Questões Militares de Inglês - Sinônimos | Synonyms

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Q628587 Inglês
“Good friends enhance their friend's coping skills in dealing with illness and other health problems” (lines 88 to 90). The highlighted word has the same meaning as in
Q628578 Inglês
Mark the option that is closest in meaning to “Unfortunately making friends seems to trouble many of people” (lines 70-71).
Q622201 Inglês
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following text carefully and then choose the correct answer.
                                         Leonardo da Vinci

Known as the greatest artist in the history of mankind, Leonardo da Vinci was also a great philosopher and scientist. Leonardo is the most influential figure in the Italian Renaissance and he is considered to be an inventive multi-genius.

Leonardo was born in 1452 in Vinci, Italy, as the child of Piero da Vinci, a notary, and Caterina, a country girl. He stayed with his father's family and they moved to Florence when he was just 12. At the age of 14, Leonardo started out his artist's apprenticeship at the studio of Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488), an Italian sculptor, goldsmith and painter.

The art of painting made Leonardo knowledgeable about anatomy and perspective. In addition to painting, Verrocchio's studio also offered technical and mechanical arts and sculpture. Leonardo had developed an interest in architecture so he went on to study engineering.

After a decade of highly original work as an artist, Leonardo wrote to several wealthy men to help finance his projects. The Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza (1452-1508), accepted his offer as Leonardo told him that he could design war weapons like guns and mines, and also structures like collapsible bridges. He lived in Milan with the Duke from 1482 to 1508, reportedly creating very innovational war machines. He also did painting and sculpture, as well as urban planning for large-scale water projects. There, he also wrote about making a telescope to view the moon.

                   Available at: <>  (Edited).

Read this sentence from the text and analyze it:

“After a decade of highly original work as an artist, Leonardo wrote to several wealthy men to help finance his projects.”

The word “wealthy” could be replaced without change of meaning by

Q620743 Inglês

Read the cartoon below and answer question 41. 

The verb “clear”, in the cartoon, can be replaced by
Q619258 Inglês
Military Officers Face a New Evaluation
     Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is leading important changes following recent scandals involving high-ranking officers. This is part of training and development programs for generals and admirals. They will include new courses to train the security detail, executive staffs and even the spouses of senior officers.
     Saying he was disturbed about the misconduct issues, General Dempsey said that evaluations of top officers needed to go beyond the traditional assessment of professional performance by superior officers alone. He said that he had decided the changes were necessary “to assess both competence and character in a richer way”.
      “You can have someone of incredible character who can’t lead their way out of a forward operating base because they don’t have the competence to understand the application of military power, and that doesn’t do me any good”, General Dempsey said. “Conversely, you can have someone who is intensely competent in the skills of the profession, but doesn’t live a life of character. And that doesn’t do me any good.”
       General Dempsey said that regular professional reviews would be transformed from top-down assessments to the kind of “360-degree performance evaluation”, which includes feedback from subordinates, peers and superiors. For the new training programs, he said that while it may be impossible to prevent infractions, “most officers need to be reminded of the rules and regulations on a routine basis”.
      Teams of inspectors will observe and review the procedures of commanders and their staffs. The inspections will not be punitive, but will provide a “periodic opportunity for general officers to understand whether, from an institutional perspective, we think they are inside or outside the white lines”, he said. In addition, new programs will be instituted to ensure that a commander’s staff, and a spouse, are fully aware of military regulations.
      “In my 39 years in the military, I have learned that you are not a profession just because you say you are. You have to earn it and re-earn it and re-evaluate it from time to time”, General Dempsey said.

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According to the Macmillan English Dictionary Online, the word issue has the following definitions. Read them and answer the question below.

1. a problem that needs to be considered.
2. a magazine that is published at a particular time.
3. a set of things that are available to people at a particular time.
4. (formal) the act of officially giving something to someone.
5. (legal) someone’s children.

Which word is a synonym for evaluations in the text?

271: C
272: A
273: D
274: D
275: D