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Q1658443 Inglês

Computer says no: Irish vet fails oral English test needed to stay in Australia

     Louise Kennedy is an Irish veterinarian with degrees in history and politics – both obtained in English. She is married to an Australian and has been working in Australia as an equine vet on a skilled worker visa for the past two years. As a native English speaker, she has excellent grammar and a broad vocabulary, but has been unable to convince a machine she can speak English well enough to stay in Australia.

    But she is now scrambling for other visa options after a computer-based English test – scored by a machine – essentially handed her a fail in terms of convincing immigration officers she can fluently speak her own language.

    Earlier this year, Kennedy decided she would seek permanent residency in Australia. She knew she would have to sit a mandatory English proficiency test but was shocked when she got the results. While she passed all other components of the test including writing and reading, (...). She got 74 when the government requires 79. “There’s obviously a flaw in their computer software, when a person with perfect oral fluency cannot get enough points,” she said. The test providers have categorically denied there is anything wrong with its computer-based test or the scoring engine trained to analyse candidates’ responses. “We do not offer a pass or a fail, simply a score and the immigration department set the bar very high for people seeking permanent residency”, they say.

    Kennedy, who is due to have a baby in October, says she will now have to pursue a bridging visa, while she seeks a more expensive spouse visa so she can remain with her Australian husband.

Adapted from

Choose the alternative that has the same meaning as the word mandatory in the sentence “She knew she would have to sit a mandatory English proficiency test...” (paragraph 3).
Q1613606 Inglês

Leia os dois parágrafos a seguir para responder à questão.

    An international student who majors in engineering drops by the engineering department office and asks the secretary, “Can you tell me where the English department is?” The secretary smiles and responds, “I don’t know, actually. It’s probably somewhere in the Humanities Building. Do you have a campus map?” The student turns around and leaves. The secretary is taken aback and feels slightly uncomfortable. She wonders why the student left so abruptly.


    People who interact with ESL students have commented that some seem to express gratitude excessively for small considerations, even to the point of embarrassing the person they are speaking. Others seem downright rude because they do not say thank you when they are expected to.

(Celce-Murcia, M. 2001.)

In the context of the first paragraph, the expression “taken aback” means the secretary was
Q1175350 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

Investigators find “similarities” between Ethiopian and Lion Air crashes.

Anna Cardovillis, Kara fox and Dakin Andone

    Preliminary data recovered from the black boxes of the last week Ethiopian Airlines crash has revealed “similarities” to October ‘s fatal Lion Air crash.

    Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed March 10, six minutes after take off, killing all 157 people on board. It was the second disaster involving a new Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft in less than six months. In October, all 189 people on board Lion Air Flight were killed in Indonesia, 13 minutes after take off. Similarities between the two incidents led aviation authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8s. Investigators suspect the Lion Air crash may have been caused by an angle of attack sensor on the outside of the plane that transmited incorrect data, which could have triggered the automated flight software that forced the plane’s nose down. The pilots first manually corrected an “automatic aircraft nose down two minutes after take off and performed the same procedure again and again before the plane hurtled into the Java Sea.

In “Similarities between the two incidents led aviation authorities around the world to ban the use of 737 Max 8”, the underlined word is closest in meaning to
Q1175344 Inglês

Read the text and answer question. 


One fall day, as you walk down the street, you might see ghosts, strange animals, and other weird things. What’s going on? It’s probably October 31, or Halloween. Halloween is a day when people go out wearing costumes and colorful makeup.

People think that Halloween started in Ireland during the 400s. October 31 was the end of summer, and people believe that everyone who died during the year come back on that day. To scare away the dead, people put on costumes and went out into the streets to make noise.

Different cultures have different ways of celebrating Halloween. In the United States, it’s the night when children dress up in costumes and go to neighbors’ houses to “trick or treat”, or ask for candy. Some adults wear funny or scary costumes and go to parties or parades. Halloween has become a fun holiday for both adults and children.

Adapted from Interchange.

The word “weird”, in bold type, in the text, is closest in meaning to ______________ . Except:
Q1175337 Inglês

Read the text and answer question.

Asthma from traffic

    Asthma is a serious medical condition because it is lifelong; there is no cure. A study says that pollution from traffic connects to 4 millions new cases of asthma in children each year.

    Researchers studied the pollution and how it affects children’s health in 194 countries and 125 large cities.

    This is not the first study to make this clame, but the study’s main author says that it gives a comprehensive idea of the problem. She says that it tells where pollution “hot spots” are.

Some people think rules for pollution need to change and that we need to have cleaner transportation. The author also said that there are other pollutants in the world causing deseases, such as lung cancer, strokes, heart disease and developmental issues.


In "This is not the first study to make this claim", the word, in bold type, is closest in meaning to _____________ . Except:
76: C
77: C
78: C
79: D
80: C