Questões Militares Comentadas sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q846085 Inglês

      This news is about an 84-year-old woman from the UK. Her name is Ursula and she left school in 1944 unable to read. She had no time to learn to read because she had to look after her ill parents.

      Ursula felt sad that she could not read the papers or books like other people. She decided to learn to read now, in her 80s. She hopes that she can inspire other people to read too.

What is the main verb tense used in the text? Choose the correct verb tense.
Q845112 Inglês

                                   Military operations in megacities

                                         A linguistic perspective

      The challenge of conducting future military operations within megacities (cities with populations over ten million) lies in understanding the dynamic and multidimensional complexities of these urban areas. Military operations in megacities, whether combat-oriented or otherwise, will be similar to those in other urban environments, but will be complicated by factors unique to the megacity environment.

      First and foremost, megacities are largely multilingual. While this can be said of large cities in general, the scale of multilingualism in megacities magnifies its effects. For instance, in New York City (NYC) - a metropolitan megacity of over eighteen million people - nine foreign languages are spoken by communities of one hundred thousand or larger. Language also plays a role in determining one's identity and the language community in which one decides to live. For example, the majority of Russian speakers in NYC tend to live in south Brooklyn and Staten Island, while Chinese speakers tend to cluster in Manhattan and Sunset Park. In megacities, language, culture, and regional context go hand in hand and often reach beyond ethnic identities.

      In order to fully understand the context of a megacity, we must understand the role of the languages used in its communities. How _____(1) language communities interact in megacities? What tensions _____ (2) caused by multiple language communities in urban space? What role______ (3) language play in the power structures (government or otherwise) of megacities?

                                                                              Adapted from Military Review - Jan/Feb 2016

Choose the alternative containing the correct words to respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and (3) in paragraph 3.
Q845110 Inglês

                          A handwritten note from September 11

      In moments of crisis, our first thoughts are usually to get in contact with the people we love. September 11, 2001, was a day when many people wanted to know that their loved ones were safe. At 9:37 a.m., the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists who crashed an airplane into the western side of the building.

      Many people tried using the mobile phones that existed then, but few were successful. Franklin and Daria Gaillard (Frank and Chip) were both members of the Air Force and worked at the Pentagon. They worked in different parts of the building and had a previous agreement that they would meet at their car in the parking lot if there were any emergency.

      Daria was the first to arrive at the car and wrote a note to Franklin saying "Frank - Sweetie I am okay. I'm w/ my office over by the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Sign. I'll stay there till you come. Love lots & lots, Chip." Frank found the note and was able to locate his wife in the aftermath of the attack.

      What makes this story so interesting is the handwritten note. Today, in our digital culture, we have a variety of ways to let people know that we are safe. Text messages, voicemail, and different forms of social media can be used to get the information out to loved ones. In 2001, when these attacks__________(1), the cellular network was still growing and was not as robust as it is today.

      This letter is just one of the many objects that The National Museum of American History_________ (2) since 2001. To learn more, visit our online exhibition September 11th: Bearing Witness to History.

              Adapted from


Choose the alternative containing the correct verb tenses to complete gaps (1) and (2) in paragraphs 4 and 5 respectively.
Q839549 Inglês

Which option correctly completes these sentences?

1- It’s time to_____ the accounts.

2- I ______ French and Italian at school.

3- My daughter will_______a person-to-person call to Canada.

4- Bob ________an attempt to climb out the window while his mother wasn’t looking.

5- They________a fortune.

Q839531 Inglês

Which option correctly completes the text below?

The Rosetta Stone

"Egyptian hieroglyphic ________________ undeciphered until the 19th century. Members of Napoleon’s Egyptian expedition of 1799________________a black basalt stone, ______________ 114 x 72 cm, at Rashid (Rosetta). The stone ___________ with three different scripts: hieroglyphic, the derived demotic script,_________________ everyday purposes, and Greek. (...)”

(CRYSTAL, David. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010.)

Q839516 Inglês
Which option contains the correct answer?
Q839229 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?


Scientists _______ for the objectivity, but that ______ they don't have a sense of humour. When DrVazrickNatari______the white tufts capping the head of a new species of moth he ______around Baja California, one person______to mind: Donald J Trump. Explaining why he ______Neopalpadonaidtrumpi for the organism in 2017, Natari said: The specific epithet______because of the resemblance of the scales on the frons (head) of the moth to Mr. Trump’s hairstyle’.

(Adapted from http: / / blog.oxforddicttonaries. com)

Q839228 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.


      Our mind likes_____ our brain into_____that it’s right. Over time, this leads to us ______biases. Biases can be positive or negative, but it’s important______these deeply rooted subconscious factors.

(Adapted from https: / / www. makeuseof .com)

Q839225 Inglês

Which option best completes the paragraph below?

What is Marine Engineering?

About a century ago no one______about a marine engineer, but today it ______as established as any other famous ones. Over the last 100 years, engineering as a field of study ______ and diversified far beyond what ______imagined prior to this period. Not only this, it has also branched out into various specialized fields that ______ great progress. Most of these new fields are aligned to any of the basic engineering branches like mechanical, electrical, civil, electronics, computers etc and have something or the other incorporated from them. One such branch is called marine engineering.

(Adapted from http: / / www. marineinsight. com / careers)

Q839223 Inglês

What is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

Robots and writers

This article wasn't written by a robot - but the next one you read______have been. Robots are already in our midst, and you______be surprised what they______ do. Robots are reporting on earthquakes, sports, and writing huge numbers of Wikipedia articles. Odds are pretty good you’ve already read articles written entirely by robots without realizing it.

(Adapted from https: / / www, makeuseof. com)

Q839219 Inglês

Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Millennium development goals: an overview

The millennium development goals (MDGs)______, eight key areas - poverty, education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, disease, the environment and global partnership. Each goal ,______ by 21 specific targets and more than 60 indicators. The UN ______the MDGs 'the most successful anti-poverty movement in history’, but what progress______ on each of the goals?

(Adapted from 

Q839211 Inglês

Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

A change of habits

In recent years, dairy milk alternatives made from almonds, soy, cashews and coconuts ______ in popularity. Many people consider them more nutritious than cow's milk. Some people _______ them because they have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Others choose them for environmental reasons or because they want a vegan diet. Some just like the taste. Cow’s m ilk______once one of America’s most iconic beverages. But now Americans ______ less of it.

(Adapted from https ://

Q839210 Inglês

Choose the correct option to complete this paragraph.

Pamela is absolutely dedicated to work. She is a doctor and director of a university department where she has ______ a lot of research on anesthesiology. She has also ______ grants from federal and private organizations and has______ her projects all over the world to be presented at professional meetings.

Q839206 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

How to use the camera at the beach or near water

_______ the camera dry naturally in case it gets wet. After that, please______ the door/cover to be sure no sand is present. ______ as required. ______ the camera anywhere the temperature may exceed 35°C as this may damage the unit.

Q836413 Inglês
As far as the rules of pronunciation of regular simple past and past participle are concerned (e.g. the ending –ed), which verbs follow the same pronunciation pattern: 
Q836411 Inglês

Complete the slots with the best modal verb according to the idea suggested in parentheses:

I. I ______ drive well. (ability)

II. Internet _______ be public (obligation)

III. In case of fire, you ________ take the stairs (recommendation)

Q834783 Inglês
Mark the correct alternative.
Q834780 Inglês
Choose the correct alternative.
Q834768 Inglês

Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

Ruth wanted to be transferred to another department, but her application was________ because her own department is understaffed.

Q829312 Inglês
The sentence “Don't give up” (line 29) in the affirmative form is
141: A
142: E
143: D
144: E
145: A
146: B
147: C
148: D
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150: E
151: C
152: B
153: E
154: B
155: B
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157: B
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159: A
160: D