Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2009 para Sargento da Aeronáutica , Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 2)

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Q666843 Inglês
The text reveals that
Q666844 Inglês
In paragraph 4, we can infer that people get embarrassed because their clothes
Q666845 Inglês
In “...sweating is not evenly distributed over the body.”, (line 16), we can infer that
Q666846 Inglês
“for good”, (lines 2 and 3), is closest in meaning to any of the options, except
Q666847 Inglês

The following dialogue takes place between two native speakers of English in the lower airspace in the vicinity of a major airport. Two aircraft __________ towards the airfield:

Pilot – Fox Charlie speaking.

            Who’s ahead ... us or Golf Yankee?

Controller – Well... you’re neck and neck.

Pilot – We can keep a high speed in the descent if you want us to.

Controller – I don’t know how the TMA are going to plan

                     this. You can if you wish.

Pilot – You’re the boss.

Controller – Well they’ll be the boss when you get down

                     there. I’m just sort of keeping you apart for the


Pilot – Understood.


vicinity = proximidade

Fox Charlie = nome da aeronave

Golf Yankee = nome da aeronave

TMA = refere-se ao órgão de controle de tráfego aéreo 

Complete the introduction of the dialogue with the best option.
16: D
17: D
18: C
19: C
20: A