” (lines 84-85), it is possible to find an option to substitute the pronoun accordingly in
Q616986 Inglês
Children experience basic training and mock deployment

    The 460th Force Support Squadron (FSS) hosted the 6th Annual Operation Future Forces (OFF) Sept. 13, 2014, at Camp Rattlesnake. OFF allows children ages 8-18 to experience what military members endure from basic training to technical school to a mock deployment, ending with a homecoming party.
  “The youth mock deployment was developed to alleviate many of the stresses commonly experienced by young family members when one or both parents are deployed,” said Thomas Cox, 460th FSS youth program chief. “Everything from basic training, tech schools, camp activities and accomplishing their mission as a team made the event a one of a kind opportunity for military kids.”
   A few of the boys had their heads shaved before heading off to “Basic Military Training.” The training consisted of doing push-ups and sit-ups, jumping through hula-hoops and running through an inflatable castle. They were also taught how to stand at attention, salute and do an about-face.
    After basic training, each child attended “technical school” and was taught a specific Air Force Specialty Code to help them in their mock deployment. Some children were taught lifesaving self-aid and buddy care skills while others learned about the importance of radio communications while on a deployment.
   The tech-school graduates were then issued water pistols before heading out. During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon fight and injured allies who needed help along the way.
   At the end of a long day, loved ones waited outside the youth center on base with homemade signs welcoming the “troops” back home.
   “This event was great,” said Senior Airman Jasmine Madison, 460th FSS Force Support Force Management technician. “It’s a way for kids to get a hands-on understanding of what their parents do when they are separated from them during deployments.”

Adapted from
In the sentence “During their deployment, the children encountered hostile and non-hostile citizens, a water-balloon fight and injured allies who needed help along the way." (paragraph 5), the words their and who respectively refer to
Q615841 Inglês
                       Fire at Antarctica station kills 2 Brazilian sailors

      Two Brazilian sailors died and one was injured Saturday after a fire broke out at a naval research station in Antarctica, authorities reported. The fire occurred at the Comandante Ferraz Station on King George Island, said Adm. Julio Soares de Moura Neto, commander of the Brazilian Navy. The three sailors were trying to extinguish a fire that broke out in the engine room of the facility. Brazilian military police are investigating the cause. The station is home to researchers who conduct studies on the effects of climate change in Antarctica and its implications on the planet, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology and Innovation. Researchers at the base also study marine life and the atmosphere.

                                          Adaptado de, consulta em 26/02/2012
In the sentence “The station is home to researchers who conduct studies...", the word who refers to
Q490609 Inglês

The word myself refers back to
Q490605 Inglês
                              Mysterious ancient cemetery in Egypt could contain a million mummies

            A mysterious ancient cemetery in Egypt could contain more than a million mummified human remains, archaeologists have claimed.
            Around 1,700 bodies have so far been uncovered at the Fag el-Gamous (Way of the Water Buffalo) site, around 60 miles south of Cairo. But experts believe that countless more are contained in the burial ground.
            “We are fairly certain we have over a million burials within this cemetery. It's large, and it's dense,” said project director Kerry Muhlestein, an associate professor in the Department of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University (BYU), which has been examining the site for around 30 years.             They were placed there between the 1st and the 7th centuries AD, but the scale of the site has left many baffled.             A nearby village has been deemed too small to warrant such a large cemetery, while the closest major settlements had their own burial grounds.
            “It's hard to know where all these people were coming from,” Professor Muhlestein told Live Science.
            Another interesting find was that the corpses appeared to be grouped together by hair colour, with one section containing the remains of those with blonde hair and another for those with red hair.             The bodies, which included a man of more than seven feet in height, are thought to be of ordinary citizens, rather than the royalty found at many famous Egyptian sites. They were not buried in coffins, according to Muhlestein, and were in fact mummified not by design but by the arid natural environment.
            “The people in the cemetery represent the common man. They are the average people who are usually hard to learn about because they are not very visible in written sources. A lot of their wealth, or the little that they had, was poured into these burials.”
            His team discovered objects including glassware, jewellery and linen. The findings were presented to the Scholars Colloquim at the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities in Toronto last month.
The Telegraph, London.


In: “The bodies, which included a man of more than seven feet in height are thought to be of ordinary citizens, rather than the royalty found at many famous Egyptian sites.” WHICH is a:
Q326051 Inglês

Para as questões, leia o texto seguinte e complete as lacunas com a palavra ou expressão correta.

Atmospheric Physics is the study of physical processes in the atmosphere; understanding the climate and the weather, and the physical reasons  it is as it is and how it might change in the future. My own particular research background is in radiative transfer and  I mean the transport of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere; the Sun’s radiation coming in, getting absorbed and scattered in the air, and the transfer of heat radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. From a  physics perspective there’s an awful lot of things about the atmosphere that we don’t understand, and of course, it’s very classical physics in the  that it’s looking at fluid dynamics and thermodynamics applied to the natural environment. What motivates us really is to try and explain what we see in the environment, what  it and what might change it in the future, both in of local weather but also climate, by __________ I mean larger areas and larger timescales. My background has led me to an interest in how solar radiation  in the atmosphere, so at how changes in the Sun might affect the climate for the past year.

Q207191 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items below.

There are countries where people have two options to pay for their treatment.
Q207189 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items below.

Those who pay taxes are not entitled to receive free treatment.
Q191558 Inglês
Which of the alternatives below completes the sentence correctly?

The private military company Blackwater has offered its ship as an escort,________ (1) includes armed security, small boats and air platforms, but to date it hasn't had any customers in the region.
21: A
22: E
23: D
24: C
25: E
26: A
27: D
28: B
29: C
30: B
31: B
32: D
33: C
34: B
35: A
36: B
37: A
38: C
39: E
40: C