Questões Militares Comentadas sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q691543 Inglês

Mark the correct alternative.

When I saw a diamond necklace in a local jewelry store, I knew it was exactly what I ______ for.

Q691542 Inglês

Mark the correct option to complete the sentence below.

I've just finished reading a short story called “Dangerous”. It's about a woman who ______ her husband because she doesn't want to lose him.

Q691541 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly completes the two sentences below, respectively.

I- I ______ his insults patiently.

II- She ______ three children in six years.

III- The king’s body was ______ away to the cathedral.

IV- Hundreds of children are ______ deaf each year.

Q691535 Inglês

Choose the option that correctly completes the sentences below, respectively.

I- Factories are warning that they may have to ______ workers.

II- He wore a dark grey suit that would not ______ in a workplace.

III- This plan might ______ costing us more money.

Q691527 Inglês
In line 65, “(...) they have added extra forms to cope with the needs of their users (...)”, the phrasal verb in bold is closest in meaning to:
Q691525 Inglês

Which is the correct way to complete the text below?

You can now edit and format your Google Docs by voice

About six months ago, Google ______ voice typing for Google Docs on the web ______ you to dictate your text into a document. Today it's taking this feature a step further by also allowing you to edit and format your text by voice, too.

This ______ you can now say things like "select all, " "align center", "bold", "got to end of line", or "increase font size" and Google Docs ______ and follow your commands. You can find a full list of available commands here .


Q691523 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete this novel excerpt.

"Where is Louisia?", shouted Paul.

"Paul", said Mrs Schobert softly [...] "Louisia has not _________ nor ______ . She has not ________ home — yet. I am sorry. I don't know what to think."

(HOOD, P.F.F.; HOOD, C.L. Tomorrow, soldier. Part Three: Himmler's Gas Station. An autobiographical novel in four parts. Milton Keynes: UK. Author House, 2007, p.40.)

Q691518 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

How to prepare yourself for entrance exams

While you are studying for the test, ______ the time to anticipate what obstacles you might encounter when taking the actual test. A helpful tool for doing this will be the practice tests: ______ which questions trip you up the most. Then, ________ up with strategies for handling those minor issues while you take your exam.


Q691515 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the excerpt below?

The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall

' [...] Where did you get this recipe for roast chicken, my dear? Quite delicious.'

'It's the same thing we have every day, Daddy,' replied Annabel.

Is it really? It tastes quite different this week. Do you have a good cook at Hartlepool Hall, Edward? Is Mrs. Horton still there? But she ______ be. She ______ be dead by now. '

(TORDAY, Paul. The Legacy of Hartlepool Hall. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2012 . )

Q691507 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

                    25 simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body

      Let's be honest, we could all do with looking _________ ourselves better. And if you follow these simple well-being tricks to health-proof your body, you'll soon feel the benefits .

      Here are 25 instant body boosters from top to toe.

                     ( 2305412) 

Q691505 Inglês

Which option best completes the paragraph below?

Eat healthy

In today's fast-paced world, it is so easy ________ through a drive-through window to grab something to eat. It is also easy ______ into a gas station ______ a bag of chips, a soda, and some candy. However, ______ this is not the best choice for our bodies. Simply put - the more junk you put into your body, the worse you are going to feel. Try ______ your body with healthy food, drink plenty of water, and skip fast food lines as much as you can to feel healthy and happy.

(Abridged from

Q686373 Inglês
_____ your books. We'll need them in class today.
Q686371 Inglês
We ______ for our English test at the moment.
Q686370 Inglês
Where ______ on vacation last summer?
Q686368 Inglês
I tried to __________ them the truth but they wouldn't listen.
Q686367 Inglês
____________ dinner at 7 o'clock?
Q680832 Inglês

Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente.

Tomorrow I'm going to ______________ at the hairdresser's.

Q680826 Inglês

Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente.

She cannot get used _________ abroad.

Q679306 Inglês

Read the dialogue and complete it with the right form of the verb.

WAITER: Are you ready to order?

CLIENT: Would you mind _______ me the menu?

WAITER: Of course not. Here you are.

Q678484 Inglês

Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente:

Coptic Christians in Egypt ________________ persecution at the hands of the government. Claims against them under Mubarak’s regime were rarely punished. They have faced open discrimination while remaining peaceful.

201: D
202: E
203: C
204: C
205: E
206: D
207: E
208: C
209: C
210: D
211: C
212: C
213: A
214: A
215: A
216: B
217: D
218: B
219: C
220: A