Questões de Concurso Militar EEAR 2010 para Sargento da Aeronáutica , Controle de Tráfego Aéreo (Turma 1)
Foram encontradas 100 questões
1- Os operários fizeram todo o trabalho.
2- Os operários não receberam o pagamento.
3- Os operários farão greve.
Em que ordem as orações acima devem estar para que o período composto por coordenação apresente a seguinte sequência lógica: assindética + adversativa + conclusiva?
E como ontem estivesse chovendo, tive a infeliz ideia, ao sair à rua, de calçar um velho par de galochas. Já me desacostumara delas, e me sentia a carregar nos pés algo pesado, viscoso e desagradável.
Os verbos destacados acima estão, respectivamente, no
É impressionante perceber como as crianças sabem mais do que supomos.
Assinale a alternativa na qual a conjunção destacada tem o mesmo valor sintático da em negrito acima.
Aquela atitude não representava a vontade da maioria.
Que alternativa substitui o verbo em negrito, de maneira que, no a do período, seja obrigatório o uso de acento grave?
Dona Alzira, inconsolável, reclamava da preguiça do marido.
Qual dos pronomes destacados nas alternativas abaixo não recebe a mesma classificação sintática do trecho em negrito acima?
Service Animals
A Therapy Dog is a kind of service animal – an animal that helps people. The most common service animal is a seeing eye dog. A seeing eye dog helps blind people. However, dogs help people in many other ways. Hearing ear dogs help people with hearing problems. These dogs listen for specific noises, such as a fire alarm. When the dog hears the sound, the dog touches the owner. However, if it’s an emergency, the dog may pull the owner out of danger. Usually small dogs are hearing ear dogs because they are easy to care for. Wheelchair assistance dogs are much larger because the dog’s main job is pulling the wheelchair. These dogs also open doors and get items for their owners, such as magazines.
(Adapted from Access Reading – Thompson)
Service Animals
A Therapy Dog is a kind of service animal – an animal that helps people. The most common service animal is a seeing eye dog. A seeing eye dog helps blind people. However, dogs help people in many other ways. Hearing ear dogs help people with hearing problems. These dogs listen for specific noises, such as a fire alarm. When the dog hears the sound, the dog touches the owner. However, if it’s an emergency, the dog may pull the owner out of danger. Usually small dogs are hearing ear dogs because they are easy to care for. Wheelchair assistance dogs are much larger because the dog’s main job is pulling the wheelchair. These dogs also open doors and get items for their owners, such as magazines.
(Adapted from Access Reading – Thompson)